SUSTAINABILITY - ACTION ITEM - Receive and Discuss a Presentation Regarding the Syd Kronenthal Park Stormwater Capture Project.
Meeting Date: March 23, 2023
Contact Person: Sean Singletary, Environmental Programs & Operations Division Manager
Contact: (310) 253-6457, sean.singletary@culvercity.org
Action Item: Yes [X] No [ ] Attachments: Yes [ ] No [X]
Fiscal Impact: Yes [X] No [ ] General Fund: Yes [ ] No [X]
Public Notification: 03/21/23 Email via GovDelivery: Meetings and Agendas - Sustainability Subcommittee, Parks, Recreation, and Community Services Commission; Stay Informed - Community Gardening, Sustainability and Environmental Issues, Urban Forest Management, Environmental Programs and Events
Department Approval: Yanni Demitri, Public Works Director / City Engineer
City staff from the Public Works Environmental Programs and Operations Division (EPO) will present for discussion a presentation regarding Culver City's Syd Kronenthal Park Stormwater Capture Project (Project), a wet-weather stormwater project that would be installed beneath the ballfields at Syd Kronenthal Park. A large subsurface stormwater storage gallery would collect water during wet weather and provide water storage. The collected water would provide year-round park irrigation and overages may be filtered, treated or diverted to sewer. The Project could also potentially provide a dry weather flow and partial wet weather diversion from Adams Channel and possibly include park improvements.
The original Project concept was proposed as part of the City's 2021 Stormwater Quality Master Plan (SWQMP). The City is now conducting a Feasibility Study and community outreach. The next stage of implementation would be to apply for design and construction funding.
City staff has opened a webpage dedicated to this Project, which will be updated as the Project progres...
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