CC - (1) Award of Construction Contract in the Amount of $193,850.00 to Corral Construction & Development Inc., as the Lowest Responsive and Responsible Bidder, for the Skate Park Office and Restroom Project, PZ-830; and, (2) Authorize the Public Works Director/City Engineer to Approve Change Orders in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $20,000.00
Meeting Date: October 28, 2019
Contact Person/Dept: Diana Szymanski/Public Works
Phone Number: (310) 253-5623
Fiscal Impact: Yes [X] No [] General Fund: Yes [X] No []
Public Hearing: [] Action Item: [] Attachments: []
Commission Action Required: Yes [] No [X] Date:
Public Notification: (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas - City Council (10/23/19)
Department Approval: Charles D. Herbertson, Public Works Director/City Engineer (10/18/19)
Staff recommends the City Council:
1. Award a contract in the amount of $193,850 to Corral Construction & Development Inc. as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, for the Skate Park Office and Restroom Project, PZ-830; and,
2. Authorize the Public Works Director/City Engineer to approve change orders in the amount not-to-exceed $20,000, if necessary.
The Project is to construct a 340 square foot cement block office and restroom building adjacent to the Skate Park located at 9910 Jefferson Boulevard. The proposed building will include an office and storage room for use by Parks, Recreation and Community Services (PRCS) Department staff, and a public restroom for Skate Park patrons. The addition of an office and restroom will enable the PRCS Department to provide additional services to the Skate Park and provide needed restrooms for the many patrons of the Park.
Construction of the Skate Park was completed in 2007. In 2014 a second project constructed further improvements including an ADA ramp, steps and a drinking founta...
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