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File #: 24-358    Version: 1 Name: Reimagining Public Safety
Type: Minute Order Status: Action Item
File created: 10/4/2023 In control: City Council Meeting Agenda
On agenda: 11/13/2023 Final action:
Title: CC - ACTION ITEM: (1) Discussion of and Possible Direction Regarding the General Plan Reimagining Public Safety Element; and (2) Direction to the City Manager as Deemed Appropriate.
Attachments: 1. 2023-11-13_ATT1_draft_rps_element.pdf
CC - ACTION ITEM: (1) Discussion of and Possible Direction Regarding the General Plan Reimagining Public Safety Element; and (2) Direction to the City Manager as Deemed Appropriate.

Meeting Date: November 13, 2023

Contact Person/Dept.: Troy Evangelho / Advance Planning / Planning and Development
Phone Number: (310) 253-5744

Fiscal Impact: Yes [] No [X] General Fund: Yes [] No [X]

Attachments: Yes [X] No []

Public Notification: (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas - City Council, General Plan Update, and Public Notifications (11/07/2023); (Posted) City Website 11/07/2023).

Department Approval: Mark Muenzer, Planning and Development Director (10/27/2023); Jason Sims, Police Chief (11/2/2023)


Staff recommends the City Council (1) discuss the General Plan draft Reimagining Public Safety Element; (2) if desired, direct staff to include or not include Reimagining Public Safety as an element in the currently underway General Plan Update; and (3) provide direction to the City Manager as deemed appropriate.


General Plan Development Process

California state law requires each city and county to adopt a general plan "for the physical development of the county or city, and any land outside its boundaries which in the planning agency's judgment bears relation to its planning" (Gov. Code ? 65300). The General Plan expresses the community's development goals and embodies public policy relative to the distribution of future land uses, both public and private.

General Plans must contain eight required elements (topics/chapters), however additional optional elements may be incorporated by a jurisdiction. In 2018 Culver City initiated a comprehensive General Plan Update (GPU) and selected a consulting firm to include both the following required and optional elements in the General Plan Update.

In the summer of 2018, the City Council established...

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