PC - PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of a Site Plan Review and Administrative Use Permit to allow demolition of an existing office and light industrial building and construction of a 244,000 square foot creative office building and 3 subterranean parking levels with tandem parking, at 8631 - 8635 Hayden Place (Project).
Meeting Date: July 13, 2022
Contact Person/Dept: Jose Mendivil, Associate Planner
Erika Ramirez, Current Planning Manager
Phone Number: 310-253-5757 /310-253-5727
Fiscal Impact: Yes [] No [X] General Fund: Yes [] No [X]
Public Hearing: [X] Action Item: [] Attachments: [X]
Public Notification: (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas - Planning Commission (07/08/22); (Posted) City Website (06/22/22); (Mailed) Property owners and occupants within a 500 ft radius (06/21/22); (Posted) 2 signs on-site facing Higuera Street and Hayden Place (06/22/22).
Department Approval: Sol Blumenfeld, Community Development Director, (07/08/2022)
Staff recommends the Planning Commission adopt a resolution adopting a Categorical Exemption and approving Site Plan Review and Administrative Use Permit, P2022-0056-SPR/AUP, subject to conditions of approval to allow demolition of an existing office and light industrial building and construction of a new 244,000 sf office building with 3 levels of subterranean parking including tandem spaces in the Industrial (IG) Zone.
1. Chair calls on staff for a brief staff report and the Planning Commission poses questions to staff as desired.
2. Chair opens the public hearing, providing the Applicant the first opportunity to speak, followed by the general public.
3. Chair seeks a motion to close the public hearing after all testimony has been presented.
4. Planning Commission discusses the matter and arrives at its decision.
The request involves a Site Plan Review to build a new creative office building with subterranean parking at 8631-8635 Hayden Place ("Project Site" or "Site") and an Administrative Use Permit for 96 Tandem Parking spaces or 12.8% of the total parking. There are no other required Zoning entitlements. The Project Summary (Attachment No. 2) and Preliminary Development Plans (Attachment No. 4) provide a synopsis of the project details and plan lay out. The applicant is proposing to develop the project to meet the continuing demand for office in the Hayden Tract area.
Existing Conditions/Project Site
The Project Site is a 2.68-acre parcel that is generally flat and irregularly shaped. It is located on the north side of Hayden Place and the Site is a through lot with street frontages on Higuera Street to the north and Hayden Place to the south. The Project Site is developed with a 64,426-sf industrial building and surface parking. There are 2 driveways, 1 on the east side and 1 on the west side of the Project Site. These driveways run from Higuera Street to Hayden Place and act as fire lanes. The driveways are accessible from Hayden Place but vehicular access on the Higuera Street side is limited access for Fire personnel in emergency situations only. The driveways are also shared by the Project Site and properties east and west of the site with easement agreements in place ensuring mutual access. These easements will remain in place after the Project is completed.
Surrounding Area/Zoning/General Plan
The Project Site is located within the Hayden Industrial Tract, an urbanized area with light industrial, film production, and creative office/design uses. There is industrial, office, film, and studio use west, east, and south of the Project Site and residential use north of the Site. The Project Site is zoned Industrial General (IG) and has an Industrial General Plan Land Use designation. The use is allowed in the Zone with an approved Site Plan Review to permit the construction of the new building area and an Administrative Use Permit to permit the tandem parking.
Project Description
The Project involves removal of existing vegetation, concrete surfacing, and demolition of a 64,426-sf industrial building. The Project proposes excavation to build 3 levels of subterranean parking and the construction of a 43 ft high, 4 level, 244,000-sf creative office building. There are 752 parking spaces proposed on the 3 subterranean levels. Other improvements include a trash enclosure, onsite and offsite landscaping, onsite bicycle parking, onsite delivery bay, and sidewalk and bus stop improvements. The structure complies with IG development standards regarding height, setbacks, and parking. Project details and plan layout are provided in the Project Summary (Attachment No. 2) and the Preliminary Development Plans (Attachment No. 4).
