CC - CONSENT ITEM: Approval of Final Plans and Specifications and Authorization to Publish a Notice Inviting Bids for Construction of the Robertson Boulevard Complete Street Project, PF024.
Meeting Date: January 13, 2025
Contact Person: Andrew Maximous, Mobility & Traffic Engineering Manager
Public Works Department
Phone Number: (310) 253-5628
Fiscal Impact: Yes [ ] No [X] General Fund: Yes [ ] No [X]
Attachments: Yes [X] No [ ]
Public Notification: E-Mail: Meetings and Agendas - City Council (01/08/2025)
Department Approval: Yanni Demitri, Public Works Director/City Engineer (12/05/2024)
Staff recommends that the City Council approve the final plans and specifications and authorize the publication of a notice inviting bids for construction of the Robertson Boulevard Complete Street Project, PF024.
On January 20, 2021, the City received confirmation from the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) that Culver City's Metro Active Transportation (MAT) application for pedestrian and bicycle improvements around the Culver City E Line station was selected for funding (Project). The Project scope incudes:
* Class IV separated bikeway along Robertson Boulevard between Venice Boulevard and Washington Boulevard;
* Bus only lanes along Robertson Boulevard;
* Establishment of bus boarding islands; and
* Pedestrian improvements including lighting, sidewalks, crosswalks, ADA compliant curb ramps, canopy trees, and street furniture.
On August 8, 2022, the MAT grant Funding Agreement was fully executed between the City and Metro to complete the Project along Robertson Boulevard.
Design of the project began in January 2024. Five conceptual plans have been developed with various bike and bus lane configurations. The concepts are intended to show what configurations can fit within the current roadway.
On April 11...
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