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File #: 20-973    Version: 1 Name: PC - 3336-3340 Helms Ave - 8-unit Condo
Type: Public Hearing Status: Public Hearing
File created: 5/13/2020 In control: PLANNING COMMISSION
On agenda: 5/27/2020 Final action: 5/27/2020
Title: PC - Consideration of an Administrative Site Plan Review and Tentative Tract Map No. 82973 for the Construction of an Eight (8) Unit Condominium Subdivision located at 3336 and 3340 Helms Avenue.
Attachments: 1. 2020-05-27_ATT No 1_3336-3340 Helms Ave_PC Reso and Exhibit A, 2. 2020-05-27_ATT No 2_Vicinity Map.pdf, 3. 2020-05-27_ATT No 3_Project Summary Form.pdf, 4. 2020-05-27_ATT No 4_Preliminary Development Plans.pdf, 5. 2020-05-27_ATT No 5_Tentative Tract Map 82973.pdf, 6. 2020-05-27_ATT No 6_Community Meeting Summary.pdf, 7. 2020-05-27_ATT No 7_Preliminary CMP.pdf
PC - Consideration of an Administrative Site Plan Review and Tentative Tract Map No. 82973 for the Construction of an Eight (8) Unit Condominium Subdivision located at 3336 and 3340 Helms Avenue.

Meeting Date: May 27, 2020

Contact Person/Dept: Michael Allen, Current Planning Manager;
Gabriela Silva, Associate Planner

Phone Number: (310) 253-5736 / (310) 253-5727

Fiscal Impact: Yes [] No [X] General Fund: Yes [] No [X]

Public Hearing: [X] Action Item: [] Attachments: [X]

City Council Action Required: Yes [] No [X] Date: N/A

Public Notification: (Mailed) Property owners and occupants within a 500-foot radius and extended (05/06/2020); (Email) Master Notification List (05/07/2020), Meetings and Agendas - Planning Commission (05/21/2020); (Posted) City website (05/06/2020), Onsite Sign (05/04/2020).

Department Approval: Sol Blumenfeld, Community Development Director (05/21/2020)


Staff recommends that the Planning Commission 1) Adopt a Class 32 Categorical Exemption for this project, pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act Section 15332 In-Fill Development Projects, and 2) Approve Administrative Site Plan Review, P2019-0329-ASPR, and a recommendation to the City Council for approval of a Tentative Tract Map No. 82973, P2019-0329-TTM, subject to the Conditions of Approval as stated in Resolution No. 2020-P009 (Attachment No. 1).


1. Chair calls on staff for a brief staff report and Planning Commission poses questions to staff as desired.

2. Chair opens the public hearing, providing the applicant the first opportunity to speak, followed by the general public.

3. Chair seeks a motion to close the public hearing after all testimony has been presented.

4. Planning Commission discusses the matter and arrives at its decision.



On December 11, 2019, an application was submitted by BCG Helms Homes, LLC (the Applicant/the Property Owner) for an Administrative Site Plan Review (ASPR) and Tentative Tract Map (TTM). The application request is to allow the following:

* Demolition of two (2) existing single-family dwellings and two (2) detached accessory structures (garages);

* Consolidation of two (2) parcels into one (1) and subdivision of the resulting parcel into eight (8) airspace condominiums; and

* Construction of eight (8) attached residential condominium dwelling units (i.e. one (1) dwelling unit on each of the proposed airspace lots).

Zoning Code Section 17.540.015.C.3, requires the referral of a Site Plan Review application to the Planning Commission, that otherwise could be approved administratively, if another action requires Planning Commission review and approval. As a Tentative Tract Map is submitted as part of the overall project application, both entitlements are being considered by the Planning Commission.

Project Site/Existing Conditions

The Project Site is located at 3336-3340 Helms Avenue, on the east side of Helms Avenue, south of Washington Boulevard and north of Jacob Street (see Vicinity Map, Attachment No. 2). The parcel is flat in topography and rectangular in shape, measuring 12,559.5 square feet. Currently, the site is improved with two (2) one-story single-family dwelling with two (2) detached garages at the rear, and site improvements including landscape, hardscape, and fences. Access to the existing parcels is provided by two (2) driveways along the northerly and southerly edges of the overall subject site, connecting with Helms Avenue. The existing streetscape along the subject frontage consists of a four (4) foot wide sidewalk, and six (6) foot wide parkway including one (1) mature street tree and two (2) smaller street trees.