Architectural Design
The architecture is modern in design with first level and portions of the second level consisting of corrugated cement board broken by large window panels. The second and third levels contain full height windows. The separation of the upper glazing walls with the lower cement and window glazing act to break the exterior building surfaces. A flat roof gives the design a low-level look with the front of the building, facing Hayden Place, broken in half with a courtyard/open space ground level entrance and terraced open decks at upper levels looking down into the courtyard. This front is further accentuated by a roof top trellis at the southeast side of the building. This trellis provides both shade and dissipated Sun rays at portions where the upper-level office space is pushed into the building, thereby offsetting the first and second levels at the southeast corner of the building. Light wells incorporated into the front and rear ground level portions provide natural light and air to the first level subterranean parking. Overall, with the Project's rectangular building shape enhanced with features noted above, the architecture advances office design in an industrial area experiencing patterns of use changes to office and design while respecting the original industrial development of the Hayden tract.
Site Plan/Floor Plan
The Project Site Plan centers the building within most of the Project Site area resulting in a 69.5% lot coverage. North and south setback areas are large enough to provide robust landscaping as discussed below. The east and west setbacks are dominated by the east and west driveways/fire lanes with the east driveway serving as the main vehicular access. The floor plan varies from level to level to accommodate, high ceilings, interior mezzanines, interior overlooks, and nontraditional floor plates.
Vehicle Parking, EV Parking, and Access
The Project provides the code required 697 parking spaces and 55 additional spaces, for a total 752 spaces. 280 of the parking spaces are code required Electric Vehicle (EV) parking spaces. There are also tandem spaces within the parking levels. As discussed further below, additional EV spaces will be provided as part of the Project's Mobility Plan. The Preliminary Development Plans dated June 22, 2022 (Attachment No. 4) shows the parking layout which includes standard 90-degree and tandem parking spaces in 3 subterranean levels. In addition, 24 bicycle parking spaces are located within the ground level. Vehicular access is from a center ramp entrance at the east driveway. Cars will arrive at the east driveway from Hayden Place. Access from Higuera Street is prohibited. Pedestrian access is from sidewalks fronting both Higuera Street and Hayden Place. Culver City Bus Line 5 has a west bound stop in front of the Project's north frontage across Higuera Street. Adequate sidewalks and paved public streets provide both pedestrian and bicycle access to Washington and Venice Boulevards that include additional bus service (Culver City Nos 1 and 7 and Metro No. 33). The Project is near both the La Cienega and Culver City Metro E Line (Expo) stations. A project condition will require a parking management plan to address usage of the tandem parking.
Gibson Transportation Consulting conducted a supplemental traffic analysis (Attachment No. 6) after determining the Project is located within the Metro E Line (Expo) Culver City Station Transit Priority Area which exempts the Project from a Vehicle Miles Travel (VMT) traffic study. The Project is not anticipated to result in a significant VMT impact and mitigation measures are not required. The supplemental study determined the following:
* The Project provides adequate internal circulation to accommodate vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle traffic without impeding through traffic movements on City streets.
* The design of Project driveways does not introduce safety hazards for pedestrians, bicyclists, or motorists.
* The Project will incorporate pedestrian and bicycle-friendly designs, such as bicycle parking and enhanced landscaping.
* All construction activities would occur outside of the commuter morning and afternoon peak hours to the extent feasible and will not result in significant traffic impacts. A Construction Management Plan will ensure that construction impacts are less than significant, and that construction traffic accesses the site from the Hayden Tract instead of from the residential areas north and northwest of the Project Site. The Construction Management Plan will also assure accessibility from the east and west driveways for properties east and west of the Project Site. A Draft Construction Management Plan is included in Attachment No. 10. City staff will review and finalize the Plan prior to permit issuance.
* The Project is estimated to generate 2,225 net new daily trips, including 314 net new morning peak hour trips (277 inbound trips, 37 outbound trips) and 298 net new afternoon peak hour trips (49 inbound trips, 249 outbound trips).
