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File #: 16-1159    Version: 1 Name: Expo-Downtown Bicycle Connector
Type: Minute Order Status: Action Item
File created: 6/13/2017 In control: City Council Meeting Agenda
On agenda: 8/28/2017 Final action:
Title: CC - Consideration of the Expo to Downtown Bicycle Connector Feasibility Study and Direction to Staff to Take Specific Actions to Further the Development of this Concept and Advance the Project to the Environmental and Engineering Phases.
Attachments: 1. EDBC Feasibility Study Report_20170515, 2. 2017-01-05 Culver City Boards, 3. 2017-06-12 EDBC City Council Presentation, 4. EDBC Public Comment thru May 25 2017
Related files: 16-199, 16-501, 16-531, 16-819
CC - Consideration of the Expo to Downtown Bicycle Connector Feasibility Study and Direction to Staff to Take Specific Actions to Further the Development of this Concept and Advance the Project to the Environmental and Engineering Phases.

Meeting Date: August 28, 2017

Contact Person/Dept: Eric Bruins/Public Works Department

Phone Number: 310-253-5616

Fiscal Impact: Yes [X] No [] General Fund: Yes [X] No []

Public Hearing: [] Action Item: [X] Attachments: [X]

Commission Action Required: Yes [X] No [] Date: 01/19/17

Public Notification: (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas - City Council (08/23/17);

Department Approval: Charles D. Herbertson, Public Works Director/City Engineer (08/17/17)


Staff recommends the City Council:
1. Consider directing staff to continue developing the project through environmental and engineering phases; and
2. Consider directing staff to pursue grant funding opportunities to secure funding for construction.


The City Council directed staff to evaluate the feasibility of connecting the Expo Station to Downtown Culver City with a high-quality bike facility. Project goals include: improving bicycle & pedestrian safety in the TOD District, promoting mobility options, increasing access to businesses and local destinations, and promoting community health and sustainability. In June 2016, the City retained TranspoGroup to develop project alternatives that would meet these goals.

TranspoGroup presented an initial concept proposal to the Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) on September 8, 2016. Based on feedback from the BPAC, TranspoGroup and City staff continued to develop the concept and engage with affected stakeholders. On January 7, 2017, the BPAC hosted a public workshop to gather additional stakeholder input and gauge public support for the proposed project. Appro...

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