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File #: 24-389    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Minute Order Status: Consent Agenda
File created: 10/12/2023 In control: City Council Meeting Agenda
On agenda: 11/13/2023 Final action:
Title: CC- CONSENT ITEM: (1) Approval of the Community Block Grant Fund Allocation for Fiscal Year 2024/2025; and (2) Adoption of a Resolution Authorizing the Filing of the Funding Application.
Attachments: 1. Att1 CDBG Resolution 2024-2025.pdf, 2. Att2 CDBG Cooperation Agreement 2026.pdf
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CC- CONSENT ITEM: (1) Approval of the Community Block Grant Fund Allocation for Fiscal Year 2024/2025; and (2) Adoption of a Resolution Authorizing the Filing of the Funding Application.

Meeting Date: November 13, 2023

Contact Person/Dept: Elizabeth Garcia/Office of Economic and Cultural Development Department
Phone Number: (310) 253-5708

Fiscal Impact: Yes [x] No [] General Fund: Yes [] No [x]

Attachments: [x]

Public Notification: Posted at City Hall (10/26/2023) (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas - City Council (11/07/2023)

Department Approval: Jesse Mays, Assistant City Manager (10/23/2023)


Staff recommends the City Council (1) approve the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) allocation for Fiscal Year 2024/2025; and (2) adopt a resolution authorizing the filing of the Fiscal Year 2024/2025 CDBG funding application.


Each year, the City receives CDBG funding to progress eligible projects in the community pursuant to the Cooperation Agreement with the Los Angeles County Development Authority. Due to the CBDG program requirements, eligible capital improvement projects in the City are typically projects serving the elderly and disabled, such as sidewalk and curb ramp repairs relative to the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). Funds may be used to advance the City's ADA Transition Plan and similar ADA-compliance projects. However, funds cannot be utilized to construct playgrounds and recreational facilities or to support youth programming.

The anticipated funding for Fiscal Year 2024/2025 is approximately $182,157 and will be confirmed in March 2024 upon application filing. The CDBG program allows that up to 15% of the total funding may be allocated for certain staff positions. The Recreation & Community Services Coordinator (formerly the Disability and Social Services Specialist) position in the Parks, R...

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