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File #: 25-631    Version: 1 Name: License Agreement with Culver City Little League
Type: Minute Order Status: Consent Agenda
File created: 12/31/2024 In control: City Council Meeting Agenda
On agenda: 1/27/2025 Final action:
Title: CC - CONSENT ITEM: Approval of a License Agreement with Culver City Little League to Allow the Organization to Install Shade Structures and to Level the Fields at Culver City Park.
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CC - CONSENT ITEM:  Approval of a License Agreement with Culver City Little League to Allow the Organization to Install Shade Structures and to Level the Fields at Culver City Park.



Meeting Date:  January 27, 2025


Contact Person/Dept.:  Dani Cullens/PRCS

Phone Number:  (310) 253-6471


Fiscal Impact:  Yes []    No [X]                                          General Fund:  Yes []     No []


Attachments:   Yes []     No [X]


Public Notification:   (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas - City Council (01/22/2025)


Department Approval:  Ted Stevens, Parks, Recreation and Community Services Director (01/06/2025)






Staff recommends the City Council approve a license agreement with the Culver City Little League to allow for the organization to install shade structures and to level the fields at Culver City Park. 





The Culver City Little League has a long-time relationship with the City for the use of City ball fields located in Culver City Park.  At one time there were three organizations - Culver City National Little League, Culver City Little League and the Babe Ruth League, utilizing the Culver City Park fields.   Each year these individual organizations would enter into a memorandum of understanding (MOU), which included a Scope of Service outlining the responsibilities of both the City and the Leagues toward the upkeep of the fields.


In 2010, all three organizations merged and became the Culver City Little League (CCLL).  At that time, the Parks, Recreation and Community Services (PRCS) Director and other PRCS staff met with then CCLL President to discuss and finalize an MOU between the City and CCLL.


Within that MOU, CCLL was granted priority use of the Culver City Park baseball fields during the following time frames:

                     Regular Season from February 1st to June 30th.

                     All-star season from July 1st to August 31st.

                     Fall-ball season from September 1st to November 30.


The MOU also detailed the City’s responsibilities and CCLL’s responsibilities, including allowing CCLL to “make improvements to the Facility as approved by the PRCS department, Public Works department, and any other appropriate City agency.” The referenced MOU with CCLL has since expired; therefore, a license agreement with CCLL is necessary for CCLL to make the requested field improvements.  


Currently, CCLL submits a permit for each field that they use along with all required waivers and necessary insurance documents, and priority use is based on the PRCS Athletic Space Allocation and Usage Policy.  The PRCS department is in the process of negotiating a new MOU with CCLL and anticipates bringing the proposed MOU to the City Council later this year. 





PRCS is requesting to enter into a license agreement with CCLL to allow them to complete two projects prior to the start of the new season. The first project is the installation of a shade structure over the stadium seating at the fields.  The purpose of this project is to make watching the games for spectators a more enjoyable experience.  The second project is to have the field leveled for play.  The grading technique involves cutting and filling the land to create the desired elevation and slope of the land.  Ideally, CCLL will have a level playing field for their season. 


The conditions of the agreement will require CCLL to agree to the following for each of the two projects:

                     Submit insurance documents for City approval.

                     Use only licensed contractors and comply with applicable laws.

                     Apply for all required City permits.

                     Pay any applicable fees.

                     Project approval by PRCS Director. 





The CCLL will cover all costs for supplies, installation, and equipment to complete the shade structure project and the field grading project.  PRCS will continue the ongoing maintenance of the projects within their normal scope of work and budget for field maintenance. 










That the City Council:


1.                     Approve a license agreement with Culver City Little League to allow for the organization to install shade structures and to level the fields at Culver City Park; and,


2.                     Authorize the City Attorney to review/prepare the necessary documents; and,


3.                     Authorize the City Manager to execute such documents on behalf of the City.