CC - ACTION ITEM: (1) Discussion Regarding a Potential Request for Proposals for a Feasibility Study for Bill Botts Fields and Veterans Memorial Park; (2) Discussion Regarding a Potential Request for Proposals for a Parks Master Plan; and (3) Direction to the City Manager as Deemed Appropriate.
Meeting Date: May 8, 2023
Contact Person/Dept: Armando Abrego/Parks, Recreation, and Community Services
Phone Number: (310) 253-6682
Fiscal Impact: Yes [X] No [] General Fund: Yes [X] No []
Attachments: Yes [X] No []
Public Notification: (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas - City Council (05/03/2023); (E-Mail) Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department Updates (05/04/2023); (E-Mail) Community Gardens Updates (05/04/2023); (E-Mail) PRCS Renter Group (05/05/2023)
Department Approval: Armando Abrego, PRCS Director (04/06/2023)
Staff recommends the City Council (1) discuss a potential Request for Proposals (RFP) for a feasibility study for Bill Botts Field and Veterans Memorial Park; (2) discuss a potential RFP for a Parks Master Plan; and (3) provide direction to the City Manager as deemed appropriate.
At the March 6 meeting, Council Member O'Brien received support to agendize a discussion concerning the creation of an RFP for a feasibility study for Bill Botts Fields and Veterans Memorial Park.
A park feasibility study is a financial study that determines the viability of a specific park and/or facility. The study can include a vision for the park and/or facility, what the organizational success looks like for the park and/or facility, and the community needs in support of the project. An assessment of the park and/or facility would take place and recommendations for needed changes would be offered.
A sample RFP (Attachment 1) has been created to show the details of what would be included in a feasibility study. T...
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