| 1 | CS-1. | Closed Session | Closed Session Item | CC - Conference with Legal Counsel – Anticipated Litigation
Re: Significant Exposure to Litigation (1 item)
Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2)
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Not available
| 1 | CS-2. | Closed Session | Closed Session Item | CC - Conference with Legal Counsel – Existing Litigation
Re: WCAB Case No. ADJ14294363
Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1)
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Not available
| 1 | R-1. | | Presentation | CC - Proclamation in Recognition of Indigenous Peoples Day 2023 | | |
Not available
| 1 | R-2. | CC- A Proclamation Declaring March 31, 2023 as Cesar Chavez Day in Culver City | Presentation | CC - A Commendation to BioscienceLA in Celebration of LABioTechWeek on October 9-14, 2023. | | |
Not available
| 1 | R-3. | | Presentation | CC - Presentation of a Proclamation Designating October as Disability Awareness Month 2023 | | |
Not available
| 1 | R-4. | | Presentation | CC - Proclamation in Recognition of Pedestrian and Traffic Safety Month | | |
Not available
| 1 | R-5. | | Presentation | CC - A Proclamation Designating October 2023 as National Arts and Humanities Month. | | |
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| 1 | R-6. | | Presentation | CC - Presentation of a Proclamation Designating October 2023 as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month | | |
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| 1 | R-7. | | Presentation | CC - Presentation of a Commendation to The Achievable Foundation for their Contributions to Culver City Community Members with Disabilities and Their Families. | | |
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| 1 | R-8. | | Presentation | CC - Presentation of a Commendation to Jazz Hands for Autism for their Contributions to Culver City Community Members with Disabilities and Their Families. | | |
Not available
| 1 | I-1. | Update on Homelessness Emergency | Minute Order | CC – Update on Homelessness Emergency Including Project Homekey, Safe Camping, and Other Housing Programs (This update is made pursuant to the requirements of Government Code Section 8630(c) requiring a periodic review of the local emergency).
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| 1 | P-1. | | Presentation | CC - Presentation by Assembly Majority Leader Isaac Bryan.
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| 1 | P-2. | | Presentation | CC - Presentation of a Video Entitled “Culver City: Building an Inclusive, Accessible Community.”
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| 1 | C-1. | Cash Disbursements | Minute Order | CC:HA:SA - CONSENT ITEM: Approval of Cash Disbursements for
September 2 - September 29, 2023 | | |
Not available
Not available
| 1 | C-2. | Minutes | Minutes | CC:HA:SA:PA - CONSENT ITEM: Approval of Minutes of the Regular City Council Meetings held on September 11, 2023 and September 18, 2023. | | |
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Not available
| 2 | C-3. | Five-Year Professional Services Agreement, for a 5-year Term, with LG Master’s Business Solutions, LLC, for Fulfillment Services and to Support City Staff in the Day-To-Day Operations and Management of the City’s Residential Permit Parking Program (PPP) | Minute Order | CC - CONSENT ITEM: 1) Approval of Five-Year Professional Services Agreement with LG Master’s Business Solutions, LLC, for Fulfillment Services and to Support City Staff in the Day-To-Day Operations and Management of the City’s Residential Permit Parking Program (PPP) in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $548,580; and 2) Authorization to the Public Works Director/City Engineer to Approve a 10% Contingency in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $10,972 Annually. | | |
Not available
Not available
| 1 | C-4. | Approval of Purchase Order - Radios | Minute Order | CC - CONSENT ITEM: Approval of a Purchase Order with Foothill Communications for Replacement Portable and Mobile Radios in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $167,327.31. | | |
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Not available
| 1 | C-5. | Approval of an Amendment to the Existing On-Call Professional Services Agreements with Mike Prlich and Sons, Inc., Clarke Contracting Corporation, and Mladen Buntich Construction Company, Inc., for Emergency Sewer Repair Services in an Aggregate Amount No | Minute Order | CC - CONSENT ITEM: Approval of Respective Amendments to the Existing On-Call Agreements with Mike Prlich and Sons, Inc., Clarke Contracting Corporation, and Mladen Buntich Construction Company, Inc., for Emergency Sewer Repair Services in an Additional Aggregate Amount Not-to-Exceed $600,000. | | |
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Not available
| 1 | C-6. | | Minute Order | CC - CONSENT ITEM: (1) Award of a $1,000 Off-Cycle Special Events Grant and Designation of the Center Theater Group’s “Dog Man: The Musical” as a City-Sponsored Event; and (2) Authorization to the City Manager to Administratively Approve Applicable City Permits and Licenses Needed to Conduct the Event. | | |
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Not available
