Discussion and Direction Regarding the Civil Service Commission Regular Monthly Meetings
Meeting Date: August 2, 2023
Contact Person/Dept: Amy Webber / Human Resources
Phone Number: (310) 253-5640
Fiscal Impact: Yes [] No [X] General Fund: Yes [] No [X]
Public Hearing: [] Action Item: [X] Attachments: [X]
Public Notification: (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas - Civil Service Commission (7/26/23);
(E-Mail); All City Staff (7/26/23)
Department Approval: Dana Anderson, Director of Human Resources (7/14/23)
Staff recommends that the Civil Service Commission discuss the scheduling of regular monthly meetings and provide direction to staff.
At the June 7, 2023 regular Civil Service Commission ("Commission") meeting, the Commission moved and unanimously passed a motion to table the Commission's discussion of scheduling regular monthly meetings to the August 2nd Commission meeting.
At the April 5, 2023, regular Civil Service Commission ("Commission") meeting, discussion ensued amongst the Commissioners regarding concern about scheduling of the Commission's regular monthly meetings that coincide with holidays whether City Officially Observed and/or Religious holidays. In the past, the Commission's regular meetings which conflicted with City Officially Observed holidays were either cancelled or rescheduled for a special meeting. Specifically, the January 1, 2020, regular Commission meeting was cancelled due to the New Year's Day holiday. Other regular Commission meetings have been cancelled on staff recommendation and after a conversation with the Chair and/or Vice Chair, as was requested at their June 1, 2022, meeting in addition to the Commission's regular meetings of May 3, 2023, December 7, 2022, and November 2, 2022. Prior decisions to cancel meetings were consistent with past practices and after...
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