(1) Drafting of a Disability Advisory Committee Biannual Report to the City Council, Including Accomplishments During the Period January Through June 2024, and Update on Upcoming Plans for July - December 2024; and (2) Authorization of Transmittal of the Report to the City Council.
Meeting Date: June 12, 2024
Contact Person/Dept: Jesse Roth/PRCS
Phone Number: (310) 253-6472
Fiscal Impact: Yes [] No [X] General Fund: Yes [] No []
Public Hearing: [] Action Item: [X] Attachments: Yes [X] No []
Public Notification: (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas - Disabilities Awareness Committee (06/07/2024); (E-Mail) Parks, Recreation & Community Services Department Updates (06/07/2024)
Department Approval: Ted Stevens, PRCS Director (06/07/2024)
Staff recommends the Disability Advisory Committee (DAC) draft a Biannual Report to the City Council, including accomplishments during the period of January through June 2024, and an update on upcoming plans for July through December 2024; and (2) authorize transmittal of the report to the City Council.
City Council Policy 3002, City Commissions, Boards and Committees; Appointed Representatives to Outside Agencies and Boards (CBC Policy), Section VI (page 7), states (in part): “Periodically, but no less than biannually, each CBC shall submit to the City Council a written report on their respective activities.” To prepare for this requirement, the City Clerk’s Office has directed staff to place this item on the agendas of all CBCs at their June or July 2024 meetings.
The written report to City Council must list the DAC’s accomplishments during the previous six months, along with work plans for the last six months of 2024. The report format is based on the template provided by the City Clerk. All CBC reports are due to the City Clerk’s Office by the end of July 2024. Once all reports are gathered, the City Clerk’s Office will compile all CBC reports into a single attachment, draft a brief staff report, and provide it to City Council as a “receive & file”. The previous report (Attachment 1) was approved for transmittal to the City Council on December 13, 2023.
List of Accomplishments During the Period January 2024-June 2024
From staff’s perspective, some of the DAC highlights during this period include:
Presentations at DAC Meetings
• Received presentations from the following local institutions and non-profit partners:
o Culver City Unified School District Special Education Services
o Exceptional Children’s Foundation
• Received a presentation from the Public Works Department regarding the proposed accessibility improvements as part of the Better Overland and Safer Fox Hills Projects and provided valuable feedback to the Senior Traffic Engineer.
AARP Age-Friendly Communities Culver City
• Received staff report regarding status of Culver City Age-Friendly Action Plan
Volunteering at Disability Services Events
• Received list of volunteering opportunities from staff and were encouraged to volunteer to learn more about Disability Services programming.
• Volunteering has begun at events, such as the April Dances for the Developmentally Disabled event.
Disability Awareness Month - Events
• Began work on the creation of a plan for Disability Awareness Month events and activities.
DAC Scheduled Activities Plan
Below are recommendations from PRCS staff for DAC’s Scheduled Activities Plan for July - December 2024. As before, staff will make note of status updates as provided by Committee Members. Committee Members may add additional items to the Scheduled Activities Plan at this evening’s meeting. For the Committee’s reference, their previous Scheduled Activities Plan that was transmitted to City Council can be found in Attachment 1.
• Select individual or group to receive recognition via the “Outstanding Service to Persons with Disabilities” commendation from City Council.
• Work with City staff to finalize plans for Disability Awareness Month, including the Abilities Carnival and Resource Fair.
• Continue to invite local non-profit partners to make presentations at upcoming DAC meetings in order to understand the resources available within the City for people with disabilities.
• Continue to volunteer at a regularly scheduled Disability Services event, such as Dances for the Developmentally Disabled (DDD), Doorstep Deliveries, or Socialites, in addition to the Abilities Carnival & Resource Fair.
• Continue to work with City staff on the AARP Age-Friendly Communities Culver City action plan.
There is no fiscal impact associated with this discussion.
1. 2024-06-12 - ATT 1 DAC Biannual Report from July - December 2023 & Scheduled Activity Plans
That the Disability Advisory Committee:
1. Draft a Disability Advisory Committee Biannual Report to the City Council including accomplishments during the period January through July 2024, and a status update on the Scheduled Activities Plan; and,
2. Authorize transmittal to the City Council.