The Land Use Element of the City's General Plan designates this site and surrounding properties along Helms Avenue as Medium Density Multiple Family Residential, which is consistent with the site's zoning designation of Residential Medium Density Multiple Family (RMD).

The Project Site is representative of the prevailing conditions in the surrounding neighborhood. Properties to the north, south, east, and west are also flat, rectangular in shape, and similar in size, with an average lot size of 6,270 square feet for the block for a single lot/parcel.

The surrounding zoning and land uses are as listed below.

* North: Residential Medium Density Multiple Family (RMD) Zone (two-story multi-family dwellings)

* South: Residential Medium Density Multiple Family (RMD) Zone (one-story single- and multi-family residential dwellings)

* East: Residential Medium Density Multiple Family (RMD) Zone (one- and two-story single- and two-family residential dwellings)

* West: Residential Medium Density Multiple Family (RMD) Zone (one- and two-story single- and multi-family residential dwellings, across Helms Ave)

Project Description

As illustrated in the Preliminary Development Plans (Attachment No.4), the applicant proposes to demolish all existing on-site improvements and construct eight (8) condominium dwelling units with associated site improvements. The proposed condominium dwelling units have been designed as attached two-story structures, located above a semi-subterranean parking garage. The proposed project has a maximum overall building height of 28-feet, 6-inches, to the top of the higher second-floor building roof. Additional roof-mounted projections for parapets/guardrails reach up to an additional five (5) feet, and 6.5 feet for stairwells (or 9.5 feet when measured from the lower roof on which the stairwells are located). Each unit will have its own 2-car garage within the proposed semi-subterranean garage, and two (2) guest parking spaces are proposed, for a total of eighteen (18) off-street parking spaces. The dwellings are configured into one (1) building and arranged in a U-like pattern, with ground floor open space at the center between the dwellings. The front dwelling units will have street-facing entries, while three (3) of the center units will have entries facing an interior courtyard, and the two (2) rearmost units will be accessed from side facing entries. The side entries are designed to be recessed further from the main building wall. All units have a secondary egress that connects to a small outdoor patio area. The units include a mix of two-bedroom and three-bedroom, with 2.5 to 3.5 baths, ranging from approximately 1,563 to 1,982 square feet. All improvements are consistent with the provisions of the Culver City Municipal Code (CCMC).


The RMD Zone allows one (1) unit per 1,500 square feet of net lot area, up to a maximum of nine (9) dwelling units. Based on the net lot area of 12,559.5 square feet, a maximum of eight (8) units may be allowed on the site. The RMD Zone requires a minimum front yard setback of ten (10) feet or half the building height, side yard setbacks of five (5) feet, and a rear yard setback of ten (10) feet or five (5) feet when adjacent to an alley. The maximum allowable height is two (2) stories and thirty (30) feet. As shown in the Project Summary (Attachment No. 3), the proposed development conforms to all regulations of the RMD Zone.


Architectural Design

The structure is a two-story building over a semi-subterranean parking garage, with a podium up to four (4) feet in height above grade, which spans into the side and rear setbacks to within 1'-6" of the corresponding property lines. The building layout resembles a U-shape that allows for the street-facing fa?ade to give the appearance of two (2) separate buildings. The structure is characterized by a modern architectural style, incorporating straight lines and right angles, with a flat roof. The building incorporates both flat and angled parapets to provide articulation at the front fa?ade. The two-story structure will have a smooth stucco finish at various segments, including a majority of the side elevations, and portions of the front and rear fa?ades. Cement board lap siding and cement board panels are proposed at select areas on all elevations, with siding at two (2) focal locations along the front fa?ade, which serves to break up the building mass and further emphasizes the appearance of two (2) structures. Additional materials include metal railings and trim. Window placement and the varying sizes also play into the building architecture, with framed projecting window trim at select window locations providing articulation.

The overall design and street view are further enhanced with metal awnings, metal railings, and projecting metal trim/fin feature that is vertically oriented on the fa?ades of the two (2) front units. This feature is not specifically listed in the Zoning Code list of architectural projections but may be allowed if considered similar to a green screen, which is allowed to encroach twelve (12) inches into any setback, if deemed appropriate by the Planning Commission. The entries to the front units are oriented to the street and, along with the various architectural elements, aid in maintaining communication with the street and contributes to the pedestrian-oriented quality of the streetscape. This includes the steps and raised decks used to reach the first floor which is four (4) feet above grade. The building mass is articulated and broken up by use of material changes. The building is designed to provide changes in the building materials, ornamental features, and some variations in the building plane, adding to the multi-dimensional appearance of the building. The color palette consists primarily of white and two (2) grey tones. Black and orange accents at various architectural and ornamental features are also used. The color palette serves to provide depth and contrast throughout the building.

