CAC - Consideration of a Concept for a Permanent Art Installation by Jorge Campos/PixelArt Toward Fulfillment of the City's Art in Public Places Program Requirement for a Project at 12300 Washington Blvd.
Meeting Date: March 21, 2023
Contact Person/Dept: B. Christine Byers / City Manager - Cultural Affairs
Phone Number: (310) 253-6003
Fiscal Impact: Yes [] No [X] General Fund: Yes [] No []
Public Hearing: [] Action Item: [X] Attachments: [X]
Public Notification: (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas - Cultural Affairs Commission (03/17/23)
Department Approval: Jesse Mays, Assistant City Manager (03/17/23)
Staff recommends that the Cultural Affairs Commission (CAC) consider the information provided, together with the recommendation of the CAC Public Art Subcommittee, and approve Jorge Campos/PixelArt's concept for a permanent art installation toward fulfillment of Culver City's Art in Public Places Program (APPP) requirement for a development project at 12300 Washington Blvd.
Jacmar Properties LLC is the developer (Applicant) of a project at 12300 Washington Blvd., a 11,100 sq. ft., 4-story office building.
Pursuant to CCMC Section 15.06.120, new commercial development projects with a building valuation of $500,000 or more and remodeling projects (tenant improvements) with a building valuation of $250,000 or more are subject to the City's Art in Public Places Program (APPP) requirement. To date, the minimum 1% APPP allocation the Applicant is required to fulfill is $19,758. This amount is based on the 1% APPP allocation associated with Building Permit B22-0542 which is for the core and shell. There will be at least one more Building Permit for the interior tenant improvements which will be issued separately. A final accounting of the cost for the art and the 1% APPP allocation is completed toward the end o...
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