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Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: City Council Meeting Agenda Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 8/12/2019 7:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location:
Regular Meeting of the City Council, Successor Agency to the Culver City Redevelopment Agency Board, and Culver City Housing Authority Board
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: CCHASA 19-08-12 Approved Minutes CCHASA 19-08-12 Approved Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
20-100 1CS-1. Closed Session ItemCC - Conference with Labor Negotiators City Designated Representatives: City Manager John Nachbar; Assistant City Manager Serena Wright Employee Organization: Culver City Employees Association; Culver City Management Group; Culver City Police Officers Association; Culver City Fire Fighters Association; Culver City Police Management Group; Culver City Fire Management Association; Executive Management Employees Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6    Not available Not available
20-105 1CS-2.CS - Conference with Legal Counsel – Existing LitigationClosed Session ItemCC - Conference with Legal Counsel – Existing Litigation Re: Michael Nagy Deceased (Widow Susan Preletz) vs City of Culver City Case No. WCAB VNO ADJ11617485 Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1)    Not available Not available
20-128 1CS-3.CS - Anticipated LitigatioClosed Session ItemCC - Conference with Legal Counsel – Anticipated Litigation Re: Significant Exposure to Litigation – (1 item) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2)    Not available Not available
20-92 1R-1. PresentationCC - Presentation of a Commendation to Dr. Jeff Penso in Recognition of his Contributions to Culver City's "Walk with a Doc" Program   Not available Video Video
20-93 1R-2. Minute OrderCC - Presentation of a Commendation Honoring All That and More Boutique as the 2019 California Assembly District 54 "Small Business of the Year"   Not available Video Video
20-94 1R-3.CC - Presentation of a Proclamation in Honor of Fiesta La Ballona 2018.PresentationCC - Presentation of a Proclamation in Honor of Fiesta La Ballona 2019.   Not available Video Video
20-50 1P-1.Presentation of the Arts2Work ProgramPresentationCC - Presentation to City Council of the Arts2Work Program   Not available Video Video
20-95 1P-2. PresentationCC- Presentation to City Council Regarding the Southern California Gas Company's Balanced Energy Solution   Not available Video Video
20-90 1C-1.CC: HA: SA - Approval of Cash DisbursementsMinute OrderCC:HA:SA - Approval of Cash Disbursements for June 29, 2019 to August 2, 2019.   Not available Not available
20-91 1C-2.CC:HA::SA:- Approval of City Council MinutesMinutesCC:HA:SA - Approval of Minutes for the Regular Consolidated City Council Meeting on July 8, 2019   Not available Not available
20-04 1C-3. Minute OrderHA - Approval of an Amendment to the Existing Professional Services Agreement with Upward Bound House for Homeless Outreach and Case Management for Homeless Children and their Families, Extending the Agreement for an Additional Three-Year Term in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $136,500 for Fiscal Year 19-20; $140,595 for Fiscal Year 20-21; and $144,813 for Fiscal Year 21-22.   Not available Video Video
20-05 1C-4. Minute OrderCC - Adoption of a Resolution Authorizing the Submission of a Grant Funding Application in the Amount of $125,000 under the Senate Bill 2 Planning Grant Program Year 1   Not available Not available
20-51 1C-5. Minute OrderCC - (1) Consideration of a Request from the County of Los Angeles and the Blair Hills Neighborhood Association to Amend the Existing Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City of Culver City and the County of Los Angeles Department of Parks and Recreation for the Stoneview Nature Center Operation to Expand the Hours of Operation; and (2) If Desired, Approval of an MOU Amendment.   Not available Video Video
20-64 1C-6.SEMAP CertificationMinute OrderHA - Approval of the Certification and Submission of the Section 8 Management Assessment Program (SEMAP).   Not available Not available
20-74 3C-7.PW Building Re-carpetMinute OrderCC - (1) Approval of an Agreement with DFS Flooring in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $61,914.13 for the Re-carpeting of the Public Works Building; and (2) Authorize $6,191.00 in Change Order Authority for the Public Works Director/City Engineer.   Not available Not available
20-85 1C-8.Golden Handshake 2019-20ResolutionCC - (1) Adoption of a Resolution (a) Providing Additional Service Credit Pursuant to Government Code Section 20903 for Local Miscellaneous Members of the California Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS); (b) Designating the Window Period as September 1, 2019 to December 1, 2019; and (c) Specifying the Eligible Group of Members; and (2) Authorize the Mayor to Execute the Certification of Compliance with Government Code Section 20903.   Not available Not available
20-86 1C-9.PRCS: Adopt RESO - 2019 Fiesta Beer & Wine GardenResolutionCC - Adoption of a Resolution Granting an Alcohol Use Permit to the Exchange Club to Conduct a Beer and Wine Garden in Veterans Memorial Park during the 2019 Fiesta La Ballona.   Not available Not available
20-96 1C-10. ResolutionCC - Adoption of a Resolution Approving a Three (3) Year Memorandum of Understanding with the Culver City Police Officers’ Association for the Period of July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2022   Not available Not available
20-98 1C-11. ResolutionCC - Approval of Revisions to the Articles of Incorporation for the Culver City Cultural Affairs Foundation.   Not available Video Video
20-101 1C-12.Southern California HospitalMinute OrderCC - Approval of an Increase to the Southern California Hospital FY2018-2019 Purchase Order by $10,000 for a Total Not-to-Exceed amount of $60,000.000 for Inmate Pre-Booking Medical Clearances.   Not available Not available
20-102 1C-13.Authorize Representatives for LAIFResolutionCC:SA - Adoption of Respective Resolutions Authorizing Designated Representatives to Deposit and Withdraw as Well as Make Account Changes with the State Local Agency Investment Fund on Behalf of Culver City and the Successor Agency to the Culver City Redevelopment Agency.   Not available Not available
20-73 1PH-1. Minute OrderCC - CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING TO AUGUST 26, 2019: Declare the Results of the Assessment Ballot Tabulation for West Washington Benefit Assessment District No. 3 and, if there is no Majority Protest, Adopt a Resolution Ordering the Improvements, Services and Annual Levy.   Not available Video Video
20-133 1PH-2. Public HearingCC - PUBLIC HEARING: Adoption of an Urgency Ordinance Establishing Interim Rent Control Measures for a Period of 12-Months (Including, but not Limited to a Four Percent (4%) Rent Increase Cap on Monthly Rents in Effect on June 11, 2019, a Petition Process, For Cause and No Fault Eviction Provisions, Relocation Assistance, and Rental Registry Requirements).   Not available Video Video
20-17 1A-1.St. Joseph Center Homeless Outreach Contract RenewalMinute OrderHA- (1) Amend the Existing Professional Service Agreement with Saint Joseph Center to Expand Homeless Outreach to Include Evenings and Saturdays in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $690,844; OR (2) Authorize the Release of a Request for Proposal for Homeless Outreach to Expand the Scope of Services.   Not available Video Video
20-133 1PH-2. Public HearingCC - PUBLIC HEARING: Adoption of an Urgency Ordinance Establishing Interim Rent Control Measures for a Period of 12-Months (Including, but not Limited to a Four Percent (4%) Rent Increase Cap on Monthly Rents in Effect on June 11, 2019, a Petition Process, For Cause and No Fault Eviction Provisions, Relocation Assistance, and Rental Registry Requirements).   Not available Video Video