CC - CONSENT ITEM: Approval of On-Call Professional Services Agreements with the Selected Firms to Support the City’s Transportation and Mobility Planning Initiatives, from April 1, 2023 to June 30, 2028: Five Transit Planning Consulting Firms, Eleven Transportation and Mobility Planning Consulting Firms, Four Transportation Facility Design and Fleet Electrification Planning Firms, Nine Transportation Infrastructure Design and Planning Firms, Six Public Solicitation and Grant Writing Firms, and Five Project Public Engagement Firms for a Total Amount of Compensation in the Aggregate Not-to-Exceed the City Council Authorized Budgets in the Transportation Services Department for Transportation Administration - Other Contractual Services, Transportation Operations - Other Contractual Services, and Transportation CIP.
Meeting Date: March, 27, 2023
Contact Person/Dept.: Larissa Hogan, Transportation/Mobility Planning
Phone Number: (310) 253-6592
Fiscal Impact: Yes [X] No [] General Fund: Yes [] No [X]
Attachments: Yes [] No [X]
Commission Action Required: Yes [] No [X]
Public Notification: (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas - City Council (03/22/2023); all firms submitted proposals.
Department Approval: Diana Chang (03/15/2023)
Staff recommends the City Council approve on-call professional services agreements with the selected firms to support the City’s mobility initiatives, from April 1, 2023 to June 30, 2028: five Transit Planning Consulting Firms, eleven Transportation and Mobility Planning Consulting Firms, four Transportation Facility Design and Fleet Electrification Planning Firms, nine Transportation Infrastructure Design and Planning Firms, six Public Solicitation and Grant Writing Firms, and five Project Public Engagement Firms for a total amount of compensation in the aggregate not-to-exceed the City Council authorized budgets in the Transportation Services Department for Transportation Administration - Other Contractual Services, Transportation Operations - Other Contractual Services, and Transportation CIP.
The Transportation Department (Department) is responsible for developing and leading the City’s mobility planning initiatives, planning and operating the City’s mobility services and programs as well as procuring, maintaining, and repairing the City’s vehicle fleet. The Department is responsible for providing fixed-route bus service, on-demand paratransit service, CityRide school and local circulator service. The Department also manages the shared micromobility program, the employee rideshare program, implementation of Metro Bikeshare, MOVE Culver City, the Transit Fleet and Citywide Zero Emission initiatives, and the Citywide Transportation Demand Management program. The Department retains skilled employees to carry out and oversee this work, including the Chief Transportation Officer, Deputy Transportation Officer, Fleet Services Manager, Transit Operations Manager, Transportation and Mobility Planning Manager, one Transit Operations Analyst, one Fleet Services Analyst, one Senior Management Analyst (Mobility Planning), and two Management Analysts (Mobility Planning). With these work responsibilities, it is necessary to augment Transportation Department staff with consultants, principally for transit planning, transportation and mobility planning, and transportation facilities and infrastructure planning and design.
In January 2023, a request for Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) for Transit Planning services, Transportation and Mobility Planning services, Transportation Facility Design and Fleet Electrification Planning services, Transportation Infrastructure Design and Planning services, Public Solicitation and Grant Writing services, and Project Public Engagement services was published on the PlanetBids website. Thirteen (13) firms responded with their proposals. Staff reviewed and evaluated each of the firms’ SOQ using the following criteria:
• Qualifications for services (ability and depth to perform work as outlined in the scope work)
• Experience (previous experience and success of performing similar types of on-call services)
• Key Staff (availability, competency and experience of key staff that will be performing services)
• Effective Project Management (ability to manage task orders effectively, efficiently in a responsive and timely manner)
• Proposed Fee Schedule
• Response of References
After the evaluation of each SOQ, staff is recommending awarding on-call professional services contracts to the firms under specific mobility planning task categories as follows:
I) Transit Planning firms (5)
1. Fehr & Peers
2. HDR Engineering, Inc.
3. Jarrett Walker + Associates
4. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.
5. Sam Schwartz Engineering, DPC
II) Transportation and Mobility Planning firms (11)
1. Alta Planning + Design
2. Evan Brooks Associates, Inc.
3. Fehr & Peers
4. General Technologies and Solutions
5. Gibson Transportation Consulting, Inc.
6. HDR Engineering, Inc.
7. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.
