HA-Approval of an Agreement with the County of Los Angeles in the Amount of $425,000 Under the Cities Homeless Plan Implementation Grant Priority Areas 1 and 2
Meeting Date: October 28, 2019
Contact Person/Dept: Tevis Barnes/Housing - CDD
Christina Stoffers/Housing - CDD
Phone Number: (310) 253-5782
Fiscal Impact: Yes [] No [X] General Fund: Yes [] No [X]
Public Hearing: [] Action Item: [X] Attachments: [X]
Commission Action Required: Yes [] No [X] Date:
Public Notification: (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas - City Council (10/23/19); Committee on Homelessness (08/14/19); LeSar Development Consultants (10/21/19); Saint Joseph Center (08/27/19); Upward Bound House (10/16/19); John Kaliski Architects (10/21/19); and Lorcan O'Herlihy Architects (10/21/19).
Department Approval: Sol Blumenfeld, Community Development Director (10/18/19)
Staff recommends the Culver City Housing Authority Board (Board) approve an agreement with the County of Los Angeles in the amount of $425,000 under the Measure H Cities Homeless Implementation Grant Priority Areas 1 and 2.
The Los Angeles County Homeless Initiative and Home for Good Funders Collaborative teamed up to release a competitive Request for Proposals (RFP) for cities to take specific next steps in preventing and combating homelessness. The 2018 Cities' Implementation RFP provides up to $9 million in County Measure H funds and $1 million in private support through the Home For Good Funders Collaborative to fund implementation of local projects that 1) increase the supply of interim and permanent housing for people experiencing homelessness, and 2) enhance County service systems for those currently experiencing or at-risk of homelessness.
On October 22, 2018 the Board approved the submission of a grant application in t...
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