* The operational effect of Project traffic to the eastern portion of the intersection of Hayden Place and Higuera Street during the afternoon commuter peak hour will decrease Level of Service (LOS) over time.
Mobility and Traffic Engineering staff discussed the LOS issue at the Hayden/Higuera intersection with the applicant and determined that signalization of the intersection is not desirable at this time. Signalization could impact the adjacent residents because of potential queues and increase in cut-through traffic on the residential portion of the intersection. The Applicant proposed a Mobility Plan to address long term decreases in LOS . In addition, the City will require enhancements to the Mobility Plan with Transportation Demand Management (TDM) measures in accordance with the City's TDM standard condition. These measures are discussed in the Mobility section of the staff report following this section.
The Applicant proposes several TDM measures to reduce overall vehicle trips and encourage alternate modes of transportation including the following Mobility Plan measures:
* Pedestrians connections between the Project and public sidewalks and pedestrian friendly Project features.
* Short and long-term bicycle parking (as required by City's Bicycle and Pedestrian Action Plan).
* Bicycle parking facilities.
* EV parking spaces (as required by Zoning Code).
* Micro mobility station (Location to be determined at Plan Check) such as E-Scooters and Bike Share.
* Enhancement to Culver City Bus Line 5 westbound stop.
* Transit type features such as benches on Hayden Place adjacent to the Project Site.
* Transportation Information Center providing transit and ride share information.
* Preferential van/carpool parking.
* Transportation Project Coordinator.
* New Employee Transportation Packet.
As noted above the LOS will worsen over time at the intersection of Hayden Place and Higuera Street. Staff worked with the applicant to increase mobility measures beyond those listed in the Mobility Plan above. The applicant agrees to additional TDM measures (listed below) based on the City's TDM standard Condition of Approval. The Mobility Plan and additional TDM measures endeavor to achieve a 10% trip reduction. Some of these measures are enhancements to the Mobility Plan features noted above:
* End of trip facilities including Employee Bicycle Lockers and showers that services the required bicycle parking; the applicant shall provide a design that identifies number of employees served by the facility.
* Public Transportation and Shared-ride Uber/Lift Information Kiosks for both ground floor and office employees; the information kiosk shall include a touch screen media device which can provide real time arrivals for various bus lines and other public transit and/or Shared-ride related information.
* In addition to the minimum required EV related parking spaces consistent with CCMC Chapter 17.320 - "Off-Street Parking and Loading", marked parking stalls shall be constructed with infrastructure necessary to allow for future installation of EV charging and 25% of these additional spaces or a minimum of 6 spaces shall be EV ready parking spaces; EV ready parking spaces shall be consistent with applicable California Green Building Code standards.
* At least two low/zero emission vehicle designated parking spaces and at least one carpool/vanpool designated parking at each parking level; infrastructure ready EV spaces may be used.
* With approval from Public Works, designated loading areas for shared-ride vehicles along project adjacent public streets (Hayden Place) or an onsite designated loading area for shared-ride vehicles.
* Promotion of walking through a "walk to work" program in coordination with the on-site office employees and a posted neighborhood map with approximate walking distances and times to local neighborhood amenities.
* Two bicycle sharing spaces with accompanying bicycles to be owned, insured, and maintained by the Project's property management company.
* Other potential measures consistent with City mobility measures which may be adopted by Planning Commission.
* TAP Cards - The Project will subsidize the purchase of TAP cards for up to 2.8% of the Project employees (similar to the Applicant's TAP card commitment for another of its Projects - Culver Studios) for a period of three years for employees who opt to take Metro instead of personal vehicles, and will not be provided on-site parking accommodations and not receive a car share subsidy; or, the Project will offer a cash-out bonus to individuals who opt to use other modes of commuting options such as carpools, car share, shuttles, bicycles, or walking. The cash-out bonus will count towards the 2.8% of employee obligation.
