CC - ACTION ITEM: Appointments to the (1) Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee and (2) Finance Advisory Committee.
Meeting Date: January 22, 2024
Contact Person/Dept: Mimi Ferrel/City Manager's Office
Jeremy Bocchino/City Manager's Office
Phone Number: (310) 253-5851
Fiscal Impact: Yes [] No [X] General Fund: Yes [] No [X]
Attachments: Yes [X] No []
Public Notification: (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas - City Council (01/17/2024)
Department Approval: Jesse Mays, Assistant City Manager (01/12/2024)
Staff recommends the City Council make appointments to fill the vacant Student Position on the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) and the vacant Resident Seat and Local Business Representative Seat on the Finance Advisory Committee (FAC.)
The Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee
Lila Bragard has applied to fill the one currently vacant Student Seat through the current term ending June 30, 2024. Her application is attached.
The Finance Advisory Committee
On November 13, 2023, staff was directed to begin the recruitment process for the Finance Advisory Committee. The Finance Advisory Committee (FAC) provides advice to the City Council based on specific tasks and duties approved by City Council, which may include but are not limited to review of revenues and expenditures of Measure Y, Measure CW, and Measure C, as well as methods to reduce expenditures, or increase of diversify City revenues.
Pursuant to the FAC Bylaws, the FAC is composed of up to nine members appointed by City Council. The membership may include up to three City residents, up to three members of the Culver City business community, one representative from the Culver City Unified School District, and up to two labor representatives from the City's employee bargaining groups. Each of the categories of seats has elig...
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