CC - ACTION ITEM: Discussion and Direction for the Future Use of Melvil Street, Between Washington Boulevard and the City Boundary
Meeting Date: March 27, 2023
Contact Person/Dept.: Elaine Warner/Office of Economic and Cultural Development
Phone Number: (310) 253-5777
Fiscal Impact: Yes [] No [X] General Fund: Yes [] No [X]
Attachments: Yes [] No [X]
Commission Action Required: Yes [] No [X]
Public Notification: (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas - City Council (03/22/2023); Culver City Arts District BID (03/17/2023); Adjacent Residents to Melvil Street (03/17/2023); Melvil Community Space Petition (03/18/2022); September Community Meeting Attendees (03/18/2023)
Department Approval: Jesse Mays/Assistant City Manager (03/15/2023)
Staff recommends the City Council discuss and provide direction for the future use of Melvil Street, between Washington Boulevard and the City boundary.
In August 2020, the City Council approved the closure of Melvil Street between Washington Boulevard and the alleyway near the City boundary. The street closure was requested by the Culver City Arts District (CCAD) to promote economic recovery and support area businesses impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The closure area on Melvil Street was improved by the CCAD with artificial turf and shade tents. However, within a few months of the closure, staff began receiving complaints from adjacent residents about noise, illegal parking in the alley, trash, and late-night events. Staff met with representatives from the CCAD in December 2021 as to whether they wanted to assume responsibility for the space. It was determined, at that time, that Rosie’s Foundation, a local non-profit, would obtain the Temporary Use Permit (TUP) to use the street and manage the space until further direction.
In September 2022, a community meeting was held to discuss the vision for Melvil Street and in October 2022, staff brought forward a report requesting direction from City Council outlining the community feedback and potential closure options and costs (Attachment 1). Council directed staff to maintain the closure for future community use and park/open space and explore plan development including potential CEQA analysis. Shortly after the Council discussion, Rosie’s Foundation relocated to alternative office location and, as such, their TUP was rescinded. Currently, the space does not have an active TUP.
On January 23, 2023, the City Council requested that the future use of Melvil Street be further discussed. In the event the City Council is interested in changing the future use of Melvil Street, staff will bring back an item to a future meeting including an appropriate CEQA analysis.
There is no fiscal impact related to this discussion. The Adopted Budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 includes a $100,000 capital improvement allocation to the CCAD for a number of district improvement projects including the potential maintenance/improvement of Melvil Street. The funds have not yet been released pending execution of a funding agreement between the City and the CCAD, however they may be used to reimburse maintenance work completed to date.
1. October 10, 2022, Staff Report
That the City Council:
1. Discuss and provide direction for the future use of Melvil Street, between Washington Boulevard and the City boundary; and
2. If desired, provide direction to staff to bring an item back to a future City Council meeting including a CEQA analysis of the future use.