(1) Review of the Equity and Human Relations Advisory Committee’s Ad Hoc Subcommittees Remaining as of the June 27, 2023, Regular Meeting; (2) Discussion if There is a Need to Form Future Ad Hoc Subcommittees; and (3) Formation of Ad Hoc Subcommittees for Projects or Events for FY2023-24, as Deemed Appropriate; and Appointment of Members Thereto
Meeting Date: July 25, 2023
Contact Person/Dept: Michelle Hamilton / Human Resources
Phone Number: (310) 253-5640
Fiscal Impact: Yes [] No [X] General Fund: Yes [] No [X]
Public Hearing: [] Action Item: [X] Attachments: [X]
Public Notification: (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas - City Council (7/19/23); (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas - Equity & Human Relations Advisory Committee (7/19/23); (E-Mail) All City Staff (7/19/23)
Department Approval: Dana Anderson, Human Resources Director (7/19/23)
Staff recommends that the Equity and Human Relations Advisory Committee (EHRAC): review EHRAC Ad Hoc Subcommittees remaining as of the June 27, 2023, Regular Meeting; (2) discuss the need to form any future ad hoc subcommittees; and (3) form the appropriate Ad Hoc Subcommittees for projects or events as needed for FY2023-24 approved events or projects, and appointment of members thereto.
Per the EHRAC bylaws (see section IV. A), the Committee may form Ad Hoc subcommittees to meet and discuss special activities, events, and topics on an as needed basis.
There are important differences between a “standing committee” and an “ad hoc committee” under the Ralph M. Brown Act (Brown Act). Standing committees are required to comply with the provisions of the Brown Act (including public notification and public participation). Standing committees require staffing.
Ad hoc subcommittees, on the other hand, are not subject to those requirements. Additionally, as provided in the Brown Act, a standing committee has a continuing subject matter jurisdiction, or a meeting schedule fixed by charter, ordinance, resolution, or formal action of a legislative body. An “ad hoc” subcommittee serves only a limited or single purpose, and it is dissolved when the specific task is completed.
Under the Brown Act and consistent with past practice, once an ad hoc subcommittee’s project has been completed, the Committee would make a motion to dissolve such Ad Hoc subcommittee.
1. List of EHRAC Ad Hoc Subcommittees as of June 27, 2023
That the EHRAC:
(1) (if desired) form any necessary Ad Hoc Subcommittees for Projects or Events approved for FY2023-24; and
(2) Appointment of Members Thereto.