Development Fees
The Project is subject to development fees that are collected during the Building Permit plan check phase. The New Development Impact Fee and Mobility Fee are used to address traffic and mobility impacts in the vicinity of the Project Site. The Affordable Housing Commercial Development Impact fee funds affordable housing efforts in the City and the Art in Public Places Fee either contributes money for cultural and art programs or provides and actual art piece at the Project Site for the public to view. Below is a summary estimate of these fees for this Project:
a. New Development Impact fee based on $1 per commercial square footage above the first 5,000 square feet: $239,000.
b. Mobility Fee based on net new commercial space:
Proposed Office Use: $2,946,948.60
c. Affordable Housing Commercial Development Impact based $5 per Gross Leasable Floor area: $1,220,000
d. Art in Public Places fee is under review currently. Final Building Permit valuation is needed, and the Applicant may wish to install art instead of paying the fee-based permit valuation.
As noted these are estimates and fees may decrease after final Building Permit plans are submitted that include final permit valuation figures, gross area, and gross leasable area.
Project landscaping is designed to shield the north frontage facing the residential neighborhood and to soften building mass. An existing row of mature street trees provides separation between the Project Site and the neighborhood. An understory planting will be installed at this edge to strengthen the streetscape, promote a better walking environment, and provide a low to mid-level buffer for residents and pedestrians. A community amenity space is planned at the mid-block point along Higuera Street. The space will join the sidewalk and be useable to both Project tenants and the community. This space is open during business hours and closed to prevent unwanted usage during off hours. A proposed low raised planter along both the east and west sides of the building enhance these elevations that face commercial neighbors. The planters accommodate varied flora that softens building fa?ades, reinforces the geometry of the architecture, and provides lush greenery as viewed at an angle from Higuera Street.
A proposed ground level courtyard at the south or Project front elevation located in the middle of the building, contains mix of ground cover and trees. Additional landscaping is proposed at upper deck levels that overlook the courtyard and culminate in a roof top planted deck. The proposed landscaped draws attention to the front of the building at the ground level and moves upward in one single view. Lightwells along the southern edge allow for trees to poke through the parking structure and provide a landscape layer that reinforces the new street tree planting along Hayden Place. The proposed landscape crosses over like a drawbridge over the lightwells.
Planting along the terrace edges provide a green edge to the building, softening the views from the south and framing the views to the south. The central courtyard is divided into outdoor rooms with a variety of scales and experiences. An onsite, outdoor kitchen with seating located at the south edge of the courtyard enhances a planned street curb area for food trucks along Hayden Place.
The roof deck provides a larger multi-use space designed for events and larger group collaboration. Firepits and a fireplace anchor the space and allow the space to be used in any season. The roof terrace is also divided into outdoor rooms designed to allow flexibility of use. Long views to the north into the Hollywood hills and Griffith Park are created by parapet height planters which cut down the short views into the adjacent neighborhood. Users can stand at the southern edge of the roof terrace, creating interaction with the terraces and courtyard below and providing views of the Baldwin Hills Scenic Overlook. Finally, a project condition requires zero scape and/or drought tolerant landscaping to ensure it thrives with minimal watering.
A Project Condition of Approval will require building security measures including 24-hour surveillance cameras. Lighting will be designed pursuant to Zoning Code standards that require lighting be directed into the Project site and shielded to minimize light spread onto adjoining properties. In addition, a Project Condition of Approval will require shades be installed in all windows on the north side facing Higuera Street and the residents beyond to minimize potential office light impacts.
Energy saving and sustainable design, where applicable, will be required as part of the building permit. The following building code measures will be incorporated throughout the Project:
* Water saving fixtures in all locations.
* Incorporation of low-water and drought tolerant plants in the landscape plan.
* Energy efficient glazing.
* High efficiency heating and air conditioning systems.
* Reliance on fluorescent, LED, or other type of high efficiency systems for all interior and exterior lighting.
* On-site recycling including recycle, organic, and refuse containers.