The semi-subterranean garage is accessed from Helms Avenue through a proposed twelve (12) foot wide driveway located at the northerly edge of the property. The entry is set back approximately forty-five (45) feet from the front property line, minimizing the visual impact of the off-street parking facilities.

The project design strives to be compatible with the residential structures in the neighborhood. The building height and massing is consistent with the zoning standards of the RMD Zone, and intent of the ASPR required findings.


Landscape will include a variation in plant materials, including trees, and colors to soften the building fa?ade and enhance the street view aesthetics of the site. There are limited opportunities for landscaping beyond the front yard, due to the need for walkways to access the various unit entries and the semi-subterranean garage, the proposed driveway, and the provision of the required parking in a semi-subterranean garage. The excavated footprint and projecting nature of the semi-subterranean garage presents challenges to implementing any significant planting beyond the front yard. Landscaping will be maximized by providing plantings at remaining areas, including vines along the side property lines, where the setbacks will be used primarily for walkway, and screen planting along the easterly (rear) setback area of the site. The various internal patios will also incorporate varying plantings, including trees, and will also occur at planter areas at the rear of the site. The majority of the landscape will be at the front yard, and will include a minimum of three (3) trees, as well as a variety of shrubs. The rooftop decks will have minimal with shrub planting at select areas along the roof perimeter. Proposed landscaping will be required to complement the building and enhance the appearance of the development. Landscaping will also include at least one (1) street tree on Helms Avenue, the species of which shall be in accordance with the Culver City Urban Forrest Master Plan; permanent irrigation will be required to be provided as part of the on-site irrigation. Preliminary landscape information is included in the preliminary development plans made part of this report (Attachment No. 4).

Open Space

The proposed development provides the required open space for each unit by means of private rooftop decks, which are accessed from the second-floor hallway areas. Each rooftop deck measures approximately 300 to 400 square feet, thereby meeting the minimum requirement of one hundred (100) square feet. The rooftop open space areas are bounded by the building parapet walls and additional railings needed for safety, measuring between 3.5 and five (5) feet in height. The rooftop open space areas are stepped back a minimum of an additional five (5) feet from the sides of the building, which aids in minimizing visibility onto abutting properties to preserve privacy. Additionally, each unit has a supplementary outdoor open space area at the ground floor between the units, measuring approximately 100 square feet, with the rear units having larger areas approximately 300 square feet within the rear yard setback.

Neighborhood Compatibility

The proposed development is located along the 3300 block of Helms Avenue, which is a local street developed with a variety of one-story and two-story single- and multiple-family residences. The block is zoned RMD, similar to the surrounding street (Caroline Avenue); additional streets in the residential neighborhood are zoned Residential Two-Family (R2). With the exception of Helms Avenue, the surrounding residential streets in this neighborhood (e.g. Caroline Ave, Sherbourne Dr, Cattaraugus Ave, Fay Ave, etc.) are generally zoned for a higher density than their General Plan Land Use designation, which has resulted in a lower density development than what appears in the Zoning Map. The subject block includes single- and two-family development, as well as multiple-family development consistent with the higher density designation (Medium Density Multiple Family Residential) envisioned for the block by the City's General Plan Land Use Element.

The project exceeds the average density of two (2) units per standard lot for the block, as there are only a handful of two (2) to four (4) unit developments within the subject block and the surrounding streets have a lower density General Plan Land Use designation. However, the proposed eight-unit development, which comprises two (2) standard lots (i.e. four (4) dwellings per standard lot), is within the allowable density formula, in compliance with the RMD Zone and corresponding General Plan designation.

Front Setback and Street Massing
The building is adequately set back to conform to, and exceed, zoning requirements. The building also incorporates architectural features and materials that break-up the massing and bulk of the development to be more compatible with the mix of development in the neighborhood. The average front setback for the sample block is eighteen (18) feet, while the required setback is 14'-3", based on the RMD zone requirement of ten (10) feet or half the building height. Therefore, the proposed front setback of fifteen (15) feet, is sensitive to the average condition on the block, considering the five (5) buildings to the north have a front setback of approximately 10-feet, 3-inches. In addition, the overall building is designed to create the appearance of two (2) buildings, which are further segmented by change in materials and colors, and the use of overhangs that changed the perceived building mass located closest to the front property line.

