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File #: 25-634    Version: 1 Name: Discontinue childcare
Type: Minute Order Status: Consent Agenda
File created: 1/2/2025 In control: City Council Meeting Agenda
On agenda: 1/27/2025 Final action:
Title: CC - CONSENT ITEM: Approval of Discontinuing Offering Childcare at City Council Meetings.
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsVideo
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CC - CONSENT ITEM: Approval of Discontinuing Offering Childcare at City Council Meetings.

Meeting Date: January 27, 2025

Contact Person/Dept.: Ted Stevens/PRCS

Phone Number: (310) 253-6682

Fiscal Impact: Yes [X] No [] General Fund: Yes [X] No []

Attachments: Yes [] No [X]

Public Notification: (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas - City Council (01/22/2025)

Department Approval: Ted Stevens, PRCS Director (01/02/2025) _____________________________________________________________________


Staff recommends the City Council approve discontinuing offering childcare at City Council meetings.


On June 24, 2024, City Council directed the Parks, Recreation and Community Services (PRCS) Department to provide a six month pilot program to offer childcare at City Council meetings. Beginning the next meeting held on July 8, 2024, and every subsequent City Council meeting through January 27, 2025, the PRCS Department offered this service at no cost to the community.

The PRCS Department created a process whereby the community could sign up online through the ACTIVE net class registration program. Community members were required to sign up 72 hours prior to the meeting to ensure PRCS enough time to prepare and schedule staff.

The program was listed on the first page of City Council agendas and displayed prominently with a link provided on the City website for "Meetings & Agendas". The program was included in the June 27th City Council summary and the July Monthly newsletter. Additionally, the program was promoted on PRCS and City social media accounts on ten different posts.
During the pilot program offering, no childcare services have been provided. During the pilot program, only two children that were siblings were signed up for the August 12, 2024, meeting. However, when staff called to confirm, the parents stated that they were not going to need the childcare and cancelled their reserv...

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