Trash Removal and Loading
The proposed trash enclosure at the east side of the building was reviewed and approved by the City's Environmental Programs and Operation (EPO) Division. The trash enclosure is at grade and facing the east driveway/fire lane and will be serviced from the east driveway. A project condition requires the applicant to submit a waste management plan to EPO for review and approval during the Building Permit review process. Both small and large deliveries vehicles can park within a dedicated 12 ft by 40 ft loading bay within the ground level directly adjacent to the east driveway and next to the trash enclosure.
Neighborhood Compatibility
The Project will enhance the area by replacing a simple block design industrial building without glazing, with an architecturally interesting and inviting structure that includes substantial glazing, off set planes between levels, and design and material accents. It will improve the overall built environment along Hayden Place that is developed with 1 and 2 story industrial buildings undergoing use changes from industrial to office. The frontage facing the residents will be treated with a low-level office building fa?ade enhanced by street trees and on-site landscaping. This frontage is setback 24 ft to further separate the development from the residential uses further north. The Project will replace a previous office and industrial use with creative office space, expanding economic opportunities for the Hayden Tract and maximizing economic potential for the Project Site. The Project's 43-foot height limit and large lot coverage will be consistent with neighboring light industrial and office uses in the Hayden Industrial tract.
Community Meetings and Public Outreach
Pursuant to the City's Community Outreach Guidelines, the applicant held 3 community meetings as part of its outreach to neighbors and community members for the Project. Consistent with Culver City Municipal Code (CCMC) Chapter 17.630, a notice of community meeting was mailed to all property owners and occupants within 500-feet from the Project Site boundaries. The community meetings were held virtually on September 14, 2021; November 9, 2021; and June 23, 2022. Attachment No. 11 contains community meeting notes. At the meetings, the Applicant gave a brief overview of the proposed creative office building and provided opportunity for discussion with meeting attendants.
1st Community Meeting Minutes; held on Tuesday, September 14, 2021 at 7 PM (Virtual):
Approximately 10 people attended the meeting, and the applicant began with an overview of the Project, business operations, improvements to the Project Site, and the building architecture. This was followed with a Question-and-Answer period.
Key issues and questions raised at the meeting included:
* Potential for public open space on the project site.
* Project setbacks on the 2 street frontages.
* Entitlement and construction timeline.
* Parking spaces provided.
* Height of current building.
The applicant responded to comments and questions:
* Open spaces include the public sidewalk and the Project's landscaped 24-foot-wide setback facing Higuera Street.
* Project setbacks facing the 2 streets are 24 ft from Higuera Street and 5 ft from Hayden Pl. In addition, there will be a substantial setback in a central courtyard facing Hayden Pl.
* Currently there is no set construction timeline and the City required process ultimately influences the timeline.
* The proposed Project complies with Zoning Code standards and does not require modifications to Zoning Code standards. The Project provides above the minimum code required parking.
* The current building height is 34 ft, and the new building will be 43 ft high, the maximum height allowed in the IG Zone.
2nd Community Meeting Minutes; held on Tuesday, November 9, 2021 at 7 PM (Virtual):
Approximately 25 people attended the meeting, and the applicant began with an overview of the Project including revisions that occurred after the 1st community meeting, described the business operations, highlighted improvements to the Project Site, provided information on key design elements such as energy saving features, landscape pallet, building interaction with the residential community north of the Site, the building architecture, and TDM features. This was followed with a Question-and-Answer period.
Key issues and questions raised at the meeting included:
* Project access from Higuera Street and potential for a cul-de-sac on Higuera Street.
* Actual leasable office space versus parking.
* Estimated change in daily population travelling to and from this office building vs current use and overall concerns about increased traffic.
* Impacts to neighborhood at Project full capacity.
* Potential to reduce parking and increase TDM measures.
* Project height and setbacks.
* Results of traffic study.
* Air filtration/exhaust in underground garage holding 750 vehicles.
* Construction traffic and equipment noise and impacts to community.
* Project use of Higuera Street frontage.
* Construction timeline.
