| 1 | C-1. | Approval of 06-01-2022 FLBC Regular Meeting Minutes | Minutes | Approval of the Minutes for the Regular Fiesta La Ballona Committee Meeting of June 1, 2022. | | |
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Not available
| 1 | C-2. | Approval of 07-25-2022 FLBC Special Meeting Minutes | Minutes | Approval of the Minutes for the Special Fiesta La Ballona Committee Meeting of July 25, 2022. | | |
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Not available
| 1 | A-1. | Draft/Authorize Transmittal: FLBC Biannual Report | Minute Order | (1) Drafting a Fiesta La Ballona Biannual Report to the City Council, including Accomplishments for the Period January through June 2022, and a Status Update on the 2022 Work Plans; and (2) Authorize Transmittal of the Written Report to the City Council. | | |
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Not available
| 1 | A-2. | Approve Recommendations: FLBC Ad Hoc Subcommittee Updates; Initiate: Changes to Ad Hoc Subcommittees (if any) | Minute Order | [Standing Item; Any or All of the Following Actions, if Desired] (1) Approval of Recommendations from the Members of the Fiesta La Ballona Committee Ad Hoc Subcommittees; (2) Formation of New and/or Dissolution of Existing Ad Hoc Subcommittee(s); and, (3) Appointment of Two Committee Members to Newly-Formed Ad Hoc Subcommittee(s). | | |
Not available
Not available