Dissolution of Four Ad Hoc Subcommittees of the Equity and Human Relations Advisory Committee that have Completed their Assignments.
Meeting Date: January 24, 2023
Contact Person/Dept: Helen Chin/Human Resources
Phone Number: 310-253-5640
Fiscal Impact: Yes [] No [X] General Fund: Yes [] No [X]
Public Hearing: [] Action Item: [X] Attachments: [X]
Public Notification: (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas- City Council (01/19/2023); (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas- Equity & Human Relations Advisory Committee (01/19/2023); (E-Mail) All City Staff (01/19/2023)
Department Approval: Dana Anderson, Human Resources Director (01/19/2023)
Staff recommends that the Equity and Human Relations Advisory Committee (EHRAC) dissolve the Public Events Ad Hoc Subcommittee for FY 23-23, Latino Heritage Month Event Ad Hoc Subcommittee, the Transgender Day of Remembrance Ad Hoc Subcommittee, and the "Paper Tigers" Documentary Screening and Community Conversation Ad Hoc Subcommittee.
An "ad hoc" subcommittee serves only a limited or single purpose, is temporary, and can be dissolved when its specific task is completed. An Ad Hoc Subcommittee may be formed or dissolved at any Committee meeting, as long as the discussion has been placed on the agenda in advance. Once an Ad Hoc Subcommittee has been created, reports are typically given by subcommittee members during meetings. By consensus of the committee, a separate agenda item is sometimes prepared and presented so that the full committee can participate in discussions and decisions on a specific Ad Hoc Subcommittee's topic or event.
Given the completion of several public events, the Latino Heritage Month Event Ad Hoc Subcommittee, the Transgender Day of Remembrance Ad Hoc Subcommittee, the "Paper Tigers" Documentary Screening and Community Conversation Ad Hoc Subcom...
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