CC - 1) Presentation of the Draft Creative Economy Report of Culver City; and, 2) Questions of and/or Comments to Staff and the City’s Consultant; and (3) Direction to the City Manager as Deemed Appropriate.
Meeting Date: April 11, 2017
Contact Person/Dept: B. Christine Byers / Administrative Services - Cultural Affairs
Phone Number: (310) 253-6003
Fiscal Impact: Yes [X] No [] General Fund: Yes [] No [X]
Public Hearing: [] Action Item: [X] Attachments: []
Public Notification: Meetings and Agendas - City Council (04/04/17)
Department Approval: Serena Wright-Black, Administrative Services Director (03/29/17)
Staff recommends the City Council (1) receive a presentation of the draft Creative Economy Report of Culver City; and (2) ask questions of and/or provide comments to City staff and the City’s Consultant; and (3) direction to the City Manager as deemed appropriate.
In the aftermath of the dissolution of the former Culver City Redevelopment Agency in 2012 and the elimination of three full-time Cultural Affairs staff, the Cultural Affairs Commission (CAC) formed a Repurposing of Cultural Affairs Post-Redevelopment Agency Subcommittee (former Commissioners Susan Anderson and Marla Koosed). This subcommittee created a report that included a recommendation to allocate funds to conduct a study to establish a baseline knowledge of the arts and culture in Culver City and point to areas of economic opportunity. The report made numerous references to the Otis Report on the Creative Economy of the Los Angeles Region which has been developed annually by the Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation (LAEDC) since 2007 (and in recent years has been expanded to include California). The CAC subcommittee presented its report to the full CAC at the January 14, 2014 meeting and then forwarded copies to the City Manager and City Council. In FY 2014-15, the City Manager’s budget and work plan included the development of a Creative Economy Report with the goal of quantifying, to the extent possible, the economic impact of creative industries in Culver City.
The City entered into an agreement with the LAEDC in early 2016 to prepare a report for Culver City using similar data sets as relied upon for the Otis report. Kimberly Ritter-Martinez of the LAEDC has been involved with development of the Otis reports since 2009 and has been the lead on the project for Culver City. Data compiled by the LAEDC for Culver City was supplemented with data obtained from various City sources, including the Finance Department (specifically Business License) and the Parks, Recreation & Community Services Department. To the extent possible, data sets covered a 10-year period from approximately 2005 to 2015, with in-depth analysis focusing on 2014 as that was the last year that full Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) data sets were available. The LAEDC delivered its final Culver City report in the fall of 2016. This is the first time this analysis has been applied by the LAEDC to a single city.
In order to format the LAEDC’s report into a document that was both visually specific to Culver City and allowed for a quick review of the findings, a graphic designer was hired. Individuals from non-profit organizations and businesses representing some of Culver City’s creative industries were interviewed and profiles incorporated into the report. Many of the data findings were translated into colorful, easy to read infographics and images of Culver City incorporated to complement the narrative. Cultural Affairs staff worked closely with the CAC’s Creative Economy Report Subcommittee (Chair Dickter and Vice Chair Cherry) throughout the process.
A presentation by Ms. Ritter-Martinez and staff summarizing the report’s findings was made to the Cultural Affairs Commission on March 21, 2017. A similar presentation is being made to the City Council this evening, with follow-up discussion between the Council and the CAC planned for the joint Council/CAC meeting on Tuesday, April 18, 2017.
There is no direct fiscal impact associated with the presentation being given this evening.
None. (A copy of the draft report will be provided to the City Council and made available for the public at the meeting. Electronic copies of the report will be made publicly available on the City’s website after the April 11, 2017 meeting and prior to the April 18, 2017 Joint City Council/CAC meeting.)
That the City Council:
1. Receive a presentation of the draft Creative Economy Report of Culver City; and
2. Ask questions of and/or provide comments to staff and the City’s Consultant and
3. Provide direction to the City Manager as deemed appropriate.