CC - CONSENT ITEM: Quitclaim of Storm Drain Easement through 5880 Adams Boulevard from Adams Boulevard to La Cienega Boulevard.
Meeting Date: October 14, 2024
Contact: Sammy Romo/Public Works Department
Phone Number: (310) 253-5619
Fiscal Impact: Yes [ ] No [X] General Fund: Yes [ ] No [X]
Attachments: Yes [X] No [ ]
Public Notification: E-Mail: (10/09/2024)Meetings and Agendas - City Council; E-Mail: (09/16/2024) Private Development Team for the Project at 5880 Adams Blvd
Department Approval: Yanni Demitri, Public Works Director/City Engineer (09/26/2024)
Staff recommends the City Council quitclaim the storm drain easement which runs through the property at 5880 Adams Boulevard, from Adams Boulevard to La Cienega Boulevard.
The property owner of 5880 Adams Boulevard is proposing building renovations and during the City's Project Review Committee's entitlement process, it was discovered that an existing abandoned storm drain runs from Adams Boulevard to La Cienega Boulevard underneath the building at the subject location. (Attachment 1)
The storm drain was constructed and then subsequently abandoned by Los Angeles County before it was incorporated by Culver City. It was also discovered that the easement for this storm drain pipe was never formally quitclaimed. The owner of the property has requested the City quitclaim the storm drain easement. The purpose of the quitclaim would be for Culver City to give up its rights to this storm drain easement (so the City would not be able to benefit from this easement in the future). This quitclaim would be formally recorded in the County recorder's office.
City staff asked the private property development team to video tape the storm drain line in order to determine if it is in fact abandoned. Video footage showed the storm drain line is clogged with debris and has ...
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