BPAC - ACTION ITEM - Receive an Update and Discuss the MOVE Culver City - Downtown Tactical Mobility Lane Project.
Meeting Date: June 15, 2023
Contact Person: Diana Chang, Chief Transportation Officer
Phone Number: (310) 253-6500
Fiscal Impact: Yes [X] No [ ] General Fund: Yes [ ] No [X]
Attachments: Yes [ ] No [X]
Public Notice: E-Mail via GovDelivery: (06/07/2023)
Meetings and Agendas - Mobility, Traffic & Parking Subcommittee
Notify Me - Construction, Street Maintenance and Closures
Stay Informed - Bicycle & Pedestrian / Culver CityBus / Construction
Street Maintenance and Closures
Dept Approval: Yanni Demitri, Director of Public Works, City Engineer (06/06/2023)
At the April 24th Culver City Council meeting, Council directed staff to continue the MOVE Culver City Downtown Corridor Pilot Project (Project) with a modified design for a maximum of another two years. City staff will modify the design to create and maintain a shared bus, bike, and emergency vehicle lane throughout the project corridor, now from Culver Blvd at Duquesne Ave to Washington Blvd at Fairfax Ave, and add a second general purpose lane, where it is feasible and needed to enhance the capacity of general-purpose vehicle traffic. The Council also directed staff to proceed with the planning and preliminary design for a Phase 2 of the Project along Sepulveda Blvd.
At the June 15, 2023 Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee meeting, staff from the Transportation Department will provide an update on the Project next steps.