CC -- Receive a Facility Condition Assessment Presentation from Faithful + Gould regarding 19 of the City’s Largest Facilities.
Meeting Date: October 28, 2019
Contact Person/Dept: Joe Susca/Public Works-Administration
Phone Number: (310) 253-5636
Fiscal Impact: Yes [] No [X] General Fund: Yes [] No [X]
Public Hearing: [] Action Item: [X] Attachments: []
Commission Action Required: Yes [] No [X] Date:
Public Notification: (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas - City Council (10/23/19)
Department Approval: Charles D. Herbertson, Director of Public Works/City Engineer (10/17/19)
Staff recommends the City Council receive a presentation from Faithful + Gould on the condition of its 19 largest facilities and review a 10-year maintenance needs projection as well as the implications for various funding options for facility maintenance over the next 10 years.
The City’s facilities are some of its most valuable assets. Planning and conducting preventative maintenance activities ensures their continued enjoyment, decreases system and equipment failures, and reduces the frequency of unexpected and sometimes costly repairs.
Upon conclusion of a competitive proposal process, on November 12, 2018 the City Council approved a contract with Faithful + Gould to conduct Facility Condition Assessments at 19 of the City’s largest facilities and to prepare a 10-year maintenance needs projection that is based on those assessments. The presentation will also explain the implications of various facility maintenance funding levels on the overall condition of City facilities.
The assessments the Faithful + Gould team conducted were comprehensive in nature and included such items as parking area pavement and striping, roofing, painting, carpet/vinyl flooring, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, plumbing, elevators, water heaters, gates/rollup doors, fire alarm and suppression systems, scales, fences/barrier walls, emergency power generators, bus washers and vacuums, storage tanks, pumps, window seals, ceiling tiles, skylights, and lighting fixtures. The assessment reports also highlight any outstanding Americans with Disability Act compliance issues already outlined in the City’s 2018 Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan. The following facilities were included within the scope of work (the “Project”):
• City Hall
• Transfer Station
• Public Works Maintenance Yard
• Transportation
• Fire Stations 1, 2, and 3
• Fire Training Yard
• Police Station
• Ince, Cardiff and Watseka Parking Structures
• Senior Center
• Teen Center
• Veteran’s Memorial Complex
• Ivy Substation Theater
• Municipal Plunge
• El Marino Park - Recreation Building
• Culver West Park - Recreation Building (see note below)
The Project approach involved pre-assessment interviews with staff, reviewing repair/maintenance logs, as-built construction documents, performing site inspections, and preparation of an asset database complete with photographs of systems and equipment.
The Faithful + Gould assessments revealed a number of deferred maintenance items at each facility. The repair schedule and the Estimated Useful Life (EUL) for each asset is determined by widely accepted industry standards. EULs are an approximation and property owners may experience an EUL that is longer or shorter than its estimate.
The Faithful + Gould team will present a summary of their findings this evening along with a summary of the projected facility maintenance needs over the next 10 years and the implications of various funding levels for facility maintenance over this 10-year period.
The cost of this condition assessment was included in the FY 2018/2019 Capital Improvement Budget that was approved by City Council.
Staff will refer to the 10-year maintenance plan Faithful + Gould created when preparing future capital budget requests and will use the priority ratings in the report to determine higher priority deferred maintenance items that should be addressed first.
1. 2019-10-28_ATT_Executive Summary Report
That the City Council:
Receive a presentation from Faithful + Gould on the condition of the City’s nineteen largest facilities and review a 10-year plan to maintain them.
(1) Separately, and using a checklist provided by Faithful + Gould, in-house staff will conduct assessments for the minor structures located at the City’s remaining parks.