CC - (1) Authorization and Direction to A) Pool Funding with the County and Other Cities or B) Receive and Deploy $4,157 in State of California Funding for 2020 Census Outreach; and (2) If Desired, Creation of a City Council 2020 Census Ad-Hoc Subcommittee, and Appointment of Two City Council Members Thereto; and (3) Additional Direction to City Manager Regarding 2020 Census Outreach Activities as Deemed Appropriate.
Meeting Date: October 28, 2019
Contact Person/Dept: Jesse Mays, Assistant City Manager
Phone Number: (310) 253-6000
Fiscal Impact: Yes [X] No [] General Fund: Yes [X] No []
Public Hearing: [] Action Item: [X] Attachments: [X]
Commission Action Required: Yes [] No [X] Date:
Public Notification: (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas - City Council (10/23/19)
Department Approval: John Nachbar, City Manager (10/22/19)
Staff recommends the City Council (1) authorize and direct the City Manager to either (a) pool funding with the County and Other Cities; or (b) receive and deploy $4,157 in State of California Funding for 2020 Census Outreach; (2) if desired, create a City Council 2020 Census Ad-Hoc subcommittee and appoint two City Council Members thereto; and (3) provide additional direction to the City Manager regarding 2020 Census outreach activities as deemed appropriate.
On March 21, 2019, the County of Los Angeles (County) elected to receive funding from the State of California to promote participation in the upcoming 2020 Census. The State’s campaign is designed to focus outreach efforts on both the geographic areas and demographic populations commonly referred to as hard-to-count (HTC). As a result, the County intends to allocate Census outreach funding to appropriate cities based on the amount of HTC geographic areas present within these cities according to the State’s CA-HTC Index and the Census Bureau’s Low Response Score measure. The County has elected to directly administer funds to appropriate cities. Based on State requirements to focus outreach efforts on HTC geographies and populations, Culver City is eligible for $4,157.00 in Census funding.
Cities can select between two options to manage their Census allocations:
Option 1 - Pooled Funds
Under this option, Culver City would pool its money with the County and other cities and, by doing so, be eligible to receive the following services based on its HTC funding allocation level:
Digital 2020 Census Media Kit
• High resolution 2020 Census Logos/Graphics to be used for print materials and/or online efforts (materials will be customizable for a city’s own branding, if desired).
• Available in 12 County threshold language groups (Arabic, Armenian, Chinese, Farsi, Japanese, Khmer, Korean, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog/Filipino, Thai, and Vietnamese).
• Short video files that users can download and share.
• Long format narrative videos and testimonial/success stories from those affected by federal funding because of Census.
• Social media (Facebook, lnstagram, Twitter, Linkedin, etc.) content including banners, graphics, hashtags, and a calendared trove of social media posts with interactive content for coordinated distribution.
• Census-branded photos.
• Branded and calendared outreach emails that may be personalized by a city.
• Branded FAQs about LA County and the 2020 Census.
• Branded, graphic 2020 Census timeline.
Direct Mail Campaign
• Outreach materials sent via U.S. mail directly to the City’s HTC Census block groups.
Earned and Paid Media Campaign
• Media outreach designed to reach the City’s HTC Census areas/populations.
Option 2 - City Deployment of State Funding
Under this option, Culver City would receive up to $4,157 in funding from the County. To be eligible for this allocation, a city must complete the following tasks:
1. Census Complete Count Committee Membership: A city may form its own committee, or it may join and participate in the County’s Complete Count Committee.
2. Strategic Implementation Plan: A city must submit a plan, subject to County approval, detailing the city’s plan for Census education/outreach targeting the city’s HTC areas/populations. Such plan must include:
o Approach
Detail how the city plans to maximize local participation in the 2020 Census with specific strategies, tactics and timelines, as well as describe how the city will use partnerships and leverage resources via approved activities/expenditures to achieve the highest self-response rate on the 2020 Census questionnaire.
o Partnership Coordination
Describe how the city will coordinate with the U.S. Census Bureau, the California Complete Count Committee, the County, community-based organizations, and other civil society organizations to avoid duplication and address gaps in Census outreach.
o Language Access Plan
Explain how the city will address language access in its jurisdiction.
o Accountability
Specify how the city plans to meet County reporting and data collection requirements.
o Budget
Provide specific itemization of how the city will use allocated funding, including, but not limited to, administrative costs (not to exceed 5 percent of the total allocation), outreach, and media.
3. Reporting: A city must agree to adhere to all State and County reporting requirements, including tracking all Census outreach events/activities using the attached Activities Tracking Sheet and submitting such spreadsheets on a monthly basis, and documenting that State funds are being used for the approved activities/expenditures identified below:
o Outreach activities/community events to educate/encourage HTC
o Populations to complete the Census questionnaire.
o Purchase of outreach materials (banners, bus wraparounds, flyers, etc.).
o Local paid media targeting HTC areas/populations.
o Distribution of outreach materials.
o Canvassing of HTC areas.
o Form-filling assistance.
o Phone banking.
o Pledge cards (creation and/or distribution).
o Translation/interpretation services.
o Promotion of local hiring of Census enumerators (in partnership with U.S.
o Census Bureau).
o Non-Response follow-up activities (during May-August 2020).
A draft sub-award agreement, which would need to be signed by the City, is attached.
4. Unused Funds: A city must agree to return any funds not used in accordance with State requirements.
Culver City must inform the County of its decision no later than November 6, 2019. If Option 2 is selected, Culver City must also submit its proposal by November 6, 2019.
Option 1 would provide the City with resources with a value that exceeds $4,157.00. For example, a City-wide mailer sent via U.S. mail costs approximately $15,000 to design, print, and mail. Production of a short video would cost $3,000 - $5,000. Design of a single digital advertisement would cost approximately $500 per advertisement. In addition, selection of Option 1 does not preclude the City from completing any additional Census outreach related activities desired.
Selection of Option 2 would likely require expenditures, including the staff time necessary to review and prepare the contract, and develop and transmit the required plans and reports, that would exceed the value of $4,157.00
An Ad Hoc City Council Subcommittee would provide feedback to staff on 2020 Census outreach activities. If the City Council selects Option 1, staff recommends the City Council create a Subcommittee to give staff feedback on how the City will use County provided resources, and on what other outreach the City should do related to the 2020 Census. If City Council selects Option 2, a Subcommittee would be necessary in order to review and approve a Strategic Implementation Plan, which would be required to be transmitted to the County by November 6, 2019, before the next City Council meeting. Alternatively, if a Subcommittee is not desired, the City Council could direct the City Manager to administer 2020 Census outreach and provide periodic reports to City Council.
Selection of Option 2 would result in a positive fiscal impact of up to $4,157.00, but would also require the expenditure of unknown hard and soft costs that would likely exceed the positive fiscal impact.
1. 2019-10-28_ATT - County Letter October 2019
2. 2019-10-28_ATT - County Letter May 2019
That the City Council:
1. Select Option 1 (Pooled Funds) for management of its State Census allocation of $4,157.00;
2. Select Option 2 (City Deployment of State Funding) for management of its State Census allocation of $4,157.00;
3. Authorize the City Attorney to review/prepare the necessary documents; and
4. Authorize the City Manager to execute such documents on behalf of the City; and
5. If desired, create a 2020 Census Ad-Hoc Subcommittee and appoint two City Council Members thereto; and
6. Provide additional direction to the City Manager as deemed appropriate.