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File #: 23-437    Version: 1 Name: PC - PUBLIC HEARING: SPR, AM, and AUP (P2022-0062), to allow 3-Story, 47.3-ft high, 35,073 sq. ft. Commercial/Office Development with Outdoor Dining 8570 National Blvd
Type: Public Hearing Status: Public Hearing
File created: 11/22/2022 In control: PLANNING COMMISSION
On agenda: 12/14/2022 Final action: 12/14/2022
Title: PC - PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of a Site Plan Review, Administrative Modification, and Administrative Use Permit (P2022-0062), to allow a Three-Story, 47.3-ft high, 35,073 sq. ft. Commercial/Office Development with Outdoor Dining, Subterranean Parking, and associated Site Improvements at 8570 National Boulevard (Project) and a Class 32 CEQA Exemption.
Attachments: 1. 22-12-14 _ATT No 1_Proposed PC Resolution 2022-P024 w Exhibits.pdf, 2. 22-12-14_ATT No 2_Vicinity Map.pdf, 3. 22-12-14_ATT No 3_Project Summary.pdf, 4. 22-12-14_ATT No 4_Preliminary Development Plans.pdf, 5. 22-12-14_ATT No 5_CEQA Tech Report.pdf, 6. 22-12-14_ATT No 6_Prelim Construction Mgmt Plan.pdf, 7. 22-12-14_ATT No 7_Approved Art Concept Plans.pdf, 8. 22-12-14_ATT No 8_Community Meeting Summaries.pdf, 9. 22-12-14_ATT No 9_Public Comment.pdf
PC - PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of a Site Plan Review, Administrative Modification, and Administrative Use Permit (P2022-0062), to allow a Three-Story, 47.3-ft high, 35,073 sq. ft. Commercial/Office Development with Outdoor Dining, Subterranean Parking, and associated Site Improvements at 8570 National Boulevard (Project) and a Class 32 CEQA Exemption.

Meeting Date: December 14, 2022

Contact Person/Dept: Gabriela Silva, Associate Planner
Erika Ramirez, Current Planning Manager

Phone Number: (310) 253-5736 / (310) 253-5727

Fiscal Impact: Yes [] No [X] General Fund: Yes [] No [X]

Public Hearing: [X] Action Item: [ ] Attachments: [X]

City Council Action Required: Yes [ ] No [X] Date: N/A

Public Notification: (Mailed) Property owners and occupants within a 500-foot radius and extended (11/22/2022); (Email) Public Notifications-Planning Commission (11/23/2022), Meetings and Agendas - Planning Commission (12/08/2022); (Posted) City website (11/23/2022), Onsite Sign (11/21/2022)

Department Approval: Jesse Mays, Assistant City Manager (12/05/2022)


Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 2022-P024, adopting a Class 32 Categorial Exemption pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section 15332 In-Fill Development Projects, and approving Site Plan Review, P20222-0062-SPR, Administrative Modification, P2019-0062-AM, and Administrative Use Permit, P2022-0062-AUP, for a new commercial/office Project with recommended setback revision and subject to conditions of approval.


1. Chair calls on staff for a brief staff report and the Planning Commission poses questions to staff as desired.

2. Chair opens the public hearing, providing the applicant the first opportunity to speak, followed by the general public.

3. Chair seeks a motion to close the public hearing after all...

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