HA- (1) Amend the Existing Professional Service Agreement with Saint Joseph Center to Expand Homeless Outreach to Include Evenings and Saturdays in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $690,844; OR (2) Authorize the Release of a Request for Proposal for Homeless Outreach to Expand the Scope of Services.
Meeting Date: August 12, 2019
Contact Person: Tevis Barnes/Community Development Department
Christina Stoffers/Community Development Department
Phone Number: (310) 253-5782
Fiscal Impact: Yes [X] No [] General Fund: Yes [X] No []
Public Hearing: [] Action Item: [X] Attachments: [X]
Commission Action Required: Yes [] No [] Date:
Public Notification: (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas - City Council (08/08/19);
Department Approval: Sol Blumenfeld, Community Development Director (07/23/19)
Staff recommends the Culver City Housing Authority Board (Board) either:
1. Approve an amendment to the existing professional services agreement with Saint Joseph Center to expand homeless outreach to include evenings and Saturdays in an amount not-to-exceed $690,844; OR
2. Authorize the release of a Request for Proposal for homeless outreach to expand the scope of services.
Culver City has contracted with Saint Joseph Center (SJC) since 2005 to provide homeless outreach supportive services as well as data collection regarding the City’s homeless population. The contract was expanded in 2010 to include homeless outreach to four days a week, 70 nights of emergency motel stays, and transportation in the form of bus tokens (TAP cards). In addition, SJC also supports Culver City’s efforts around homelessness by matching the City’s most vulnerable homeless residents to appropriate housing subsidies through the Service Planning Area 5 (SPA 5) Coordinated Entry System (CES).
The Board is being asked to consider renewal and amendment to the contract for homeless outreach services with SJC or to authorize issuance of an RFP to obtain proposals from other providers for such services. Recently, SJC proposed to maintain Culver City’s current outreach schedule at a significant cost increase (from $156,034 to $434,412) largely related to staffing costs that were not charged in prior years of service. Currently SJC offers outreach from Monday through Thursday 8 am to 4 pm.
Staff and SJC have proposed considering expansion of services from four to six days a week including four evenings per week plus Saturdays and SJC has prepared a budget for the increased service to address expanded need.1
SJC’s proposed expanded outreach contract would provide homeless outreach in Culver City six days per week instead of four days, between hours of 7:30AM and 4:30PM on Mondays, from 7:30AM to 10PM Tuesday-Friday, and from 2PM-10PM on Saturdays.
Saint Joseph Center Experience
The SJC Homeless Outreach Team has operated in Culver City for over 24 years, 14 years under a formal contract with the City, providing homeless outreach assessment, case management and placement of 45 homeless individuals into permanent housing.
SJC is familiar with the general location and characteristics of Culver City’s homeless population as well as the concerns of the business owners, residents and City staff including the Culver City Police Department (CCPD) and Enforcement Services Division in the Community Development Department. During the annual Culver City Homeless Count, SJC drives along with CCPD to count the homeless “hot spots,” or areas of Culver City that have higher rates of chronic homeless activity, while also engaging homeless families and individuals and providing them with snacks, water, and referrals for local cold weather shelters. SJC also coordinates regularly with Culver City Enforcement Services to outreach to homeless individuals and connect them with social services.2
Proposed St. Joseph Outreach Contract
As discussed above, SJC’s proposed expanded outreach contract would provide homeless outreach in Culver City six days per week instead of four days, between hours of 7:30AM and 4:30PM on Mondays, from 7:30AM to 10PM Tuesday-Friday, and from 2PM-10PM on Saturdays. The staffing pattern needed to support this coverage will require the creation of two teams consisting of three people each, and this increase in team size will necessitate additional management and oversight. Each outreach team would include a Mental Health Specialist, Case Manager, and Peer Specialist. The outreach team would be field-based but would co-locate some team members in the City Housing Division office on certain days of the week to facilitate increased collaboration and connection with relevant City staff and departments. (See Attachment No. 2, Table 2 for details of the SJC expanded outreach team staffing.)
SJC would utilize the same service structure as above to engage, case manage, support, and locate shelter and permanent housing for homeless individuals. The goal of the expanded outreach contract would be to increase the total number of homeless individuals and families served from approximately 60 to 120 and to permanently house at least 15 of those homeless individuals.
Pursuant to Culver City Municipal Code Section 3.07.065.A, these professional services are exempt from formal competitive bidding procedures; provided, the contract is based upon competitive quotations, whenever practical, as determined by the City Manager. In this instance, SJC is the only provider currently able to meet the expanded homeless outreach specifications to include evenings and Saturdays. Based on the above, the City Manager has determined competitive quotations are not necessary in this case, if the City Council is desirous of moving forward with SJC. However, if a formal RFP process is desired, additional potential providers are discussed below.
Homeless Services Outreach Provider Options
The Board may want to consider authorizing the release of an RFP as an additional option. The following homeless outreach service providers would be contacted and encouraged to submit proposals:
1. Los Angeles E6 Outreach Team: St. Joseph Center
Preliminary research indicates that funded salaries are very similar to the proposed SJC contract but there is a higher overall cost due to the number of personnel which includes 20 staff split into 5 teams. 3
2. Santa Monica Homeless Interdisciplinary Street Team (C3): The People Concern
The City of Santa Monica contracts with The People Concern for citywide street outreach called C3. The annual budget is $525,407 and provides 5 staff members operating Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM to 5 PM in an impacted area of Downtown Santa Monica (Ocean Ave. to Lincoln Blvd. between Wilshire Blvd. to Pico Blvd.) Santa Monica’s obligation is $400,000 and The People Concern absorbs the remaining cost ($125,407) with cash match/funds leveraged by the agency’s other funding sources.