8. KOA Corporation
10. Sam Schwartz Engineering, DPC
11. Steer, Davies, & Gleave Inc.
III) Transportation Facility Design and Fleet Electrification Planning firms (4)
1. Gibson Transportation Consulting, Inc.
2. HDR Engineering, Inc.
3. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.
4. Sam Schwartz Engineering, DPC
IV) Transportation Infrastructure Design and Planning firms (9)
1. Alta Planning + Design
2. Evan Brooks Associates, Inc.
3. Fehr & Peers
4. Gibson Transportation Consulting, Inc.
5. HDR Engineering, Inc.
6. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.
7. KOA Corporation
9. Sam Schwartz Engineering, DPC
V) Public Solicitation and Grant Writing firms (6)
1. Alta Planning + Design
2. Evan Brooks Associates, Inc.
3. HDR Engineering, Inc.
4. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.
5. KOA Corporation
6. Sam Schwartz Engineering, DPC
VI) Project Public Engagement firms (5)
1. Alta Planning + Design
2. Evan Brooks Associates, Inc.
3. Fehr & Peers
4. HDR Engineering, Inc.
5. KOA Corporation
A total of twelve (12) individual firms are recommended to be awarded the on-call contracts across the six (6) mobility planning task categories. Having multiple on-call contracts will streamline and save time on the procurement process so that staff will be better able to focus on completing the many transportation and mobility initiatives within their work plan. For large projects or specialized projects, Transportation will undertake a separate RFP process that will be opened to firms outside the on-call list.
Staff will issue requests for proposals (RFP) from at least three (3) of the firms on the on-call list for projects where additional professional services are required. The RFP will require the consultant to submit a brief proposal that contains resumes of their staff proposed for the project, total proposed fee, and references for similar projects. This process is an efficient, less formal proposal process that streamlines project delivery and has proven successful. Each proposal received will then be evaluated based on the demonstrated level of expertise of the proposed staff and fee proposal. Interviews may be conducted. Based on these criteria, one firm will be selected and approved administratively by the Chief Transportation Officer.
Funding for consultant services in the current fiscal year has been included in the City Council authorized budgets in the Transportation Services Department for Transportation Administration - Other Contractual Services, Transportation Operations - Other Contractual Services, and Transportation CIP in the Adopted Budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023. Funding for future year consultant services will be included in future fiscal year budgets.
That the City Council:
1. Approve on-call professional services agreements with the following firms to support the City's Transportation and Mobility Planning work plan from April 1, 2023 to June 30, 2028 for a total amount of compensation in the aggregate not-to-exceed the City Council authorized budgets in the Transportation Services Department for Transportation Administration - Other Contractual Services, Transportation Operations - Other Contractual Services, and Transportation CIP:
a. Transit Planning firms (5):
i. Fehr & Peers; HDR Engineering, Inc.; Jarrett Walker + Associates; Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.; Sam Schwartz Engineering, DPC
b. Transportation and Mobility Planning firms (11):
i. Alta Planning + Design; Evan Brooks Associates, Inc.; Fehr & Peers; General Technologies and Solutions; Gibson Transportation Consulting, Inc.; HDR Engineering, Inc.; Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.; KOA Corporation; MINAGAR & ASSOCIATES, INC.; Sam Schwartz Engineering, DPC; Steer, Davies, & Gleave Inc.
c. Transportation Facility Design and Fleet Electrification Planning firms (4):
i. Gibson Transportation Consulting, Inc.; HDR Engineering, Inc.; Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.; Sam Schwartz Engineering, DPC
d. Transportation Infrastructure Design and Planning firms (9):
i. Alta Planning + Design; Evan Brooks Associates, Inc.; Fehr & Peers; Gibson Transportation Consulting, Inc.; HDR Engineering, Inc.; Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.; KOA Corporation; MINAGAR & ASSOCIATES, INC.; Sam Schwartz Engineering, DPC
e. Public Solicitation and Grant Writing firms (6):
i. Alta Planning + Design; Evan Brooks Associates, Inc.; HDR Engineering, Inc.; Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.; KOA Corporation; Sam Schwartz Engineering, DPC
f. Project Public Engagement firms (5):
i. Alta Planning + Design; Evan Brooks Associates, Inc.; Fehr & Peers; HDR Engineering, Inc.; KOA Corporation
2. Authorize the City Attorney to review/prepare the necessary documents; and
3. Authorize the City Manager to execute such documents on behalf of the City.