While the maximum allowed building height is thirty (30) feet, the proposed maximum roof height is 28'-6" to the taller second-floor roof, with the lower roof at 25'-6", and additional height for parapets, guardrails, and stairwell projections. The parapets/guardrails extend to a maximum of thirty-three (33) feet, while the stairwells project to a maximum of thirty-five (35) feet. The front stairwell projection is set back 24'-6" from the street, so as to be visually minimized from the street view compatible with the average block height of 18-feet, six-inches. The building's height will be a contrast from the 15'-9"-high structure on the south-abutting property and the 19'-4"-high building to the north. However, there are also lower density buildings in the twenty (20) to twenty-nine (29) foot-high range, which give the neighborhood a more diverse development character.

Lot Coverage
The Zoning Code does not restrict lot coverage; however, the project proposes approximately 66% overall for the site. The lot coverage range for the block is 15 to 56 percent, with a block average of 33 percent. The proposed development is only slightly above the range of the existing development, as it aims to reach a balance between consistency with the existing conditions in the sample block, while maximizing the unit floor areas consistent with the higher allowances of the Zone and General Plan Land Use designations.

Although the overall project is a departure from the prevailing conditions in the neighborhood, the project design attempts to be sensitive to the existing neighborhood development, and also to the goal of preserving privacy for abutting properties. Therefore, roof decks are required to be set back from the building's side edges. The preservation of privacy is also considered by the project relative to window locations in order to minimize direct views into the abutting properties. Where windows/doors do overlap, the opening on the subject site is set back seventeen (17) feet from the dividing property line.

Traffic, Parking, and Circulation

The existing fifty (50) foot wide public right-of-way, Helms Avenue, has been deemed by the Engineering Division of the Public Works Department to be of adequate width to serve the site and the proposed development. Any sidewalk along the project's frontage which is not in compliance with the American's with Disabilities Act (ADA) will be removed and replaced, as will the existing driveway aprons. Off-site work will also include the replanting of the existing parkway with drought tolerant planting, including at minimum one (1) street tree as more specifically required by the City's Culver City Urban Forest Master Plan and Parkway Planting Guidelines, as indicated in the recommended conditions of approval. The density of the overall development will not create any significant traffic impacts and is below the threshold requiring a traffic study or off-site improvements related to traffic.

In accordance with the Zoning Code requirements, each of the proposed units will be provided with the minimum required two (2) parking spaces, for a total of sixteen (16) parking stalls, which will be provided in a standard configuration within private garages. In addition, the CCMC requires one (1) on-site guest parking space for every four (4) dwellings; therefore, two (2) guest parking stall are required and provided, for a total of eighteen (18) off-street parking stalls within a proposed semi-subterranean garage. The existing driveway located along the northerly property line will be removed and a new twelve (12) foot wide common driveway will be provided at a setback of approximately 2.5 feet from the northerly edge of the site, providing vehicular access to the required off-street parking for the project. The existing driveway on the south end of the site will be removed and replaced with sidewalk, curb, gutter, and parkway.

The proposed driveway slopes down into the property at 3% for the first 10.62 feet, then 10% for eight (8) feet, then at 20% for 29.4', and then transitions back to 10%, and then level with the parking area. The Zoning Code indicates ramp must not exceed 20% at any point and should not exceed 3% slope for the first twenty (20) feet or another configuration may be provided as determined appropriate. The diagrams provided with the preliminary development plans demonstrate the ramp will not exceed 20% at any point and show how the alternative to the 3% slope at the first twenty (20) feet will still be appropriate for preserving safety. Four (4) diagrams showing the sightlines from various positions along the ramp demonstrate adequate visibility of objects at both the base of the ramp and the ramp's connection with the public sidewalk, consistent with methodology used in the Federal Highway Design Manual related to speed and slope to ensure visibility and stopping time. Similarly, two (2) diagrams are provided to show sufficient undercarriage clearance will be provided at the various slope transitions.

The garage is designed to provide a minimum height clearance of 9.5 feet at the narrowest point and ten (10) feet at its highest, allowing for additional space beyond the Zoning Code required minimum of seven (7) feet of overhead clearance, specifically, to comply with the clearance requirements of the Environmental Programs and Operations (EPO) Division for refuse access and service. Four (4) feet of the height of the semi-subterranean parking project above grade, including into the side and rear setbacks, providing a setback of 1'-6" from the corresponding property lines. A back-up clearance of twenty-four (24) feet is provided, in compliance with the minimum Code requirement and allowing a sufficient turning radius and circulation area to maneuver in and out of each parking stall, and exit back onto Helms Avenue in a forward direction. Pedestrian access from the subterranean garage to the unit entry level is provided by two (2) stairways, including on at the front of the building. In addition, each garage has individual stair access to the interior of each corresponding dwelling unit. Disabled access is provided by a wheelchair lift located at the southerly end of the building near the guest parking.

