CC - CONSENT ITEM: 1) Ratification of the Existing Amendment to the Agreement with Mobile Illuminations, Inc.; 2) Approval to Further Amend the Existing Agreement with Mobile Illuminations Inc. to Extend the Term to February 28, 2025 and Increase the Compensation for an Aggregate Not-To-Exceed of $63,996; and 3) Approval of a General Services Agreement with Mobile Illuminations, Inc., to Maintain the Double-Sided Rectangle in RGB Programmable Lights on Veterans Memorial Building's Tower Until June 30, 2030 in an Amount Not-To-Exceed $15,000 Annually.
Meeting Date: January 27, 2025
Contact Person/Dept.: Ted Stevens/PRCS
Phone Number: (310) 253-6471
Fiscal Impact: Yes [X] No [] General Fund: Yes [X] No []
Attachments: Yes [] No [X]
Public Notification: (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas - City Council (01/22/2025)
Department Approval: Ted Stevens, Parks, Recreation and Community Services Director (01/06/2025)
Staff recommends the City Council 1) ratify the existing amendment to the agreement with Mobile Illuminations, Inc; 2) approve an amendment to the existing amended agreement with Mobile Illuminations Inc. to extend the term to February 28, 2025 and increase the compensation for an aggregate not-to-exceed of $63,996; and 3) approve a general services agreement with Mobile Illuminations, Inc., to maintain the double-sided rectangle in RGB programmable lights on Veterans Memorial Building's Tower until June 30, 2030 in an amount not-to-exceed $15,000 annually.
On October 25, 2023, the City entered an agreement with Mobile Illuminations Inc., on to install a double-sided RGBW pixel string lights tree on Veterans Memorial Building's Tower. The intent of this installation was to bring back something similar to the tree of lights that at one time would drape the tower each holiday season. At that time, the string ligh...
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