CC - CONSENT ITEM: Approval of Amendment to the City's Agreement with UniFirst Corporation for Uniform Rental and Uniform-Related Products and Services to Increase the Annual Not-To-Exceed Amount to $90,000 and Extend the Term to June 30, 2029.
Meeting Date: January 27, 2025
Contact Person/Dept: Jesse Bobbett/Finance Department
Phone Number: (310) 253-6012
Fiscal Impact: Yes [] No [X] General Fund: Yes [] No [X]
Attachments: Yes [] No [X]
Public Notification: (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas - City Council (01/22/2025)
Department Approval: Lisa Soghor, Chief Financial Officer (01/21/2025)
Staff recommends the City Council approve an amendment to the agreement with UniFirst Corporation to increase the annual not-to-exceed amount to $90,000 and extend the agreement term to June 30, 2029.
The City requires employees in designated job classifications across various departments to wear identified uniforms as part of their job duties. This requirement enables customers to easily recognize City employees and serves to promote employee safety. Historically, the City has contracted with a vendor to provide uniforms and related services. The vendor is responsible for conducting fittings with employees, supplying appropriate uniform items, and laundering, repairing, and replacing uniforms as needed. Additionally, the vendor launders mops, bath towels, shop towels, and mats.
On March 18, 2024, the City Council approved a five-year agreement with UniFirst Corporation for these services, which is set to expire on April 8, 2029.
Since the agreement was initiated on April 9, 2024, the City has filled several vacancies across departments that utilize uniforms provided by UniFirst. Consequently, the cost of these services has increased.
As the City continues to fill vacancies, the cost of uniforms and related services...
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