CC - CONSENT ITEM: (1) Approval of Second Amendment to Memorandum of Understanding and Lease Agreement with Wende Museum of the Cold War, Inc for 10808 Culver Boulevard to Add Lease of City Owned Property at 10860 Culver Boulevard for Affordable Housing; and (2) Approval of a Resolution Declaring the Property to be Exempt Surplus Land Due to Its Future Use for Affordable Housing.
Meeting Date: June 10, 2024
Contact Person/Dept: Jesse Mays/ City Manager's Office
Phone Number: (310) 253-6000
Fiscal Impact: Yes [X] No [] General Fund: Yes [X] No []
Attachments: Yes [X] No []
Public Notification: (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas - City Council (06/06/2024)
Department Approval: John Nachbar, City Manager (06/03/2024)
Staff recommends the City Council (1) approve a Second Amendment to Memorandum of Understanding and Lease Agreement with the Wende Museum of the Cold War, Inc (Wende) for the property located at 10808 Culver Boulevard to add a lease of the City owned property at 10860 Culver Boulevard for affordable housing; and (2) approve a resolution declaring the property to be exempt surplus land due to its future use for affordable housing.
The City entered into a Memorandum of Understanding and Lease Agreement ("the Lease") with Wende Museum on December 3, 2012 for a 75 year lease of the City's Armory building, and renovation into what is now the Wende Museum (Attachment 1).
In July 2019, the City Council received a report on the status of the City-owned property at 10858 Culver Boulevard. The report identified five potential uses including (1) affordable housing for artists; (2) modular affordable housing; (3) a multiuse facility created by combining parcels to the west; (4) a community center operated by the Wende Museum; and (5) veteran services in the form of a service center and/or housing. Upon conclusion of the discuss...
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