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File #: 16-271    Version: 1 Name: Decorator's Place Police Flooring
Type: Minute Order Status: Consent Agenda
File created: 9/21/2016 In control: City Council Meeting Agenda
On agenda: 10/10/2016 Final action:
Title: CC - Approval of a Professional Services Agreement with Decorator's Place Corp. in an Aggregate Amount Not-to-Exceed $74,635.00 ($64,900.00 Base Amount and $9,735.00 in Contingency Authority) to Replace the Flooring throughout the First Floor and Basement Level of the Police Department Building.
Attachments: 1. CULVER CITY POLICE DEPT09162016.pdf
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CC - Approval of a Professional Services Agreement with Decorator’s Place Corp. in an Aggregate Amount Not-to-Exceed $74,635.00 ($64,900.00 Base Amount and $9,735.00 in Contingency Authority) to Replace the Flooring throughout the First Floor and Basement Level of the Police Department Building.



Meeting Date:  October 10, 2016


Contact Person/Dept:  Lt. Jason Sims/Police Department                     

Phone Number:   (310) 253-6321


Fiscal Impact:  Yes [X]    No []                                                                General Fund:  Yes []     No [X]


Public Hearing:  []          Action Item:                     [X]          Attachments: [X]   


Commission Action Required:     Yes []     No [X]    Date:


Public Notification:   (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas - City Council (10/4/2016);


Department Approval:  Chief Scott Bixby (09/21/2016)






Staff recommends the City Council approve a professional services agreement with Decorator’s Place Corp. in an aggregate amount not-to-exceed $74,635.00 ($64,900 base amount and $9,735.00 in contingency authority) to replace the Police Department’s flooring throughout the first floor and basement level of the building.




In Fiscal Year 2015/2016, Decorator’s Place Corp. replaced the existing carpeting on the second floor of the Department with vinyl planking.  Much of the flooring on the first floor level is the original terrazzo material, which is unsightly and outdated.  There are also areas throughout the first floor with old vinyl flooring, and areas on the basement level with carpeting that is over 10 years old.  This project would not only help to standardize the flooring throughout the building, as the Department plans to install the same flooring used on the second floor, but it will give the Department an updated look.


At the time of the flooring replacement for the second floor of the building, the Department obtained competitive quotes through a Request for Quotations (RFQ) in October 2015 in order to determine pricing available in the open market, consistent with Culver City Municipal Code (CCMC) Section 3.07.085 which provides “the City may award purchase orders and contracts in any amount for professional or personal services without complying with the provisions of this Subchapter; provided, the purchase order or contract shall be based on competitive quotations, whenever practical, as determined by the City Manager.” (Section 3.07.085.A) and further provides that personal services shall include, but not be limited to “repair and maintenance service for City-owned or occupied real property and buildings.” (Section 3.07.085.C.6)


On November 9, 2015, the City Council approved a professional services agreement with Decorator’s Place Corp. in an aggregate amount not-to-exceed $63,480.00 ($55,200.00 base amount and $8,280.00 in contingency authority) to replace the flooring on the second floor of the Police Department.  The actual project cost was $55,200.00.


According to CCMC Section 3.07.085.G, “Purchases of equipment, goods or supplies where competitive bid procedures have already been utilized by the City, another public agency, including, but not limited to, federal, state and county governments, including state of California agencies, counties, cities, joint power agencies and special districts, or nonprofit agencies whose main purpose is to assist cities or other public entities, including, but not limited to, the League of California Cities and Independent Cities Association; provided, the equipment, goods or supplies are supplied to the City at the same or better price, as was obtained through the competitive bid procedures of that entity.”


The Police Department conferred with the Purchasing Division who recommended that, because of the closeness in time since the Request for Quotation was issued for the first project, and since the flooring project will utilize the same materials, it is best to utilize the pricing previously obtained by the City rather than go through the process of obtaining additional quotes.  This project would merely expand the scope of the agreement originally executed with this company in the interest of consistency.


Decorator’s Place Corp, a Culver City business, has worked with the Police Department on previous projects.  Staff has found them to be highly responsive to the Department’s needs and their work product to be of the highest quality.  Based on this, and the fact that they have provided competitive pricing, staff recommends the City Council approve an agreement with Decorator’s Place Corp. for this project.





The total project cost is $74,635.00 ($64,900.00 base amount and $9,735.00 in contingency authority).  Funds were appropriated in the City Council Adopted Budget for Fiscal Year 2016/2017 in the Capital Improvement and Acquisition Fund (42080000.7301000.PF014). 





Decorator’s Place Corp. Quote





That the City Council:


1.                     Approve a professional services agreement with Decorator’s Place Corp. in an aggregate amount not-to-exceed $74,635.00 ($64,900.00 base amount and $9,375.00 in contingency authority) to replace the flooring throughout the first floor and basement level of the building; and 


2.                     Authorize the Police Chief to approve to approve amendments to the Decorator’s Place Corp. agreement consistent with the above contingency amount; and


3.                     Authorize the City Attorney to review/prepare the necessary documents; and


4.                      Authorize the City Manager to execute such documents on behalf of the City.