[Standing Item; Any or All of the Following Actions, if Desired] (1) Receipt and Filing of Updates from the Members of the Parks, Recreation and Community Services Commission Ad Hoc Subcommittees and Representative Appointees to Outside Associations and City Committees; (2) Formation of New and/or Dissolution of Existing Ad Hoc Subcommittee(s); and, (3) Appointment of Two Commissioners to Newly-Formed Ad Hoc Subcommittee(s).
Meeting Date: June 7, 2022
Contact Person/Dept: Patricia Mooney/PRCS
Phone Number: (310) 253-6668
Fiscal Impact: Yes [] No [X] General Fund: Yes [] No []
Public Hearing: [] Action Item: [X] Attachments: [X]
Public Notification: (E-mail) Meetings and Agendas - Parks, Recreation and Community Services Commission (06/02/2022); (E-mail) Parks, Recreation & Community Services Department Updates (06/02/2022)
Department Approval: Armando Abrego, PRCS Director (06/02/2022)
Staff recommends that the Parks, Recreation and Community Services (PRCS) Commission take any or all of the following actions, if desired: (1) receive and file updates from the members of the Ad Hoc Subcommittees and representative appointees to outside associations and City Committees; (2) form new and/or dissolve existing Ad Hoc Subcommittee(s); and, (3) appoint two Commissioners to the newly-formed Ad Hoc Subcommittee(s).
On July 6, 2021, the PRCS Commission reviewed the list of PRCS Commission appointments, as is customary at the beginning of the fiscal year. It was determined that all representatives would be reappointed for Fiscal Year 2021-22. However, since PRCS Commission Member Scott Zeidman decided to step down as the Delegate to the Disability Advisory Committee (DAC), PRCS Commission Member Khary Cuffe was appointed to that position. The current list of PRCS Commission appointments is provided as Attachment 1.
Updates from PRCS Commission Representative Appointees
Staff has prepared this report as a standing Agenda Item to give the Commissioners an opportunity hear updates from their colleagues.
PRCS Commission Ad Hoc Subcommittees
An “ad hoc” subcommittee serves only a limited or single purpose. It is not perpetual, and it is dissolved when its specific task is completed. An Ad Hoc Subcommittee may be formed or dissolved at any Commission meeting, as long as the discussion has been placed on the Agenda in advance. Once an Ad Hoc Subcommittee has been created, updates are typically given by Members during this Standing Agenda Item. By consensus of the Commission, a separate Agenda Item is sometimes prepared and presented on a specific Ad Hoc Subcommittee’s topic or event.
There is no fiscal impact associated with this discussion.
1. 2022-06-07 - ATT 1 PRCSC Fiscal Year 2021-22 Appointments
That the Parks, Recreation and Community Services Commission take any or all of the following actions, if desired:
1. Receive and file updates from the members of the Ad Hoc Subcommittees and representative appointees to outside associations and City Committees;
2. Form new and/or dissolve existing Ad Hoc Subcommittees(s); and,
3. Appoint Commissioner ____________________ and Commissioner ____________________ to the newly formed Ad Hoc Subcommittee(s).