| 1 | C-7. | | Minute Order | CC- CONSENT ITEM: (1) Approval of the Transfer of the Existing Lease Agreement for 9240 Culver Boulevard to Gentani Aper Sushi, dba The Brother’s Sushi; and (2) Approval of an Assignment and Assumption Agreement and Other Related Documents to Effectuate the Transfer. | | |
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Not available
| 1 | C-8. | | Ordinance | CC - CONSENT ITEM: Adoption of an Ordinance Approving City-Initiated Zoning Code Amendment P2023-0097-ZCA amending Title 17 Zoning Chapter 17.400.095 Residential Uses - Accessory Dwelling Units to Align with State Law by Revising Various Sections Including, but not Limited to, the Total Number of ADUs Allowed on a Lot Citywide, Including in the Culver Crest Neighborhood. | | |
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| 1 | A-1. | Introduction of an Ordinance Pertaining to the CAC's Powers and Duties | Minute Order | CC - ACTION ITEM: Introduction of an Ordinance Amending Culver City Municipal Code Section 3.03.200 Pertaining to Powers and Duties of the Cultural Affairs Commission to Reinstate Language that Was Removed When Equity Policy Language Was Added in 2020. | | |
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| 1 | A-2. | Reseat PRCS Commissioner | Minute Order | CC - ACTION ITEM: (1) Consideration of Khary Cuffe’s Request to be Reappointed to Seat No. 5 on the Parks, Recreation and Community Services (PRCS) Commission; and (2) (If Desired) Reappointment of Khary Cuffe to Seat No. 5 on the PRCS Commission. | | |
Not available
| 1 | A-3. | AB481 Military Equipment Annual Report | Minute Order | CC - ACTION ITEM: (1) Review and Approval of the 2022-2023 Culver City Police Department Military Equipment Annual Report Pursuant to Government Code Section 7071(e)(2); (2) Review and Renewal of (i.e., Continuation of) Ordinance No 2022-005, Codified as Subchapter 3.04.400 of the Culver City Municipal Code, Governing the Use of Military Equipment by the Culver City Police Department, Pursuant to Government Code Section 7071(e)(1); and (3) Direction to the Police Chief as Deemed Appropriate. | | |
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| 1 | A-4. | | Minute Order | CC - ACTION ITEM: (1) Report on and Discussion of Potential Development of a Culver City Minimum Wage Ordinance (MWO) that is Similar to the City of Los Angeles’ Minimum Wage Ordinance (MWO); (2) Approval of a Professional Service Agreement with Berkeley Economic Advising and Research (BEAR) in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $145,000 for conducting an Economic Impact Study of a Potential Minimum Wage Ordinance and Project Management; (3) If Desired: Approval of a Professional Service Agreement with Berkeley Economic Advising and Research (BEAR) in an Additional Amount Not-to-Exceed $37,000 to Study the Economic Impact of Implementing a Potential Minimum Wage Ordinance (MWO) Similar to the City of Los Angeles’ Minimum Wage Ordinance (MWO); (4) FOUR-FIFTHS VOTE REQUIREMENT: Approval of a Budget Amendment Appropriating an Additional Amount of $37,000 from General Fund Unassigned Fund Balance; and (5) Direction to the City Manager as Deemed Appropriate. | | |
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| 1 | A-4. | | Minute Order | CC - ACTION ITEM: (1) Report on and Discussion of Potential Development of a Culver City Minimum Wage Ordinance (MWO) that is Similar to the City of Los Angeles’ Minimum Wage Ordinance (MWO); (2) Approval of a Professional Service Agreement with Berkeley Economic Advising and Research (BEAR) in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $145,000 for conducting an Economic Impact Study of a Potential Minimum Wage Ordinance and Project Management; (3) If Desired: Approval of a Professional Service Agreement with Berkeley Economic Advising and Research (BEAR) in an Additional Amount Not-to-Exceed $37,000 to Study the Economic Impact of Implementing a Potential Minimum Wage Ordinance (MWO) Similar to the City of Los Angeles’ Minimum Wage Ordinance (MWO); (4) FOUR-FIFTHS VOTE REQUIREMENT: Approval of a Budget Amendment Appropriating an Additional Amount of $37,000 from General Fund Unassigned Fund Balance; and (5) Direction to the City Manager as Deemed Appropriate. | | |
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| 1 | A-4. | | Minute Order | CC - ACTION ITEM: (1) Report on and Discussion of Potential Development of a Culver City Minimum Wage Ordinance (MWO) that is Similar to the City of Los Angeles’ Minimum Wage Ordinance (MWO); (2) Approval of a Professional Service Agreement with Berkeley Economic Advising and Research (BEAR) in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $145,000 for conducting an Economic Impact Study of a Potential Minimum Wage Ordinance and Project Management; (3) If Desired: Approval of a Professional Service Agreement with Berkeley Economic Advising and Research (BEAR) in an Additional Amount Not-to-Exceed $37,000 to Study the Economic Impact of Implementing a Potential Minimum Wage Ordinance (MWO) Similar to the City of Los Angeles’ Minimum Wage Ordinance (MWO); (4) FOUR-FIFTHS VOTE REQUIREMENT: Approval of a Budget Amendment Appropriating an Additional Amount of $37,000 from General Fund Unassigned Fund Balance; and (5) Direction to the City Manager as Deemed Appropriate. | | |
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