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File #: 25-740    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Public Hearing Status: Public Hearing
File created: 1/29/2025 In control: PLANNING COMMISSION
On agenda: 2/12/2025 Final action:
Title: PC - PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of a new Density and Other Bonus Incentives Ordinance and Finding of Consistency with the Certified EIR for the Final Culver City General Plan 2045 and Zoning Code Update Projects (Citywide).
Attachments: 1. 2025-02-12 ATT 1 - Affordable Housing Density Bonus_Draft Resolution and Exhibit A Final, 2. 2025-02-12 ATT 2 - Affordable Housing Density Bonus_Finding of Consistency Final Draft, 3. 2025-02-12 ATT 3 - Tier Density Bonus Eligibility Map, 4. 2025-02-12 ATT 4 - State Density Bonus Tables, 5. 2025-02-12 ATT 5 - Summary of Tier 1-4 Bonuses at Various Income Levels, 6. 2025-02-12 ATT 6 - Affordable Housing Density Bonus_Guide Book Final Draft
PC - PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of a new Density and Other Bonus Incentives Ordinance and Finding of Consistency with the Certified EIR for the Final Culver City General Plan 2045 and Zoning Code Update Projects (Citywide).

Meeting Date: February 12, 2025

Contact Person/Dept: Jose Mendivil, Associate Planner
Gabriela Silva, Associate Planner
Emily Stadnicki, Current Planning Manager

Phone Number: 310-253-5757 / 310-253-5736 / 310-253-5727

Fiscal Impact: Yes [ ] No [X] General Fund: Yes [ ] No [X]

Public Hearing: [X] Action Item: [ ] Attachments: Yes [X] No [ ]

City Council Action Required: Yes [X] No [ ] Date [TBD]

Public Notification: (Email) Public Notifications - Planning Commission (01/23/25), Meetings and Agendas - Planning Commission (02/06/25), Interested Parties (01/24/25); (Posted) City website (01/23/25), Social Media (01/23/25); (Published) Culver City News (01/23/25)

Department Approval: Mark E. Muenzer, Planning and Development Director (2/3/2025)


That the Planning Commission adopt a resolution recommending the City Council:

1. Adopt a Finding of Consistency report demonstrating the Density and Other Bonus Incentives (DOBI) ordinance is consistent with the Certified EIR for the Final Culver City General Plan 2045 and Zoning Code Update Projects; and

2. Approve a proposed new DOBI Ordinance as stated in Resolution No. 2025-P002.


1. Chair calls on staff for a staff report and Commission poses questions to staff.
2. Chair opens the public hearing, providing the public the opportunity to speak.
3. Chair seeks a motion to close the public hearing after all testimony has been presented.
4. Commission discusses the matter and arrives at its decision.


Culver City is facing a housing affordability crisis, with median home prices and rents co...

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