PC - Public Hearing: Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit to establish a child daycare center with an outdoor play area in the Mixed Use Corridor 1 (MU-1) Zone located at 11132 Washington Boulevard
Meeting Date: January 22, 2025
Contact Person/Dept: Narek Mkrtoumian/Planning Technician
Emily Stadnicki/Current Planning Manager
Phone Number: (310) 253-5714 / (310) 253-5727
Fiscal Impact: Yes [] No [X] General Fund: Yes [] No [X]
Public Hearing: [X] Action Item: [] Attachments: [X]
City Council Action Required: Yes [] No [X] Date: N/A
Public Notification: (Mailed) Property owners and occupants within a 500-foot radius (12/24/2024); (Posted) City website (12/31/2024), Meetings and Agendas - Planning Commission (01/16/2024);
Department Approval: Mark E. Muenzer, Planning and Development Director (12/30/2024)
Staff recommends that the Planning Commission 1) Adopt a Class 3 Categorical Exemption for this project, pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act Section 15303 Conversion of Small Structures, and 2) Approve Conditional Use Permit, P2024-0269-CUP, subject to the Conditions of Approval as stated in the proposed Resolution.
1. Chair calls on staff for a brief staff report and Planning Commission poses questions to staff.
2. Chair opens the public hearing, providing the applicant the first opportunity to speak, followed by the general public.
3. Chair seeks a motion to close the public hearing after all testimony has been presented.
4. Planning Commission discusses the matter and arrives at its decision.
On November 4, 2024, Purple Magpie Mandarin, LLC submitted an application for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP). The application proposes the conversion of an existing 3,750 square foot office building, involving minor interior and exterior alterations, into a 4,063 square foot facility for a child daycare and private school with four classrooms. Additionally, the applicant plans to convert the rear portion of the existing parking lot into a 2,318 square foot outdoor play area. These modifications are designed to comply with the California Department of Social Services regulations, which require 35 square feet of indoor space and 75 square feet of outdoor space per child.
Project Site/Existing Conditions
The Project Site is located at 11132 Washington Boulevard, on the south side of Washington Boulevard between Sepulveda Boulevard and Washington Place (see Vicinity Map, Attachment No. 2).
The Land Use Element of the City's General Plan designates this site and surrounding properties as Mixed Use Corridor 1, which is consistent with the site's zoning designation of Mixed Use 1 (MU-1).
An assisted living facility is located directly north of the property on Washington Boulevard. To the south, the project site borders a two-family residential zone, separated by an existing alleyway. The east and west sides are a mix of commercial, retail, and restaurant uses, some of which are vacant. The adjacent zoning and land uses are listed below.
Project Description
As illustrated in the Preliminary Development Plans (Attachment No.4), the applicant proposes tenant improvements to the existing commercial building to establish a childcare center. The proposed center will offer space for 60 children, divided into four classrooms with a capacity of 15 students in each room.
Interior alterations include the addition of a break room for employees, an on-site kitchen to prepare meals for the children, an office, and a second-floor exit. A portion of the parking lot in the rear of the building will be converted into a 2,318 square foot outdoor play area that the classes will rotate using throughout the day. Landscaping will be improved across the site and the remaining rear portion of the lot will be restriped to create a pick-up and drop-off zone for parents.
No on-site parking will be provided. Off-site parking will be provided for staff members on an as-needed basis to avoid impact on the surrounding community. Purple Magpie Mandarin will provide one parking space for each full-time or full-time equivalent staff member. The following are the characteristics of the proposed use:
* There will be up to 60 full and part-time students.
* There will be approximately 8 employees.
* The children will range between the ages of 18 months and 6 years old.
* The use will operate between the hours of 7:00 AM and 6:00 PM, year-round.
* Student pick-up and drop-off times will be staggered in 15-minute intervals along Washington Boulevard and in 3 striped loading spaces in the rear alley.
* Staff will be available at the front and rear entrances to facilitate pick-up and drop-off and use technology that Purple Magpie currently uses to coordinate times.
The applicant currently operates a large family childcare center at 11814 Braddock Drive in Los Angeles, serving 16 children. Due to increasing enrollment, they are seeking a larger location at the project site.
According to Culver City Municipal Code (CCMC) Chapter 17.220.015, establishing a child daycare center requires a Conditional Use Permit (CUP). Under CCMC Chapter 17.700.010, a child daycare center is defined as a commercial or non-profit facility specifically designed, approved, and licensed for childcare purposes, without any permanent residents. This category includes infant centers, preschools, sick-child centers, and school-age daycare facilities.
As previously noted, the applicant plans to reuse the existing structure with minor improvements and will create a play area at the rear of the building. The building will be modified to add 313 square feet, bringing the total to 4,063 square feet. The project meets all other Municipal Code standards as shown in the Project Summary (Attachment No. 3). Traffic impacts that may result from project operations were analyzed and are summarized below.