The applicant responded to comments and questions:
* Primary access is from Hayden Pl and main garage entry is from the Project's eastside along a common driveway between the Site and the commercial building east of it; the applicant is studying a right turn in and right turn out only off Higuera Street to reduce trip-pressure off the Higuera/Hayden intersection; a cul-de-sac requires further analysis with the City and is beyond the scope of this Project.
* The Project will include approximately 230,000 sf of actual leasable space and parking is provided based on gross square feet; there is more than the required parking, and all is below grade.
* The current studio use has a high number of existing trips and the technical traffic report will study existing demand and increased Project demand; expected daily and peak trips are under review with the traffic study that is not complete at this time.
* It is anticipated there will be little to no impacts to community and neighboring uses with 24 ft buffer; change of character along Higuera Street will be minimal.
* The Project parking is based on expected demand and TDM measures will include short and long-term bicycle parking and gym/locker room/shower areas; other TDM measures are still under review at this time.
* The Project is designed to current code standards regarding height and setbacks for the IG Zone.
* The intent of the Project is that it becomes a pressure valve that allows companies to grow and stay in Culver City rather than leave the community; close proximity to downtown Culver City amenities will help local businesses and potentially decrease trips if people work and live near the Project.
* When the traffic study is complete the applicant will share findings with the community.
* The Project applicant is still studying the ability to naturally ventilate the below grade parking like above-ground parking structures; this includes bringing in natural light and air to the lower levels and decreasing energy demand by lowering mechanical system demand.
* The Project will be subject and adhere to the Culver City building code and construction hours and logistics; construction is anticipated to stage from Hayden Place and traffic flows and staging needs to be studied further.
* The Project wants to be respectful of the residential neighborhood and they want to find a balance of being a great neighbor and having an architecturally appealing building facing both the residences to the north and commercial users to the south.
* Anticipated construction timeline includes entitlement process throughout 2022 construction to commence in late 2022 or early 2023 with construction estimated at 18-24 months.
3rd Community Meeting Minutes; held on Thursday, June 23, 2022 at 7 PM (Virtual):
Approximately 25 people attended the meeting, and the applicant began with an overview of the Project, business operations, improvements to the Project Site, and the building architecture. The applicant summarized changes to the project design and certain revisions to the Project operational features that were different from what was presented at the 2nd community meeting. This was followed with a Question-and-Answer period.
Key Project revisions presented by the applicant:
* The building envelope has been restrained and refined; it includes a tighter and lower volume than the March 2022 design.
* The building edge is subdued towards the residential and commercial stakeholders but highlighted at the "front door" off Hayden Place.
* The two driveway points onto Higuera Street for project access were eliminated based on community feedback; the Project will be solely accessed from Hayden Place.
* Some changes to the Hayden Place center courtyard we explained.
* Green decks, terraces, outdoor work environments face Hayden Place, not Higuera Street and employee decks are not visible from neighbors.
* Sawtooth lighting has been removed.
Other Project features presented by the applicant:
* Loading zone for rideshare or food truck opportunities off Hayden.
* Robust perimeter landscaping.
* Infusion of green space throughout central courtyard and project edges.
* The building has been modified to pull in at the corners. It's been angled in a little bit so that there's a bit more relief at the corners. There's greater differentiation between the base and top for a little more architectural variety while remaining contextual with the warehouse language that's very familiar within the Hayden Tract. The design brings in the modernization of office use within that form. The Hayden side is active and engaging especially at the front door. Higuera side is a quieter and more restrained fa?ade.
* Architectural form, mass, edge, landscaping, vehicular circulation refinements were made over time.
* Bicycle riders can access the bike storage from Higuera or Hayden which promotes bike usage.
* The project is a walkable distance from the Metro line station and downtown Culver City. Hayden side has a dedicated ride share / food truck / drop-off and pick-up zone that will not be within the actual drive lanes. There will be dedicated space for these zones so traffic will not be impacted.
* Green features include building canopies for the glazed edges, internal courtyards, natural ventilation, natural lighting.
Key issues and questions raised at the meeting included:
* Measures taken to minimize/reduce inconvenience to residential neighbors during the construction phase.
