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File #: 25-179    Version: 1 Name: PC - PUBLIC HEARING: SPR, AM (P2024-0082) consideration for a 3-story office development 5813-5835 Washington Blvd
Type: Public Hearing Status: Public Hearing
File created: 8/5/2024 In control: PLANNING COMMISSION
On agenda: 8/28/2024 Final action: 8/28/2024
Title: PC - PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of a Site Plan Review and Administrative Modification (P2024-0082), to allow a three-story, 46,309 square-foot commercial/office development, with subterranean parking, and associated project design features and site improvements at 5813-5835 Washington Boulevard (Project) and a Class 32 CEQA Exemption.
Attachments: 1. 2024-08-28_ATT 1 PC Resolution 2024-P012 with Exhibit A and Exhibit B, 2. 2024-08-28_ATT 2 Vicinity Map, 3. 2024-08-28_ATT 3 Project Summary, 4. 2024-08-28_ATT 4 Preliminary Development Plans, 5. 2024-08-28_ATT 5 CEQA Class 32 Report, 6. 2024-08-28_ATT 6 Preliminary Construction Management Plan, 7. 2024-08-28_ATT 7 Community Meeting Summaries
PC - PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of a Site Plan Review and Administrative Modification (P2024-0082), to allow a three-story, 46,309 square-foot commercial/office development, with subterranean parking, and associated project design features and site improvements at 5813-5835 Washington Boulevard (Project) and a Class 32 CEQA Exemption.

Meeting Date: August 28, 2024

Contact Person/Dept: Gabriela Silva, Associate Planner
Emily Stadnicki, Current Planning Manager

Phone Number: (310) 253-5736 / (310) 253-5727

Fiscal Impact: Yes [ ] No [X] General Fund: Yes [ ] No [X]

Public Hearing: [X] Action Item: [ ] Attachments: [X]

City Council Action Required: Yes [ ] No [X] Date: N/A

Public Notification: (Mailed) Property owners and occupants within a 500-foot radius and extended area (08/07/24); (Email) Public Notifications - Planning Commission (08/07/24), Meetings and Agendas - Planning Commission (08/22/24); (Posted) City website (08/07/24), Onsite Signs (08/06/24)

Department Approval: Mark E. Muenzer, Planning and Development Director (08/16/24)


Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 2024-P012, adopting a Class 32 Categorial Exemption pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section 15332 In-Fill Development Projects, approving Site Plan Review, P2024-0082-SPR and Administrative Modification, P2022-0082-AM, for the demolition of existing site improvements, and the construction of a new three-story, 46,309 sq. ft. commercial/office development with associated project design features and site improvements, subject to conditions of approval.


1. Chair calls on staff for a brief staff report and the Planning Commission poses questions to staff.

2. Chair opens the public hearing, providing the applicant the first opportunity to speak, followed by the general public.

3. Chair seeks a motion to close the public hearing after all testimony has been presented.

4. Planning Commission discusses the matter and arrives at its decision.



The Applicant (Redcar Properties, Ltd.), requests approval of a Site Plan Review (SPR) and Administrative Modification (AM) to allow the demolition of existing site improvements and construction of a new three-story commercial/office development, including parking stalls with proposed reduction of stall width and length, project design features and associated site improvements. The Project Summary (Attachment No. 3) and Preliminary Development Plans (Attachment No. 4) provide a synopsis of the project details and proposed plans.

Project Site/Existing Conditions

The Project site (Site) is located at 5813-5835 Washington Boulevard, on the along the north side of Washington Boulevard, between Dauphin Avenue and Ernest Avenue (see Vicinity Map, Attachment No. 2). The Site, comprised of three parcels totaling ?22,425 square feet, is generally flat in topography and irregular in shape. It is currently developed with four, 1- and 2-story, commercial/office buildings, totaling ?10,526 sq. ft., a surface parking lot, freestanding wireless telecommunication facility, and associated site improvements. Vehicular access to the existing parcels is provided by two existing driveways on Washington Boulevard and two vehicle access points along the northerly public alley.

