CC - Adoption of a Resolution Approving Tentative Tract Map, P2016-0177-TTM (with Map No. 69482), for the Creation of Three Lots and Construction of Two Condominiums on Each Lot for a Total of Six Condominium Units at 4227 Ince Boulevard in the Two Family Residential (R2) Zone.
Meeting Date: April 11, 2017
Contact Person/Dept: Jose Mendivil/ CDD
Phone Number: (310) 253-5757
Fiscal Impact: Yes [] No [x] General Fund: Yes [] No [x]
Public Hearing: [x] Action Item: [] Attachments: [x]
Commission Action Required: Yes [x] No [] Date: 02/22/17
Public Notification: (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas - City Council (04/04/17); (Posted) Sign posted on the site (03/21/17); (Mailed) All the property owners and occupants within a 500 foot radius of the project site (03/21/17)
Department Approval: Sol Blumenfeld, Community Development Director (03/29/17)
Staff recommends the City Council adopt a resolution approving Tentative Tract Map, P2016-0177-TTM (with Map No. 69482), subject to the Conditions of Approval contained in the proposed resolution (Attachment No. 1) in order to allow the Creation of Three Lots and Construction of Two Condominiums on each lot for a total of Six condominium units at 4227 Ince Boulevard in the Two Family Residential (R2) Zone.
1. The Mayor seeks motion to receive and file the affidavit of mailing and posting of public notice.
2. The Mayor calls on staff for a brief staff report and City Council poses questions to staff as desired.
3. The Mayor seeks a motion to declare the public hearing open, providing the applicant the first opportunity to speak, followed by the general public.
4. The Mayor seeks a motion to close the public hearing after all testimony has been presented.
5. The City Council discusses the matter and arrives at its decision.
On October, 6, 2016, an application was submitted for an Administrative Site Plan Review and Tentative Tract Map to allow the demolition of a single-family dwelling and detached garage, the re-subdivision of the site into a three (3) lot subdivision and the construction of two (2) residential condominium units on each of the three new lots at the project site located at 4227 Ince Boulevard in the R2 Zone.
On February 22, 2017, the Planning Commission, after considering the staff report, the application materials, applicant presentation, and public comment, adopted Resolution No. 2017-P002 (Attachment No. 2) approving Administrative Site Plan Review, ASPR P2016-0177-ASPR and recommending the City Council approve Tentative Tract Map, P2016-0177-TTM. No appeals were filed on the ASPR and therefore the Planning Commission decision on the ASPR is final. Tonight, the City Council is requested to act only on the TTM. Please see Attachment Nos. 3 through 6 (Planning Commission Staff Report, Preliminary Development Plans, Tentative Tract Map No. 69482, and Planning Commission Minutes) for a detailed review of the Project.
Tentative Tract Map No. 69482 (Attachment No. 5) is a proposed three lot subdivision to create 2 residential condominiums per lot for a total of 6 townhome style condominiums. The Public Works Department reviewed the proposed subdivision and found it to be in compliance with the State Subdivision Map Act and the Culver City Municipal Code (CCMC) subdivision ordinance (Title 15 of the CCMC). A pedestrian and vehicular access easement will be required along the stem of Lot 3 to ensure units on Lots 1 and 2 have adequate access. Recommended conditions of approval as shown in Attachment No. 2 will ensure all necessary improvements and requirements are provided. Therefore, consistent with the State Subdivision Map Act and the CCMC subdivision ordinance (Title 15 of the CCMC), staff and the Planning Commission recommend the City Council adopt the proposed resolution containing the findings required under the CCMC and approving this TTM request.
Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines, a Categorical Exemption Class 32 - In-Fill Development was adopted by the Planning Commission on February 22, 2017, which determined that the project will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment. Tentative Tract Map, P2016-0177-TTM is within the scope of the adopted Categorical Exemption (CE) and the circumstances under which the CE was prepared have not significantly changed and no new significant information has been found that would impact the CE, and therefore no new environmental analysis is required.
The proposed project will allow more efficient utilization of an oversized R2 Zoned lot consistent with Zoning Code development standards. The architecture and design is consistent with surrounding dwellings and the project density will be similar to two, three, and multi-family developments in the surrounding area given the unique lot size. A net increase of 5 units will not result in significant traffic impacts. All subdivision requirements are met and necessary easements will be required. A required Homeowners Association will ensure maintenance of easements and common areas. Based on the analysis and conclusion contained herein staff recommends approval of the TTM.
There is no fiscal impact associated with the adoption of the proposed resolution.
1) Proposed City Council Resolution
2) Planning Commission Resolution No. 2017-P002 with Exhibit A - Conditions of Approval
3) February 22, 2017, Planning Commission Staff Report (without attachments)
4) Preliminary Development Plans Dated January 31, 2017
5) Tentative Tract Map No. 69482
6) February 22, 2017, Planning Commission Minutes
That the City Council:
Adopt a resolution approving Tentative Tract Map, P2016-0177-TTM (with Map No. 69482), subject to the Conditions of Approval as stated in the proposed resolution in order to allow the Creation of Three Lots and Construction of Two Condominiums on each lot for a total of Six condominium units.