Traffic, Parking, and Circulation
The applicant's consultants prepared a traffic management plan to ensure that pick-up/drop-off operations would not cause a spillover effect on the surrounding streets (Attachment No. 5). The City's Public Works Department reviewed and approved the study.
Hours of Operation
The daycare will operate Monday through Friday from 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM. The drop-off and pick-up times are staggered to manage traffic flow efficiently. The students are divided into four classes, each with staggered times for drop-off and pick-up to minimize congestion.
Site Access and Circulation
Student drop-off and pick-up will occur in the alley behind the building, connecting to Center Street and Harter Avenue, and in the metered parking areas along Washington Boulevard. The approved traffic management plan indicates no significant impact on local traffic circulation and safety. The staggered drop-off and pick-up times, along with staff assistance and the use of both the alley and Washington Boulevard, will maintain efficient traffic flow and minimize disruptions to adjacent properties and nearby residents.
Proposed Drop-off and Pick-up Zone in Alley Way
Three 60-degree angled stalls will be designated in the alley for loading and unloading students. Each 30-minute interval will accommodate 12 vehicles, with each vehicle spending approximately 7.5 minutes in the loading zone. Staff will assist with loading and unloading to ensure efficiency.
The staggered schedule is designed to limit the number of vehicles arriving at any one time. The maximum estimated traffic volume is 12 vehicles per staggered period, assuming a worst-case scenario with no parents walking or utilizing Washington Boulevard. See attachment 5, pages 4-6 for a detailed discussion.
Daycare Traffic Circulation
Vehicles will travel southbound from Harter Avenue to Center Street, enter the angled stalls head-in for loading/unloading, then exit southbound toward Center Street.
The proposed traffic management plan indicates no significant impact on local traffic circulation and safety. Coordination with the Mobility and Traffic Engineering Division has provided additional support for the center's traffic management plan. The applicant has now been granted permission to utilize the metered zone on Washington Boulevard for pick-up and drop-off. This addition will significantly minimize potential traffic concerns by distributing the traffic load between the alley and Washington Boulevard, thereby reducing congestion in the alley.
Staff Parking
Off-site parking will be arranged for staff members to avoid impacting the surrounding community. Each full-time or equivalent staff member will have access to a parking space unless they use alternative transportation methods (ride share, carpooling, walking, or public transport).
Discussions are ongoing with local businesses and civic organizations for off-site parking. The Elks Lodge has indicated the availability of 12 parking spaces for lease, located within a 5-minute walk of the childcare center. A sample lease agreement from the Elks Lodge is included as Attachment No. 6. The applicant will be required to submit a parking lease agreement prior to beginning operation of the child daycare center.
Two hybrid community meetings were scheduled as part of the project review process. The first community meeting was held on May 9, 2024, and had no attendees.
The second community meeting was held October 29, 2024. Three members of the public joined and were supportive of the project but did have concerns around the applicant's proposed child pick-up and drop-off plan during peak hours. As discussed above, the applicant has since provided a traffic management plan by a professional traffic operation engineer and will be leasing parking off-site for staff.
As part of the public notification process, notices were mailed to owners and occupants within 500 feet of the subject site on 12/24/2024. In addition, the notice was distributed through the GovDelivery system and posted on the City website on 12/31/2024, respectively. As of the writing of this report, staff has not received any public comments in response to the public notification of the public hearing for this item.
Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines, initial review of the Project established there are no potentially significant adverse impacts on the environment and the Project has been determined to be Categorically Exempt pursuant to Section 15303, Class 3 - Conversion of Small Structures Project. The project is consistent with the General Plan policies and Zoning Code regulations; occurs within City limits on an existing commercial building that is a conversion from one use to another with minor exterior modifications in an urban area less than 10,000 square feet. Therefore, the Project is categorically exempt pursuant to the above noted CEQA section.
Based on the proposed preliminary development plans, operations description, and recommended conditions of approval, staff considers the project to be compatible with the surrounding neighborhood, consistent with the Culver City General Plan and the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Staff believes the findings for Conditional Use Permit, P2024-0269-CUP, can be made as outlined in Resolution No. 2025-P001 (Attachment No. 1).
There is no fiscal impact from this project to the City.
1. Proposed Resolution No. 2025-P001 with Exhibit A: Conditions of Approval and Exhibit B Code Requirements
2. Vicinity Map
3. Project Summary
4. Preliminary Development Plans
5. Traffic Management Plan
6. Sample Offsite Parking Lease Agreement
7. Preliminary Construction Management Plan
That the Planning Commission:
1. Adopt a Class 3 Categorical Exemption for this project, pursuant to CEQA Section 15301- Conversion of Small Structures, finding there are no potentially significant adverse impacts on the environment, and
2. Approve Conditional Use Permit, P2024-0269-CUP, subject to the Conditions of Approval as stated in Resolution No. 2025-P001