CC - CONSENT ITEM: (1) Acceptance of a Grant in an Amount up to $250,000 from the Clean Power Alliance of Southern California to Design and Build the Infrastructure Necessary to Support the Battery Recharging Requirements of the City's Fleet of Electric Vehicles; and (2) Approval of the Grant Participation Agreements and any Subsequent Amendments Related Thereto.
Meeting Date: January 27, 2025
Contact/Dept.: Allison Cohen, Transportation Department
Joe Susca, Public Works Department
Phone Number: (310) 253-6543
(310) 253-5636
Fiscal Impact: Yes [X] No [ ] General Fund: Yes [X] No [ ]
Attachments: Yes [ ] No [X]
Public Notification: E-Mail: Meetings and Agendas - City Council (01/22/2025); Clean Power Alliance (01/08/2025); Optony, Inc. (01/08/2025)
Dept Approval: Yanni Demitri, Public Works Director/City Engineer (01/06/2025)
Staff recommends the City Council (1) accept a grant in an amount up to $250,000 from the Clean Power Alliance of Southern California to design, purchase, and install electrical system upgrades and electric vehicle (EV) charging stations necessary to support the battery recharging requirements of the City's fleet of electric vehicles; and (2) approve related grant participation agreements and any subsequent amendments with the Clean Power Alliance of Southern California and with Optony Inc. to implement the project; CIP No. PF-045 (Develop and Implement EV Charging Stations).
The Clean Power Alliance of Southern California (the "Alliance") is a community choice aggregator formed under the laws of California. Through execution of a Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) in 2017, the City became one of 34 other local governments located in Los Angeles and Ventura counties who comprise the Alliance. The Alliance purchases electricity from producers and then sells that power to customers located within its territory...
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