PC/CC - (1) Discussion Regarding Banning or Regulating Short Term Rentals in Residential Zone Districts Citywide; and (2) Direction to City Manager as Deemed Appropriate.
Meeting Date: January 25, 2017
Contact Person/Dept: Marian Aspnes/Enforcement Services Manager
Thomas Gorham/Planning Manager
Phone Number: (310) 253-5934; (310) 253-5727
Fiscal Impact: Yes [X] No [] General Fund: Yes [X] No []
Public Hearing: [] Action Item: [X] Attachments: [X]
Public Notification: (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas - City Council/Planning Commission (01/19/17); (E-Mail) Culver City Chamber of Commerce; Local Hotels; Trade Groups (1/11/17); (E-Mail-GovDelivery) The following neighborhoods: Blair Hills, Carlson Park, Downtown Neighborhood Association, Eastern Washington Boulevard, Fox Hills Neighborhood Association, Gateway Neighborhood Association, Studio Estates, Syd Kronenthal Park/Culver City East Neighborhood, West Washington Boulevard and Sunkist Park. Chamber of Commerce. (Publish) Culver City News (1/12/17 and 1/19/17). (POST) City's Public Notification Web Page (1/05/17); Facebook, Twitter, Cable Slide and Crawler (01/11/17)
Department Approval: Sol Blumenfeld, Community Development Director (01/13/17)
Staff recommends the City Council and Planning Commission:
(1) Discuss options for regulating short term rentals including:
(a) Banning short term rentals in residential zone districts, citywide; or
(b) Allowing short term rentals citywide, subject to certain regulatory requirements, including, but not limited to, licensing, time limits, home-sharing vs. vacation rental; and
(2) Provide direction to the City Manager as deemed appropriate.
Short term rentals (STRs) have become increasingly popular around the world due in part to promotion on STR websites, sometimes referred to as Hosting Platfo...
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