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File #: 25-636    Version: 1 Name: Consideration Dual Striping Tennis Courts
Type: Minute Order Status: Action Item
On agenda: 1/7/2025 Final action:
Title: (1) Consideration of the Recommendation from the PRCS Commission's "Dual Striped Tennis Courts Ad Hoc Subcommittee" to not Resurface any Tennis Courts in Culver City with Dual Stripes for Tennis and Pickleball Use, and (2) If Desired, Dissolve the "Dual Striped Tennis Courts Ad Hoc Subcommittee."
Attachments: 1. 2025-01-07- ATT 1 Racket Sports Striping Guides.pdf
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(1) Consideration of the Recommendation from the PRCS Commission’s “Dual Striped Tennis Courts Ad Hoc Subcommittee” to not Resurface any Tennis Courts in Culver City with Dual Stripes for Tennis and Pickleball Use, and (2) If Desired, Dissolve the “Dual Striped Tennis Courts Ad Hoc Subcommittee.”




Meeting Date:  January 7, 2025


Contact Person/Dept: Ted Stevens/ PRCS


Phone Number:  (310) 253-6682


Fiscal Impact:  Yes []    No [X]                                           General Fund:  Yes []     No []


Public Hearing:  []          Action Item:                     [X]          Attachments: [X]   


Public Notification:   (E-mail) Meetings and Agendas - Parks, Recreation and Community Services Commission (01/03/2025); (E-mail) Parks, Recreation & Community Service Department Updates (01/23/2025)


Department Approval: Ted Stevens, PRCS Director (01/03/2025)






Staff recommends that the Parks, Recreation and Community Services (PRCS) Commission (1) consider the recommendation from the PRCS Commission’s “Dual Striped Tennis Courts Ad Hoc Subcommittee” to not resurface any tennis courts in Culver City with dual stripes for tennis and pickleball use, and (2) if desired, dissolve the PRCS Commission’s “Dual Striped Tennis Courts Ad Hoc Subcommittee.”





Tennis has origins that date back to the Ancient Mediterranean Period and was popularized by monks and the French court in the 11th and 12th Century.  In 1873, modern tennis as the game is played today was invented when outdoor lawn tennis was adapted from the medieval version of the game. Pickleball and paddle tennis are both variants from the game of tennis. Players on opposing sides of a court must lob a small ball beyond their opponent’s reach.  They must hit it with a racket of some sort and the ball must touch within a predetermined boundary.  Whereas the essence of the game is similar, the details, such as court dimensions, court layout, types of balls used, and the scoring system are different among the three sports. 



Attachment 1 shows a visual representation of the three courts and how their layout and dimensions are different.  Currently, Culver City has tennis courts and paddle tennis courts at Culver West Alexander Park, Fox Hills Park, Syd Kronenthal Park, and Veterans Memorial Park with an additional tennis court at Lindberg Park.  Culver City does not have any pickleball courts. 






At the July 22, 2024, Special Meeting of the PRCS Commission, the PRCS Commissioners considered multiple complaints that they had received concerning the racket sports courts in Culver City with particular focus on the courts located at Elenda St. and Culver Blvd.  Commissioners discussed and made recommendations to the PRCS Department concerning court modifications, time of usage, and operational strategies.  At that meeting, the PRCS Commission also formed the “Dual Striped Tennis Courts Ad Hoc Subcommittee” to assist City Staff to identify and recommend one or two tennis courts in Culver City to be resurfaced with dual stripes for tennis and pickleball use.  Commissioners Marci Baun and Maggie Peters were appointed to the ad hoc subcommittee. 


On September 13, 2024, the “Dual Striped Tennis Courts Ad Hoc Subcommittee” met with PRCS staff and discussed each location of the eight tennis courts in Culver City.  Topics that were considered included the court’s proximity to houses, the court’s proximity to paddle tennis courts, the amount of usage the tennis court receives, and the impact the dual stripes would have on the tennis community. 


At this time, the ad hoc subcommittee is recommending that no changes be made to the tennis courts.  If the PRCS Commission has completed its recommendation to City staff concerning dual striping tennis courts, it may dissolve “Dual Striped Tennis Courts Ad Hoc Subcommittee.”




If the PRCS Commission recommends resurfacing tennis courts, there is a Capital Improvement Project (CIP) account dedicated to resurfacing and restriping courts (41980000.730100.PZ640).  Funds for this CIP is allocated from Culver City’s Park Facilities (419; Quimby) Fund and the CIP is dedicated to striping, resurfacing and restriping sport courts at all Culver City parks for sports that include tennis, paddle tennis, handball, and basketball.





1.                     2025-01-07- ATT 1 Racket Sports Striping Guides





That the Parks, Recreation and Community Services Commission:


1.                     Consider the recommendation from the PRCS Commission’s “Dual Stripes Tennis Courts Ad Hoc Subcommittee” to not resurface any tennis courts in Culver City with dual stripes for tennis and pickleball use; and,


2.                     If desired, dissolve the PRCS Commission’s “Dual Striped Tennis Courts Ad Hoc Subcommittee.”