* Project timelines and period of heavy lift and impact in terms of dust/road closures/blocks.
* Creation of a dead end at Higuera Street.
* Construction Traffic Management and EV parking.
* Road closures during construction.
* Neighborhood rental of parking spaces for community events.
* Food Truck available to residents.
The applicant responded to comments and questions:
* The applicant has a varied professional assortment of contractors who we have worked within urban conditions. The applicant has worked through The Culver Studios in a very complex situation with many residential stakeholders. Construction nuisances will be kept to a minimum. If/when there are construction nuisances, the applicant will react to them as soon as possible via strong and consistent communication and outreach as issues develop. Staging construction activities will be from the Hayden side.
* Applicant intention to move through Planning Commission and finish project documents then review construction measures by year end and begin construction in April 2023.
* A cul-de-sac on Higuera Street is a conversation the neighbors shared with the applicant in the past many months as part of the greater neighborhood transportation plan. It's a proposal that falls outside of the scope of this project. The city is aware of the community's desire for this, and it would require further study by the city as it affects public roadways.
* The Project is devising a traffic management plan to ensure the nuisances from construction activities are diminished. The Project will provide dedicated EV charging stations, and showers and lockers for bike users.
* The applicant anticipates no long-term street closures. There may be short-term street closures for public works projects such as sidewalks, curb and gutter, utility connections.
* Rental of parking spaces for community events depends on the tenant which is not known at this time.
* The food truck will be available to residents unless it is being used as part of a private party approved through a special event permit.
Comments Received During Public Comment Period
A public notice was mailed to all property owners and occupants within a 500-foot radius of the Project Site on June 21, 2022, advising the public of a hearing at the regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting of July 13, 2022. Written comments have not been submitted as of the writing of this staff report. Two requests were received for the Project's environmental technical studies. The requests were fulfilled and neither expressed a position on the Project.
Pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, initial review of the Project established there are no potentially significant adverse impacts upon the environment, and the Project has been determined to be Categorically Exempt pursuant to CEQA Section 15332, Class 32 - In-Fill Developments, because the proposed Project is consistent with the Industrial General Plan Land Use designation and the IG Zoning standards. The Project Site is on a 2.6-acre site surrounded by urban uses that is substantially urban in character, developed with buildings and surface parking, and has no value as habitat for endangered, rare, or threatened species. The Project will not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality because it is within the anticipated development threshold for this area. Project specific studies (Attachments 5 through 9) did not identify significant impacts and required utilities and public services are provided as determined by the City.
Based on the proposed preliminary development plans and recommended conditions of approval, the Project is compatible with the surrounding neighborhood, adequately served by public facilities and, consistent with the General Plan, Zoning Code, and all CCMC requirements. The findings for Site Plan Review P2022-0056-SPR and Administrative Use Permit P2022-0056-AUP are made as outlined in proposed Planning Commission Resolution No. 2022-P014 (Attachment No. 1).
There is no fiscal impact from this project to the City
1. Proposed Planning Commission Resolution No. 2022-P014 with Exhibit A, Conditions of Approval and Exhibit B, Code Requirements.
2. Project Summary.
3. Vicinity Map.
4. Preliminary Development Plans dated June 22, 2022.
5. CEQA Class 32 Exemption Report dated March 25, 2022.
6. CEQA Attachment A, Class 32 Report Transportation Study by Gibson dated March 2022.
7. CEQA Attachment B, Class 32 Report Noise & Vibration Study by ESA dated March 2022.
8. CEQA Attachment C, Class 32 Report Air Quality Study by ESA dated March 2022.
9. CEQA Attachment D, Class 32 Report Utility Serve Letters dated February 2022.
10. Preliminary Construction Management Plan
11. Community Meetings Notes, September 14, 2021; November 9, 2021; and June 23, 2022.
That the Planning Commission:
Adopt a resolution adopting a Categorical Exemption and approving Site Plan Review and Administrative Use Permit, P2022-0056-SPR/ AUP, subject to conditions of approval.