The Land Use Element of the City's General Plan designates this site as General Corridor, while the site's zoning designation is Industrial General (IG), and also within the East Washington (-EW) Overlay. The site is not identified in the Housing Element Residential Sites Inventory (Figure B-2). Surrounding properties are:

Project Description

The Project consists of the following, as illustrated in the Preliminary Project Plans (Attachment No. 4) and summarized in the Project Summary (Attachment No. 3):
* Demolition of existing commercial structures, including a caretaker unit, totaling ?10,526 square feet; and
* Construction of a new three-story, 41-ft high, 46,309-square foot commercial/office building with rooftop deck, two levels of subterranean parking containing 82 spaces, including reduction of parking stall width and depth/length; and
* Project design features, and associated site improvements (e.g., bicycle parking, landscape, etc.).


Architectural Design

The Project will have one building, characterized by a modern minimalist architectural style, utilizing straight lines and right angles, with a flat roof and flat parapets/guardrails, reaching a maximum of 41 feet in height to the roof. Rooftop projections for elevators, staircases, solar structures, are proposed above this height limit, in compliance with allowable height projections, up to a maximum of 19'-6" from the roofline.

Street-facing fa?ades incorporate a series of breaks for windows, decorative block patterns, and openings to open space pockets; these breaks provide a deep recess to maximize visual relief and fenestration. The building is proposed along the property line abutting Washington Boulevard as required with the EW Overlay Zone, while providing the required 5-ft setback from Dauphin and Ernest Avenues. The rear will provide a minimum 2-ft ground floor setback, with additional setback clearance for portions of the building above 20-ft in height. The three-story massing is scaled away from the lower scale residential uses to the north to maintain compatibility with existing surrounding development.

The exterior material and color palette also follow the minimalist style using primarily CMU block, with a limestone concrete accent (elevator projection), and neutral tones. The overall design and street view provide an improvement for the area and are compatible with the existing minimalist character of this part of the Washington Blvd corridor.


The Project will incorporate landscaping in proposed planters along the perimeter of the building footprint and various internal pockets, including upper floor balcony/deck areas. Due to the building design, landscaping will be partially visible through various open blocks throughout the building fa?ade. Plantings will include a combination of low ground cover, shrubs, and vines, with certain planters incorporating plantings suitable for draping over/through the various fa?ade openings. Additional landscape will include rooftop planters, which will also include various trees. Street trees and furniture will also be provided. Preliminary landscape information is included in the preliminary development plans made part of this report (Attachment No. 4). Final landscape and irrigation plans will be submitted for review during the plan check process.

Traffic, Circulation, and Parking

The primary surrounding public right-of-way is Washington Boulevard, which is classified as a primary artery in the Circulation Element of the City's General Plan. The site is also bound by Dauphin Avenue (west) and Ernest Avenue (east), as well as a public alley along the northerly property line. The existing roadways are of adequate width to serve the site and the proposed development. Access to the proposed subterranean parking will be from a two-way driveway on Dauphin Avenue, allowing right-turn only ingress and left-turn only egress. The existing driveway aprons and vehicle access points will be removed and replaced with sidewalk, curb, and gutter, as per the specifications of the Public Works Department and in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The driveway entry will have a security gate and arm at appropriate locations to allow adequate queuing space during peak hours.

The proposed development will not create any significant traffic or circulation impacts as indicated in the Transportation Study prepared by Gibson Transportation Consultants, Inc., within the Categorical Exemption Report (Attachment No. 5), and there are no required mitigation measures. The Mobility and Traffic Engineering Division of the Public Works Department has concurred with the analysis and conclusions, finding the Project will not have significant impacts under CEQA.

No minimum off-street parking is required. The project will provide a total of 82 parking spaces (1 per 564 sq. ft.), which includes 14 sets of triple tandem stalls and six compact stalls. Standard stalls, including the tandem stalls are proposed to be reduced a maximum of 10% from the minimum width, from 8'-6" and 9'-0" respectively, to 8'-2", through an Administrative Modification. Similarly, the stall depth is proposed to be reduced by 10% from 18'-0" to 16'-2.4", in order to maximize parking stalls within the site footprint. Due to the provision of tandem parking, a parking operations plan will be implemented, incorporating a parking attendant. Nine stalls will have full electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, nine will be EV ready, and 17 will be EV capable. Six short-term and 18 long-term bicycle parking spaces are provided onsite.

