CC - CONSENT ITEM: Approval of an Amendment to Existing Professional Services Agreement with Melanie Doran Traxler, DBA Planning PLUS/P+ for Continued Planning and Project Management Services for Inglewood Oil Field-Related Projects in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $41,200.
Meeting Date: May 8, 2023
Contact Person/Dept: Heather Baker, City Attorney
Phone Number: 310-253-5660
Fiscal Impact: Yes [X] No [] General Fund: Yes [X] No []
Attachments: Yes [] No [X]
Commission Action Required: Yes [] No [X]
Public Notification: (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas - City Council (05/03/2023);
Department Approval: Heather Baker, City Attorney (04/26/2023); and Mark Muenzer, Planning and Development Director (04/26/2023)
Staff recommends the City Council approve an amendment to the existing professional services agreement with Melanie Doran Traxler, dba Planning PLUS/P+ ("Planning Plus"), for continued planning and project management services for Inglewood Oil Field (IOF)-Related projects in an amount not-to-exceed $41,200.
The City originally retained Planning Plus in 2016 to assist with various IOF-related projects, including the IOF Specific Plan Project and Environmental Impact Report, which were subsequently placed on hold in June 2018. During this time Planning Plus has also been providing a multitude of planning and project management services for various IOF-related matters, including, but not limited to participation in the Community Advisory Panel (CAP) for the County of Los Angeles Baldwin Hills Community Standards District (CSD) and related study groups, including Health Working Group (HWG), Health Assessment Steering Committee, and the County Health Assessment Advisory Panel (CHAAP), as well as review related to proposed amendments to the CSD; facilitating and managing City's involvement in the Californi...
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