1) Receive a Report from Staff about the Diversity Awareness Projects Ad Hoc Subcommittee's Kiosk Project; and 2) Discuss Report and Determine Next Steps
Meeting Date: May 23, 2023
Contact Person/Dept: Helen Chin/Human Resources
Phone Number: 310-253-5640
Fiscal Impact: Yes [] No [X] General Fund: Yes [] No [X]
Public Hearing: [] Action Item: [X] Attachments: [X]
Public Notification: (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas- City Council (05/18/2023); (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas- Equity & Human Relations Advisory Committee (05/18/2023); (E-Mail) All City Staff (05/18/2023)
Department Approval: Dana Anderson, Human Resources Director (05/18/2023)
Staff recommends that the Equity and Human Relations Advisory Committee (EHRAC): 1) receive a report from staff about the Diversity Awareness Projects Ad Hoc Subcommittee's Kiosk Project; and 2) discuss report and remaining next steps.
Discussions about the Diversity Awareness Project (DAP) Ad Hoc Subcommittee "kiosk" or informational signposts project started in August 2021. (Note: For the sake of this report, staff will refer to kiosks as "information signposts" to reduce the confusion that there is an electronic component to the project.) The Subcommittee, previously called "Historical Monuments Ad Hoc Subcommittee," met to consider how to pursue placing historical markers and/or symbolic markers and monuments throughout Culver City to commemorate people, places, or events in Culver City. At the January 25, 2022, EHRAC meeting, the Subcommittee discussed the different types of projects, including plaques, markers, murals, monuments, and a Diversity Walk. The Subcommittee also met with Cultural Affairs Manager Christine Byers who, at the time, advised that it is very important for ERHAC to coordinate with the Cultural Affairs staff, and Cultural Aff...
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