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File #: 16-780    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Minute Order Status: Action Item
File created: 3/20/2017 In control: City Council Meeting Agenda
On agenda: 4/11/2017 Final action:
Title: CC - Establishment of a Short-Term Rentals Task Force and Appointment of One or Two City Council Members Thereto.


CC - Establishment of a Short-Term Rentals Task Force and Appointment of One or Two City Council Members Thereto.



Meeting Date:  April 11, 2017


Contact Person/Dept:                     Jesse Mays/Assistant to the City Manager


Phone Number:  (310) 253-6009


Fiscal Impact:  Yes []    No [X]                                                                General Fund:  Yes []     No [X]


Public Hearing:  []          Action Item:                     [X]          Attachments: []   


Commission Action Required:     Yes []     No [X]   


Public Notification:   (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas - City Council (04/04/17); GovDelivery Email List - Short-Term Residential Rentals (04/03/17)


Department Approval:  John Nachbar, City Manager (03/30/17)






Staff recommends the City Council (1) establish a Short-Term Rentals Task Force, using or modifying the recommendations in the staff report; and (2) appoint one or two City Council Members thereto.





At the January 25, 2017 Joint Meeting of the City Council and the Planning Commission, the City Council requested that staff agendize the appointment of one or two members of the City Council to a new Short-Term Rentals Task Force.





The Short-Term Rentals Task Force will be composed of the following members:


City Councilmembers (1 or 2)

Planning Commissioners (1 or 2)

Finance Advisory Committee Members (1 or 2)

City Manager Representative (1)

City Attorney Representative (1)

Community Development representative (1-4; Planning, Housing and Economic Development, Enforcement Services, and Building Safety Divisions may all be involved, depending on the issues being discussed)

Finance Department representative (1)

Police Department representative (1)

Fire Department Representative (1)


The Short-Term Rentals Task Force will be subject to Brown Act requirements. The City Council, Planning Commission, and Finance Advisory Committee will each select their representative(s). City departments will select their staff representative(s). The Task Force will be chaired by one of the two City Councilmembers. Meetings will be held at City Hall and be open to the public. There will be opportunity for public comment at every meeting. Task Force agendas, minutes, and any reports will be posted to the City’s website. Meetings might occasionally take place off site (such as a site visit), or on a night or weekend in order to facilitate the involvement of as many individuals as possible. Meetings will be coordinated by the City Manager or his designee.





There is no fiscal impact at this time, other than the staff time required to participate in and coordinate the Short-Term Rentals Task Force, including researching and preparing the additional information requested by City Council.










That the City Council:


1.                     Establish the Short-Term Rentals Task Force as described in the staff report, or as modified by City Council; and


2.                     Appoint City Council Members ___________ and __________ to the Short-Term Rentals Task Force.