CC - ACTION ITEM: Discussion and Direction on the Public Input Plan to Determine the Future Use of the City-owned Property at 11029 Washington Boulevard Including a Proposed On-site Temporary Art Project.
Meeting Date: September 9, 2024
Contact Person/Dept.: Jesse Mays, Assistant City Manager
Phone Number: (310) 253-6000
Fiscal Impact: Yes [X] No [] General Fund: Yes [] No [X]
Attachments: Yes [X] No []
Public Notification: (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas - City Council (09/03/2024)
Department Approval: John Nachbar, City Manager (09/03/2024)
Staff recommends the City Council discuss and provide the City Manager direction on the public input plan to determine the future use of the City-owned property at 11029 Washington Boulevard, including a proposed on-site temporary art project.
On September 9, 2011, the City Council approved purchase of the property located at 11029 Washington Boulevard for $6.5 million. The property is a 0.2777-acre parcel containing a 4,660 square foot, one-story building with a former retail and office use built in 1953.The site is a corner lot with 20 parking spaces. The site is currently zoned Commercial - Community. In the draft Zoning Code update the parcel is proposed to be zoned Mixed-Use Corridor 1 - 35 dwelling units per acre.
Between 1953 and 2023, the property was used as the Martin B. Retting gun shop. Escrow closed on October 18, 2023, and Martin B. Retting closed and vacated the site by January 2024. The City has repainted the exterior of the site and installed a fence to secure the parking lot. The City's Artist Laureate Katy Kranz installed a temporary mural project on the exterior of the building. Maps (Attachment 1) and photos (Attachment 2) of the property are included with this report.
At the May 28, 2024 City Council meeting, the City Council discussed how to determ...
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