The Project will implement a Mobility and Transportation Demand Management Plan improvements will include:

* Mobility bulletin board, display case, or kiosk displaying transportation information
* Bicycle lockers and showers
* Surplus bicycle parking (6 additional (off-site) short-term, 9 additional long-term)
* Transportation Coordinator.

Construction Management

The applicant is required to submit a final Comprehensive Construction Management Plan (CMP), including a Pedestrian Protection Plan, and a Construction Traffic Management Plan to minimize the potential for disruptions to surrounding land uses and circulation, resulting from the construction related activities of the Project. The plans will incorporate measures for noise reduction and dust control, and will specify construction phases and timelines, construction and crew vehicle parking, on-site staging areas, lane closures, pedestrian access, and coordination of construction deliveries. Further, the final CMP will incorporate various project design features, as listed in the Project Summary (Attachment No. 3), that will also serve to minimize any noise for surrounding residential uses. The preliminary construction management plan (Attachment No. 6) provides preliminary details of the anticipated approach to the construction.

Replacement Unit Compliance

The Housing Crisis Act of 2019, as amended by SB 8 and most recently by AB 1218 (California Government Code Section 66300 et seq.), prohibits the approval of any development project ("Project") that will require demolition of occupied or vacant "protected units" unless the Project replaces those units as specified in the law, with certain exceptions. The Property is developed with commercial uses and a caretaker unit that is currently vacant.

Accordingly, the applicant is required to submit all relevant documentation to the City's Housing and Human Services Department, which may include evidence of vacancy duration, tenant income documentation, as applicable. The Housing staff will make a determination as to whether the subject property is exempt from the noted provisions of State Law based on documentation demonstrating the subject unit has been vacant and/or not been rented by a low income or very low-income household within the past five years. If the subject property is not exempt, the applicant will replace the unit using the options prescribed by State Law.


As part of the review process, two virtual community meetings were held for the project. The first meeting was held on April 19, 2023, during the preliminary review phase, and the second was held on March 14, 2024, during the application review phase of the process. The applicant mailed notices two weeks before each meeting, to property owners and occupants within a 500-foot radius and extended area, inviting interested persons to learn about the project, provide comments and feedback, and share any concerns regarding the proposal. Based on the comments and questions, there were concerns about traffic and circulation, parking, construction activity, and building scale. See Attachment No. 7 for a summary of both meetings.

Comments Received During Public Comment Period

As of the writing of this report, no comments have been received in response to the public notification of the public hearing for this item.


Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, initial review of the Project by staff established there are no potentially significant adverse impacts on the environment and the proposed Project has been determined to be Categorically Exempt a Class 32 as an "In-Fill Development Project" (Section 15332), as further detailed in the CEQA Class 32 Report (Attachment No. 5).

The Project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Land Use Designation of General Corridor and zoning designation of IG Zone and -EW Overlay Zone; is located on a ?0.52-acre site within City limits, surrounded by urban uses, and has no value as a habitat for endangered, rare, or threatened species as it is currently developed with multiple commercial structures, parking lot, walkways, and vegetation consistent with adjacent development. Based on the proposed scope and scale, the Project will not result in significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality, and the site can be adequately served by utilities and public services.


Based on the preliminary development plans and recommended conditions of approval, staff considers the Project to provide a layout, architectural design and landscape consistent with applicable development standards and guidelines, with adequate public facilities, and consistent with the Culver City General Plan and Zoning Code requirements, and as further allowed through the Administrative Modification process. The findings for Site Plan Review, P2024-0082-SPR, and Administrative Modification, P2024-0082-AM, are made as outlined in Resolution No. 2024-P012 (Attachment No. 1).


1. Proposed Resolution No. 2024-P012, including Exhibit A: Conditions of Approval and Exhibit B: Standard Code Requirements
2. Vicinity Map
3. Project Summary
4. Preliminary Development Plans dated August 5, 2024
5. CEQA Class 32 Report dated August 2, 2024 (associated technical studies A-I are available upon request)
6. Preliminary Construction Management Plan dated May 2024
7. Community Meeting Summaries


That the Planning Commission:

Adopt Resolution No. 2024-P012 adopting a Class 32 Categorical Exemption pursuant to CEQA and approving Site Plan Review and Administrative Modification, P2024-0082, for a new commercial/office development Project, with specified project design features, subject to the Conditions of Approval.