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Meeting Name: CULTURAL AFFAIRS COMMISSION Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 8/20/2024 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location:
Regular Meeting
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
25-173 1C-1.CAC - Approval of Minutes of May 23, 2024.MinutesCAC - Approval of Minutes of the Special Meeting of May 23, 2024.   Action details Video Video
25-185 1A-1.CAC - Katy Krantz Proposal for Phase IIMinute OrderCAC - ACTION ITEM: Consideration and Recommendation to the City Council of Revised Proposal from Artist Laureate Katy Krantz Regarding Phase II of a Temporary Art Project at 11029 Washington Boulevard.approvedPass Action details Video Video
25-146 1A-2.CAC - Recommend Sonia Romero for Farragut Connector ProjectMinute OrderCAC - ACTION ITEM: Consideration of (1) Recommending Sonia Romero as the artist for the art component of the Farragut Connector Project to City Council for approval, 2) Recommending the approval of $60,000 artist’s budget estimate to complete the art component for the Farragut Connector Project, and 3) $10,000 to create and install the tribute to the area’s racetrack history within the Farragut Project.approvedPass Action details Video Video
25-188 1A-3.CAC - Review and Discussion of Art in Public Places Program as Included in CCMCMinute OrderCAC - ACTION ITEM: 1) Discuss Potential Revisions to Culver City Municipal Code Section 15.06.100 et seq. Relating to the Art in Public Places Program Allocations; and, 2) Provide Recommendations to the City Council As DesiredapprovedPass Action details Video Video