3. Redondo Beach Homeless Outreach Team: PATH
The City of Redondo Beach contracts with People Assisting The Homeless (PATH) for homeless outreach and engagement services. The program’s yearly cost is $50,000. This team consists of one staff member who operates 12 hours a week (Monday - 8 hour day, Tuesday/Wednesday - 2 hour days) along with another contracted PATH team. The team covers all of Redondo Beach City, except for the boardwalk. (See Attachment No. 3 for budget breakdown of the Homeless Outreach Contract.)
Other Sources of Funding for Homeless Outreach
The City applied for one-time Measure H funding through LA County Cities’ Implementation Grant and was awarded $40,000 for homeless outreach and engagement services that could be applied to fund homeless outreach consultant contracts. If the Board directs staff to release an RFP, the Housing Authority may utilize these funds for services performed by the E6 team for the duration of the RFP process which is expected to take 90 days.
To maintain the outreach program at the current level of services, SJC’s proposed budget for FY 2019-20 is $434,412. The 2018-19 SJC contract for outreach services was $156,034, which represents an increase of $278,378. This amount is much higher than previous year contracts with SJC, due to a significantly discounted rate and lower levels of staffing levels in prior. Under the current contract, only three positions are supported: Program Manager, Mental Health Specialist, and Case Manager. SJC has previously provided the following in-kind staff positions by absorbing the cost from other funding sources: Quality Assurance, Data Specialist, Peer Advocate, and Director of Outreach as well as direct client supportive service funds to assist with obtaining: flex funds, IDs, SSNs, document fees, personal care, emergency food and hygiene assistance. SJC’s proposed budget for FY 2019-20 now includes indirect costs, increased operating and direct client service costs, as well as additional staff positions that were previously provided as in-kind. At this new rate, this budget allows for these staff positions to continue to offer the same level of outreach services along with added staff support.
The proposed expanded level of service including evenings and Saturdays results in a total cost of $690,844 or a $534,810 increase from the current SJC contract and a $256,432 increase from the proposed 2019-20 SJC budget proposal. The proposed budget includes indirect costs, increased operating costs, increased costs for direct client services, and the following additional staff positions: Director of Outreach, Mental Health Specialist, Case Manager, Peer Advocate, Data Specialist, and Quality Assurance.
The Housing Authority has limited funds to maintain operating costs for the Housing Division and complete the Housing Programs identified in the FY19-20 Housing Division Work Plan. The Board should consider how these additional homeless outreach service costs may impact other housing programs proposed over the Work Plan six-year planning horizon and beyond. (See Attachment No. 5, Housing Programs Matrix).
1. Attachment No. 1, Table 1
2. Attachment No. 2, Table 2
3. Attachment No. 3, Table 3
4. Attachment No. 4, Table 4
5. Attachment No. 5, Program Matrix
That the Culver City Housing Authority Board:
1. Approve an amend to the existing professional services agreement with Saint Joseph Center to expand homeless outreach to include evenings and Saturdays in an amount not-to-exceed $690,844; and
2. Authorize Housing Authority General Counsel to review/prepare the necessary documents; and
3. Authorize the Executive Director to execute such documents on behalf of the Housing Authority;
4. Authorize the release of a Request for Proposals for homeless outreach services.
1. According to the 2017 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count, 227 people were found experiencing homelessness In Culver City. While the total number of people experiencing homelessness in Culver City increased 85% from the 2016 Homeless Count, the total number of unsheltered people increased by 150%. And for the first time since the start of the homeless census, an unsheltered family of 4 was enumerated. The 2018 and 2019 Homeless Census Data for Community and Cities is still under review by LASHA, but the homeless numbers are not decreasing. With the November 28, 2917, Housing Authority and City Council adoption of the Updated Plan to Combat and Prevent Homelessness, it was recognized that the City has also experienced high demand from residents and business owners for outreach services during evening and weekends.
The need to expand outreach services is also part of Strategy E of the County Homeless Initiative and is incorporated in Culver City’s Plan to Combat and Prevent Homelessness, under Goal 4: Enhance Data Tracking and Homeless Outreach Activities Among City Staff and Service Providers.
Under the current SJC contract, the following homeless individuals were assisted from July 2018 to March 2019:
• Total of 68 outreach clients served
• Of the 68, 46 clients connected to service
• 6 clients housed in permanent housing
• 7 motel vouchers used
Attachment No. 1, provides a detailed explanation of the SJC current outreach staff positions.
2. SJC provides intensive outreach services to homeless clients residing in their vehicles, typically where RVs or “live-aboards” often park. At the initial client contact, outreach staff obtains basic demographic data as well as information on individual’s physical and mental health status through the administration of a standardized assessment called the VI-SPDAT. If a homeless individual is unwilling to engage on the first encounter, the outreach team will revisit repeatedly and continue to encourage engagement to build rapport.
3. A salary schedule and budget was obtained for the Los Angeles County’s E6 Outreach Team from the Los Angeles Department of Health Services. The funded salaries are very similar to the proposed SJC contract, however, the total yearly budget has a higher fee of $560,810 because the SJC E6 team includes additional personnel: Registered Nurse, Clinical Supervisor, and Public Space Generalist. E6 is comprised 20 staff split into 5 teams. E6 operates Mondays through Fridays from 8:30AM to 4:30PM for West Los Angeles, ranging from Malibu to LAX.