CC - PUBLIC HEARING: (1) Introduction of an Ordinance Amending Sections 9.02.005-9.02.070 "Fire Code Adoption and Amendments" of Chapter 9.02 of Title 9 of the Culver City Municipal Code and Adopting By Reference the 2022 California Fire Code with Local Amendments; and (2) Adoption of a Resolution Making Express Findings for the Modification of the Fire Code Based on Local Climatic, Geological, and Topographical Conditions.
Meeting Date: September 19, 2022
Contact Person/Dept.: David Rindels/Fire Dept.
Phone Number: (310) 253-5926
Fiscal Impact: Yes [] No [X] General Fund: Yes [] No []
Attachments: Yes [X] No []
Commission Action Required: Yes [] No [X]
Public Notification: Publication in the Culver City News (09/01/2022 and 09/08/2022); (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas - City Council (09/14/2022)
Department Approval: Kenneth Powell (09/01/2022)
Staff recommends the City Council (1) conduct a public hearing and introduce a proposed ordinance amending Chapter 9.02, Sections 005-070 of Title 9 of the Culver City Municipal Code (CCMC); and (2) adopt a resolution making express findings for modification to the Fire Code based on local climatic, geological, and topographical conditions.
1. Mayor seeks a motion from the City Council to receive and file the affidavits of publication and posting of notices, and correspondence received in response to the public hearing notices; and,
2. Mayor calls for a staff report, and the City Council Members may pose questions to staff as desired; and,
3. Mayor seeks a motion to open the public hearing; and,
4. Mayor seeks motion to close the public hearing after all public testimony has been presented; and,
5. The City Council discusses the item and arrives at its decision.
Every three years, in California, the State Fire Marshal amends the Interna...
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