CC - ACTION ITEM: (1) Adoption of Resolutions and/or Motions Appointing City Council Members/Staff Members to Various Outside Agency Boards, City Council Subcommittees and Other Related Bodies; (2) Creation of Subcommittees as Needed and Appointments thereto; (3) Dissolution of Subcommittees as Needed; and (4) Direction to the City Clerk as Deemed Appropriate.
Meeting Date: January 27, 2025
Contact Person/Dept: Jeremy Bocchino, City Clerk/ City Manager's Office
Phone Number: (310) 253-5851
Fiscal Impact: Yes [] No [X] General Fund: Yes [] No [X]
Attachments: Yes [X] No []
Public Notification: (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas - City Council (01/22/2025)
Department Approval: Jesse Mays, Assistant City Manager (1/06/2025)
Staff recommends the City Council: (1) adopt resolutions/motions to appoint Council Members/staff members to various outside agency boards, City Council Subcommittees, and other related bodies; (2) create Subcommittees as needed and make appointments thereto; (3) dissolve Subcommittees as needed; and (4) provide other direction to the City Clerk as deemed appropriate.
The City Council traditionally has appointed Council Member(s) to represent the City on various "outside agencies" and on City Council Subcommittees.
The City Council may choose to (1) make appointments only to positions that require the Mayor to be appointee and leave all other appointments intact; or (2) make new appointments to some or all of the various outside agency boards, City Council Subcommittees, and other related bodies. The Los Angeles County City Selection Committee, Los Angeles County Sanitation District Number Five, and the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) require the appointment of the Mayor as the City's representative.
As the City Council has considered its appointments t...
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