CC - CONSENT ITEM: Authorization to Publish a Notice Inviting Bids for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Sidewalk Uplift Replacement and Curb Ramps Project [CDBG Project No. 602297-21 and 602467-22], PS-011 and Barman Ave Drainage Improvements, PZ-428
Meeting Date: January 23, 2023
Contact Person/Dept.: Javier De La Cruz / Public Works Department
Phone Number: (310) 253-5606
Fiscal Impact: Yes [X] No [] General Fund: Yes [X] No []
Attachments: Yes [] No []
Commission Action Required: Yes [] No [X]
Public Notification: (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas - City Council (01/18/2023)
Department Approval: Yanni Demitri, Public Works Director / City Engineer (01/12/2023)
Staff recommends the City Council authorize the publication of a notice inviting bids for CDBG Sidewalk Uplift Replacement and Curb Ramps Project (CDBG Project No. 602297-21 and 602467-22), PS-011 and Barman Ave Drainage Improvements, PZ-428.
On January 11, 2021, the City Council approved Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) fund allocation for Fiscal Year 2021/2022, which includes the upgrading of existing curb ramps to ADA compliant curb ramps at various locations. The CDBG project number associated with this fund allocation is 602297-21.
On December 13, 2021, the City Council approved CDBG fund allocation for Fiscal Year 2022/2023, which includes the sidewalk uplift repairs on Hannum Ave., Slauson Ave., and adjacent to Tellefson Park. The CDBG project number associated with this fund allocation is 602467-22.
On Barman Ave between Globe Ave and Huntley Ave, there is inadequate street drainage as reported by residents. An engineering survey was conducted, and it was determined that a street tree uplifted the curb and gutter, causing the drainage to back up at this area. The proposed Barman Ave Project, PZ-428, will cons...
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