Primary pedestrian and disabled access from the public street to the entries of the two (2) front units is proposed via two (2) raised at-grade walkways and stairs that reach the first level over the semi-subterranean garage. For the remaining units, said access is provide by two (2) raised walkways along both the northerly and southerly edge of the site, which will meet the minimum four (4) foot wide access path required by the Zoning Code. The walkway connects with the center walkways and courtyard where stair and lift access to the garage is located, as well as the entries to three (3) of the units. The two (2) rear unit entries that face the side yards are recessed beyond the main building wall and setback, providing an eight (8) foot, which provides an additional buffer from the abutting property. This walkway continues to the rear of the site, where it connects to the patios for the rear units. Due to the projection of the semi-subterranean garage, the walkway and rear patios reach a height of four (4) feet above grade, and will be be screened from the neighboring properties by a five-foot high masonry wall with landscape plantings.

The proposed means of vehicle and pedestrian ingress/egress to and from the site and units provides adequate access for emergency vehicles and services. The configuration of the proposed onsite driveway and vehicle maneuvering area are designed in accordance with all applicable CCMC standards. Based on the above, the proposed project is in conformance with all applicable CCMC requirements relating to parking, circulation, and traffic.
The project incorporates electric vehicle (EV) charging at each private garage and at the guest parking within semi-subterranean parking garage. This exceeds the current Zoning Code requirements, which requires 10% charging stations, 10% EV ready, and 20% EV capable, plus one (1) guest charging station. In addition, sixteen (16) bicycle parking spaces will be provided throughout the semi-subterranean parking garage, including the private garagesand a designated room in conformance with the Zoning Code, and will be a condition of the project if approved.

Construction Management

In order to minimize the potential for disruptions resulting from the construction related activities for the project, the applicant will be required to submit a final Construction Management Plan, Pedestrian Protection Plan, and Construction Traffic Management Plan. Per the Conditions of Approval, said plans will incorporate measures for noise reduction and dust control, and will specify detailed construction phases and timeline, construction and crew vehicle parking, on-site staging areas, and coordination of construction deliveries.

A preliminary construction management plan has been prepared by the applicant, which indicates no lane closures will be necessary for the project construction. In addition, the preliminary plan anticipates use of the sidewalk and parking lane directly in front of the project during the demolition and excavation phases of the project, and during any repair and/or reconstruction to the sidewalk. During this time, the contractor will provide a protected path of travel. The contractor will assess the site conditions to determine the best method for pedestrian diversion and protection during any necessary sidewalk repair. At all times of construction, a temporary fencing system will be installed at the perimeter of the site to ensure construction activities and materials do not encroach into the public right-of-way or abutting properties. In addition, the developer will ensure all construction and crew vehicles are parked within the project site or at designated off-site locations with applicable City approvals as a Condition of Approval.


The State Subdivision Map Act and CCMC Chapter 15.10 regulate the subdivision of land, and require the submittal of a tentative map for subdivisions meeting certain criteria, including specific airspace subdivisions for condominium purposes. In addition, CCMC Section 17.210.020 (Table 2-4) requires a minimum lot area of 5,000 square feet or the average of residential lots within a 500-foot radius (whichever is greater) and allows condominium projects to be subdivided with smaller parcel sizes for ownership purposes, provided the overall development site complies with the minimum lot size requirements of the Zoning Code. Most of the lots in the area measure approximately 5,582 to 6,559 square feet. Parcels on this block are quite uniform due to the angled configuration of the street. The subject site is comprised of two (2) parcels measuring 6,279.75 each for a total of 12,559.5 square feet. Therefore the overall parcel size of the project site will exceed the minimum Zoning Code standards and the average for the parcels on Helms Avenue between Washington Boulevard and Jacob Street; therefore, the overall site complies with this requirement and there will not be any reduction to the current overall lot area. One of the various objectives of the tentative map process is to allow the City to review the proposed condominium subdivision to ensure all necessary improvements and requirements are provided. The Public Works Department has reviewed the tentative tract map (Attachment No. 5) for proposed the condominium subdivision and determined it to be compliant with all applicable State and local regulations as more specifically outlined in the recommended conditions of approval.


As part of the review process, one community meeting was held on Tuesday, August 27, 2019, 7:00 pm at Syd Kronenthal Park (3459 McManus Ave, Culver City, CA 90232), during the Preliminary Project Review (PPR) phase. The applicant sent invitations two weeks before the meeting to property owners and occupants within a 500 foot radius and extended area from the site, inviting interested persons to learn about the development project, provide comments and feedback, as well as to share any concerns regarding the proposed Project. Eight (8) members of the public were in attendance.

Topics of discussion
* Overview of project by architect
* Raised decking over semi-subterranean
* Roof deck setbacks
* Semi-subterranean setback
* Refuse collection operations, including bin staging on street
* Traffic (existing and future conditions), including width of Helms Ave, and traffic signal coordination
* Parking (existing and future conditions)
* Density

Community members expressed concerns regarding potential traffic, neighborhood street parking, and the scale/density as it relates to traffic and parking, including complaints regarding existing traffic and parking conditions. Community reception of the project was mixed, as multiple attendees complimented the project, while other expressed opposition based on the previously noted concerns.

Comments Received During Public Comment Period

As of the writing of this report, staff has not received any public comments in response to the public notification of the public hearing for this item.


The proposed development will result in a project that provides additional housing near the City's transportation-oriented district, at a density consistent with the Zoning and General Plan Land Use designations. The building is designed to appear as two (2) structures from the street in order to break up the mass and be compatible with the mix of housing and building types in the neighborhood. The design breaks up the bulk and mass of the building with varying building planes and the inclusion of architectural projections and material variation to create visual relief, as well as a street-friendly fa?ade and landscape. In addition, the locations of windows and doors have been considered in order to ensure privacy with abutting properties. Based on the proposed preliminary development plans and recommended conditions of approval, staff considers the project to provide a layout, architectural design, and landscape consistent with applicable development standards and guidelines, with adequate public facilities, and consistent with the Culver City General Plan and the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Additionally, the Tentative Tract Map meets all requirements of the CCMC and the State Subdivision Map Act. Staff believes the findings for Administrative Site Plan Review, P2019-0329-ASPR, and Tentative Tract Map No. 82973, P2019-0329-TTM, can be made as outlined in Resolution No. 2020-P009 (Attachment No. 1).


Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, initial review of the project by staff established that there are no potentially significant adverse impacts on the environment and the proposed project has been determined to be a Class 32 Categorical Exemption as an "In-Fill Development Project" (Section 15332). As outlined herein, the project involves the construction of one two-story structure containing eight (8) attached residential dwelling units and the subdivision of the site into eight (8) airspace condominiums, thereby establishing one (1) condominium residential unit on each airspace lot. Further, the proposed project is consistent with the General Plan Land Use Designation of Medium Density Multiple Family Residential and with the RMD Zone; located within Culver City surrounded by urban uses, and has no value as a habitat for endangered, rare, or threatened species as currently developed with two (2) single-family dwellings, accessory structures, paved driveways and walkways, and vegetation consistent with residential yards in urban areas. Based on the density, the project will not have significant traffic impacts or peak hour vehicle trips exceeding fifty (50); as a multi-family use surrounded by a mix of multi- single- and two-family housing, noise and air quality impacts generated by the project will be within established thresholds for existing multi-family neighborhoods; implementation of public works storm water run-off standards will result in less than significant impacts to water quality; and the project can be adequately served by utilities and public services.


The following alternative actions may be considered by the Planning Commission:

1. Approve the proposed project with the recommended conditions of approval if the applications are deemed to meet the required findings.

2. Approve the proposed project with additional and/or different conditions of approval, if deemed necessary to meet the required findings and mitigate any new project impacts identified at the meeting.

3. Disapprove the proposed project if the applications do not meet the required findings.


1. Draft Resolution No. 2020-P009 with Exhibit A: Conditions of Approval
2. Vicinity Map
3. Project Summary
4. Preliminary Development Plans dated March 18, 2020
5. Tentative Tract Map No. 82973
6. Community Meeting Summary
7. Preliminary Construction Management Plan


That the Planning Commission:

Adopt a Class 32 CEQA Categorical Exemption and Approve an Administrative Site Plan Review and Recommend to the City Council Approval of Tentative Tract Map No. 82973, for an 8 Unit Condominium Complex, subject to the Conditions of Approval per the proposed Resolution.